Chapter 6

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The first thing I feel when I wake up is the warm sun shining through my window on my face. I slowly open my eyes still a bit tired and sore from last night. At first I didn't move, still a bit dazed from the sleep, then I feel a heat source under my arm and smile. I slowly get up not wanting to wake the still sleeping puppy.

As I stand up I look down at Tessa still smiling. I walk over to my dresser, grabbing my camera and taking a picture of her. 

As the camera makes a clicking sound, Tessa wakes up looking just as dazed as I felt. She soon turns her attention to me seeing the camera in my hands, as if she relieved what I had just done, she barked standing up and moving to the end of the bed closest to me. She really is a smart one.

I laugh seeing her mad because of the picture.

"oh come on girl" I say sitting on the bed next to her "you look so cute tho" I finish showing her the picture. She looked at it then back at me, the mad look on her face gone being replace by an 'really' look. If she could roll her eyes, that's what she would be doing right now.

I pout a bit "can I please keep it, Tes" I say "it would look great in my photo album" there was a moment of silents, as if she was thinking about it. She soon bark happily, as if giving me saying 'sure', probably because she knows I love taking pictures. I smile at her as I stand up placing my camera back down on my dresser. She, like always, jumps down and follows me. 

I open my dresser putting out a new shirt and pants. I remove my pajamas and put my school wear on, but not before putting my spider man suit on before. Tessa whimpered as I did so. I know going out again the day after getting attacked by the avengers is probable a bad idea, but I can't help it, it's my job. I give her a small pat on the head before walking over to my desk. I look down at my hand with the broken fingers, I slowly removed the pens and tape. 

I move my hand in and out making sure it's all healed, it is. I move to put my thin crappy coat on and grab my back pack. I also grab my cracked phone and put it in my pocket. After getting everything I need in my room I leave the room with Tessa following right behind me. 

I stop by the bathroom on my way done to the kitchen, so I could look in the mirror. Thankfully, all of the scars and bruises on my face are gone. I not to sure about my body but that's not really my big concern at the moment. So I leave the bathroom with Tessa still following me into the kitchen.

As soon as I'm near the kitchen, the smell of eggs hits me. I smile turning the corner, as Tessa runs pass me to get there first, to see Aunt May standing there, in front of the stove, making eggs. 

Hey guys sorry this Chapter is a bit shorter then the others but it is a big pain in the butt writing sometimes, and I'm really tired. I've been really busy lately with test and school work, it has been causing me to have a lot of stress. 

But lucky me I've got an extended weekend, so that helps a bit.

To make up for this short chapter, I'm going to be making another one in a day or two, so be watching out for that.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy this chapter of Peter and Tessa being cute, more to come soon, peace.


650 words     


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