Chapter 23 (Heroes)

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(Sonia's POV)

Me, Tails, and Knuckles all ran across this base in the canyon, but we were unable to find (Y/N). Where could he have gone?

Sonia: Any sign of him?

I asked out loud.

Knuckles: ...Nope!

Tails: I'm looking around, but all I see is not him.

I let out a sigh and started to tap my foot. Knowing (Y/N), he probably didn't stay in one spot and is moving around too...

Knuckles: What? You think he's in danger or something?

Sonia: I just want to make sure he's okay... We're friends after all...

I said the last part a bit quiet.

Tails: Don't worry Sonia! I'm sure he's doing alright by himself! And besides, we'd hear him scream if he was in danger.

I couldn't help but snicker to myself. I remember the time (Y/N) did that. It was kinda... Cute...

Sonia: Yeah, you're right Tails. We shouldn't have to worry.

I started to hear the sound of propellers.

Tails: Sonia, look!

I looked over and saw a big blimp with that one giant robot hawk on top of it. And I saw that Eggman is in the metal hawk too.

Knuckles: That thing is loaded with Eggman's weapons.

Sonia: Eggman, you're finished!

Me, Tails, and Knuckles started to run forward at the blimp. It started to fly backwards, trying to get away from us.

Eggman: Ready all cannons! Open fire!

I smirked as I looked back at Tails and Knuckles.

Sonia: There's only one way to go. Ready?

Tails: Yeah!

Knuckles: Ready!

A bunch of cannons started to to fire at us, but we easily ran past the attacks, closing the gap. We all jumped up and started to attack the cannons on the blimp. The cannons started to explode, destroying the bottom part of the blimp.

Eggman: You're going to regret this!

Sonia: Alright! One down!

Tails: Now we've gotta attack the body!

Knuckles: I'll destroy 'em all!

The blimp started to fly backwards even faster. Me, Tails, Knuckles all quickly charged up a Spindash. We all launched forward at great speeds. We all went right through the blimp, destroying it and causing it to start falling down. The giant robot hawk started to fly, detaching itself from the blimp.

Eggman: Retreat!

The robot hawk started to shoot out bullets at us.

Sonia: Is that it?

Tails: Look! Eggman's getting away!

Knuckles: That guy never gives up, does he?

I grabbed onto Tails and Knuckles arms and started to run really fast, catching up to the metal hawk flying away. I easily dodged the bullets being fired at me. I jumped up and tossed Tails and Knuckles forward as they both curled up into balls. Tails went through the right wing and Knuckles took out the left wing.

Eggman: You'll pay for this!

Sonia: Yeah right, Eggface!

I curled up into a ball and dashed forward, hitting the the head of the metal hawk, causing it to start exploding before Eggman could get away like last time. The metal hawk crashed onto the ground, causing a small explosion. When the explosion went away, there is a bunch scrap metal scattered around the ground.

Tails: Where's Eggman?!

Everyone quickly looked around the scraps of metal and we found Eggman's body, but his head sprang off, revealing a spring is attached to it.

Eggman's Fake: Muhahaha! Once again, you fools have been tricked!

A prerecorded voice clip played at us.

Tails: It's a fake?!

Eggman's Fake: From these canyons, watch as I conquer the world with my air fleet... And this time you can't stop me!

Everyone looked over and saw a bunch of huge metal ships flying in the sky. I clenched my fists.

Sonia: Drats... A trap to stall for time!

I quickly started to run ahead, wanting to cut off that huge fleet as soon as possible.

Knuckles: Sonia!

I saw Knuckles running at me. I looked back and saw Tails observing the fake Eggman.

Tails: It's not an Eggman robot?

Tails looked back and noticed me and Knuckles are far ahead of her. She started to run towards us.

Tails: Sonia! Knuckles! Wait for me!

(Readers POV)

I heard some kind of explosion nearby. I ran over to where I heard the source from and saw a bunch of smoke and metal scattered around the area.

(Y/N): Looks like Eggman had a bad run in with someone.

I looked around and saw Sonia, Tails, and Knuckles running away in the distance. I was about to yell at them to get their attention, but I noticed Eggman's body on the ground in the middle of all the wreckage. Before I could investigate further, I saw Eggman's body start to warp in shape and turned into some kind of metal liquid. The metal liquid started to shift into a difficult shape, into someone else. I saw color start to appear on the person, seeing who it really is.

Neo Metal: All life form data... Successfully copied.

(Y/N): Wh-What the?!

Isn't that that one robot Sonia me and Sonia saw in that one Eggman base? Why does she look so different, and why was she Eggman? Was she Eggman this entire time?

Neo Metal: Hmm?

I saw her look over at my direction. I quickly tried to hide behind a pile of the metal.

(Y/N): Crap, I need to warn Sonia and the others about this.

Neo Metal: Warn them? You should be more worried about your pathetic life.

I saw that she is standing in front of me. She's really fast. I put my guard up, making her chuckle.

Neo Metal: Are you trying to put up a fight?

(Y/N): If I have to.

Neo Metal: I'd like to see you try.

Before I could act, I saw her rush forward at me and kicked me in the stomach. I gasped out in pain as I got sent backwards, going through a pile of metal. I landed on the ground. Before I could get up, the Sonia robot stood above me and put her foot on my chest, keeping me down on the ground.

Neo Metal: (Y/N). No need to copy your data. It would only hinder me if I did.

I put my hands on her leg and tried to push it off of me, but I couldn't. She didn't budge at all.

(Y/N): G-Get off... Of me...

Neo Metal: Make me.

She stomped her foot down onto me, making me gasp out in pain again. A small bit of blood came out of my mouth.

Neo Metal: It's amusing to see you try to do something when you know you can't.

(Y/N): Sh-Shut up...

Neo Metal: You should just go and crawl in a hole for the rest of your life. You only serve to hold people back. Sonia, Tails, and Knuckles could've stopped me already if you weren't in the way.

So she's planning to conquer the world and not Eggman?!

(Y/N): That's not true! I-I don't hold anyone back-

She looked down at me and took her foot off me. I tried to get up, but she kicked my back. I got knocked up into the air. I looked over and saw the robot flying next to me.

Neo Metal: You are worthless, a burden. Who would want someone like you around? It's the same reason your family abandoned you.

I felt my heart stop for a moment. She grabbed my face and flew down to the ground. She slammed me down to the ground. I felt a bunch of pain going through my body. I felt blood escaping from my mouth and onto the ground. I felt tears coming out of my eyes.

Neo Metal: What have you accomplished? You are nowhere near me, or the ones I wish to destroy. Learn your place.

She let go of my face and started to walk away. I tried to move, but pain shot through my body. I started to groan in pain as I looked up at the sky. Tears blurring my vision.

(Y/N): I'm... A... Burden...?

I felt so many emotions going through me. There's... There's no way that's why my family isn't with me... Right? I tried to get up, trying to bare through the pain. I managed to get on my feet, but the pain was too much. I fell down on my hands and knees. More tears escaped my eyes, hitting the ground. I heard someone gasp behind me. I looked back and saw Amy, Cream, and Big. Amy ran up to me.

Amy: (Y/N)! Are you okay?! What happened?!

(Y/N): N-No... I'm not fine.

Big walked over and helped me up to my feet.

Cream: Mister (Y/N), you look very hurt.

Amy: Someone must've attacked you. Who did this to you?

(Y/N): It was some weird Sonia robot.

Cream: Sonia robot?

Amy: It must've been Metal Sonia!

Cream: We need to tell Miss Sonia about this!

Cheese: Chao chao!

Big: Yeah, it's not nice to hurt one of our friends.

Amy: Do you know where Sonia, Tails, and Knuckles went?

I raised my arm as best I could, grunting in pain, and pointed in the direction I saw the 3 running last. Everyone looked and nodded their heads.

Amy: Come on everyone, we need to warn Sonia about this! And get (Y/N) help!

(Y/N): Just... Just leave me here. I don't want to get in the way...

Cream: Mister (Y/N), we can't leave you behind.

Big picked me up and started to carry me on his shoulder. Amy, Cream, and Big all started to run in the direction Sonia, Tails, and Knuckles went. My eyelids started to feel heavy, forcing me to close them. Closing them pushed out a few more tears as I started to lose consciousness.

(Sonia's POV)

Me, Tails, and Knuckles are running through a jungle area. We ran through some loop de loops that were formed from huge plants. I looked over in the sky, still seeing the huge air fleet flying.

Tails: That's definitely a lot of airships.

Knuckles: Eh, nothing we can't handle!

Sonia: Yeah, as long as we get to it, it's all going to come down!

As we ran, I noticed a spear made out of energy flying down at us. I jumped backward to dodge the spear. Tails quickly started to fly up into the air and Knuckles dig into the ground. Knuckles popped his upper body out of the ground.

Knuckles: Hey, isn't that-

Tails: Sonia!

I looked over to where Tails pointed, seeing Rouge, A red robot, and Shadow?!

Sonia: Woah, that's definitely one way to say hi to someone you haven't seen in awhile!

Shadow: We... Meet before?

Now this is getting confusing. I figured it would've taken more to take down Shadow, but it does feel weird seeing her again. And the fact that she doesn't seem to remember us meeting.

Rouge: Long time no see, girls! And Knuckles. Too bad you had to come all this way for nothing! We'll take it from here.

Knuckles: What'd you say?

Omega: Sensors locked on Eggman. Noncompliant intruders will be destroyed.

Sonia: Hmm, didn't you know? We have a date with Eggman too.

Shadow: Is that so... Well then, it will be a date to DIE for!

I smirked as I got ready to fight, since they all seem ready for a fight too.

Sonia: Hey! That's my line!

I jumped up at Shadow. She smirked back and jumped down at me. We both kicked at each other. Our legs clashed as we both went back and landed on the ground. The robot landed and it's hands turned into guns and started to shoot bullets at me, Tails, and Knuckles. Knuckles quickly put his hands into the ground pulled out a huge rock to block the bullets. Knuckles punched the rock forward, making it hit the robot.

Omega: Some damage sustained.

Rouge: I figured you all would get rough! Let's show them what we got team!

Rouge went over to the robot and grabbed his head, picking him up into the air. Shadow went in front of them and pulled out the green Chaos Emerald.

Sonia: A Chaos Emerald?!

Shadow: Chaos Control!

Suddenly, the robot start to shoot out huge dark pink energy beams from its hands and hit me, Tails, and Knuckles.

Knuckles: Guh!

Tails: Agh!

Sonia: That doesn't seem fair!

I quickly landed on the ground. They really aren't messing around. I started to charge up a Spindash. Knuckles quickly got behind me and punched me forward. I crashed into Rouge, making her let go of the robot.

Rouge: That won't help you! We can-

Tails quickly flew over to me and kicked me back towards them. I hit the robot this time, going past him. Knuckles got ready and punched me backwards. Knuckles and Tails kept knocking me back and forth, hitting Rouge, Shadow, and their robot friend over and over again, getting faster every time. I launched into them one last time, knocking the 3 away further into the jungle. I landed on the ground and uncurled. I let out a few deep breaths before standing up straight.

Tails: Looks like they're gone!

Knuckles: They really thought they could stop us!

I looked where they all got knocked away and saw them running away. I noticed that they are actually chasing after Eggman!

Sonia: No use standing around! They are after Eggman!

Knuckles: Eggman was here?!

Tails: Then let's go before he gents away completely!

Sonia: Sounds like a plan!

We all started to run ahead. I'm not going to let Eggman trick me with another fake.

(Chapter 23 end)

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