Chapter 5

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The Avengers are standing right in front. The Avengers are attacking me.

Caption America 

Iron man


Black widow 


The Falcon

It may not be all of the Avenger, but.....shit.

By now I'm about to have a full on panic attack, my breathing is hard and I feel like crying. My shoulder hurts so fucking much. I'm so fucking scared, anyone would be if their idols attacked them. Breath, Peter, breath.

"well, as you can see" Iron man says "your out numbered here, soooo how about you surrender now so we can all go home"

I don't say anything at first, I just stare at him.

"w-what are y-you talking about" I finally say, curse my stuttering.

"ha ha, well it's come to our attention, that you have been causing a lot of trouble, Webs, and I don't like the trouble your causing."Iron man says "so, how is it that your always at the scene of the crime, hmm, well what I and my fellow Avengers think is that you caused it all, saving people from fires, fighting bad guys, trying to make yourself look like a hero, ha ha, well I got news for you, spider man, your not." he says the last part coldly. what is that why their doing this?

I feel the panic start to leave as it is replaced with angry. "is that what you think?" I say pissed " that I'm doing this for the fame.....I would never in my fucking life try anything like that. I have for respect for this job, then any of you have." In that comment I receive a punch in the face by Black widow. She then kicks me to the ground.

Iron man laughs "yeah,I don't believe that for a second"

Caption America finally steps forward and says"face it spider man, your through, none of us are going to believe you".

"that's not fair, I haven't done anything wrong" I say the panic in me rising. They all don't say anything and get into their fighting stands.

"......please, I don't want to hurt any of you" I say as I feeling my eyes start to water " I don't want to fight any of you".

None of them move, still ready to fight. 

Well I guess their done talking.

Soon all hell broke loose, punch after punch, kick after kick. I dodge as many as I can, which wasn't that much.

Iron man was blasting his blasters, causing burns to appear, EVERYWHERE.

Black widow was punching and kicking causing bruises to appear.

Hawkeye was firing his arrows at me.

Thor was swinging his hammer at me.

The Falcon was attacking me from above.

Caption America was-CRACK- I scream so fucking loud as Caption America grab my hand and broke my three finger in between my thumb and pinky.

While I scream in pain more attacks came, especially since I had not remove the first arrow Hawkeye shot in my shoulder.

But the pain got even worst as I was hit with Thor's hammer sending me flying off the building we were on. I fall hitting everything I can on the way down onto another building into a pile of snow.

It's so fucking cold, how have I not passed out from pain.

I hear heavy bangs on the ground behind me.

okay that's it, I think to myself.

I'm ending

I stand up fast as I hear footsteps coming towards me. I shoot my webs as fast as I can at the Avengers, of course they couldn't get away fast enough, which mint they were all trapped now, and wouldn't be going anywhere soon.

"can you all calm the fuck down" I says painfully "I didn't want to have to do that but you left me no choose"

They all are struggling to get free and not really paying attention to me.

I sigh" I'm sorry" everything hurt and I just want to go home.

I turn ready to leave and-"if you leave you are nothing but a coward"I hear a voice behind me say. I turn my head back, the voice was Caption America, and he looked more pissed then he did before.

I smile and laugh a little "then I guess I'm a coward" I say as I limp away from the Avengers with tears in my eyes. Just a coward. I hear them still struggling behind me.

But I can't care at the moment, I'm in to much pain to care.

Once I'm far enough away I reach behind me and pull the arrow out, I wince at this. I examine the arrow........of course, a tracking arrow, I snap it in half and throw it to the ground a continue limping home.  

I just want to go home.


I climb through my window, painfully, ready to just go to sleep and wait for all the scars and bruises to heal tomorrow.

but then a happy little bark came.

I slowly take my mask off and stare at Tessa who was sitting on my bed. I smile at her, petting her head. I sit on my bed next to her taking my suit off and putting it in my bag along with my mask, the best I could. I stand up off my bed, Tessa jumping off after me, I look down at my body, I gasp as I see all the scars and bruises, I then look at my hand with the broken fingers. I sigh and move over to my desk, I grab three of my pens and some tape. I snap my fingers in place and whimper a little, I then tape the pens onto my finger. Tessa let out a whimper at this. 

I crouch down slowly and pet her head"I'm fine, girl, I promise I'll heal tomorrow anyway"I walk over to my dresser and grab my pajamas, putting them on.

okay, I think I'm ready for bed, no-Knock, Knock.

oh no...

"Peter?" Aunt may's voice came through the door, I move fast over to the door and lock it.

She tried to open the door, but it wouldn't open. 

"Peter, honey, are you all right, I thought I heard whimper" She said worried.

"oh t-that was j-just T-tessa, I stepped on her p-paw on accident"I said stuttering

"Peter, are you okay, you only stutter when your nervous" She said ugh why does she know me so well.

"y-yeah, I'm just t-tired, I'm fine I swear" I say hoping she will buy it.

"are you sure?" She says again

"I'm sure" I say back to her

"okay,...well if you need me I'm here for you" She says

I sigh "I know, I love you may, goodnight"

"I love you to Peter, goodnight tough guy" She says before I hear her walking back to her bedroom.

I sigh walking back over to my bed and laying down, getting under the covers. I feel the bed move as Tessa jumped up next to me and snuggles under my arm, I smile at her letting my eyes flutter shut as Tessa licks at my scars and bruises on my arms and under my chin. I eventually fall asleep with the comfort of my puppy's love with me all night.

What. a. day.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, this one took 3 hours to make, so I hope you all like it.

More chapters to come soon.

New Characters: Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff(Scarlet Witch), Vision, Sam Wilson (The Falcon), James Rhodes (war machine), Loki, Scott Lang (Ant-Man)

(There may be more characters don't worry)



1,291 words           




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