Chapter 7

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Tessa ran up behind Aunt May and jumped up on her barking happily. May turn her attention from the stove to Tessa and smiled. She turned back to the stove, turning it off, then crouched down and started petting her head.

I smile "she really likes you, you know" I say 

She turns her attention to me and smiles.

"well I was the one who gave her to the greatest kid on the planet" she says back smirking. 

I smile shyly at the comment. 

She stops petting Tessa and stands up.

"I heard Tessa barking, so I figured you were up" she says grabbing a plate from the cabinet " so I made breakfast for you" she finishes, putting some of the eggs on the plate.

"May, you didn't have to do that" I say gently.

"well I wanted to, besides I never get to do this anymore" she said sadly.

I frown at that " I know may but your the one working your ass off all the time" I say taking a seat.

She placed the plate in front of me smiling. She then puts a hand on my shoulder and kisses my head.

I stare down at the food.

"hey" she says softly, then puts a hand under my chin turning it towards her face. I stare up into her kind, caring eyes.

"I promise it won't be like this forever, just until I can pay off the rent" I feel tears in my eyes as she says this.

"you gave so much up for me" I say pushing my face into her stomach "I wish I could do the same for you" 

I hear her smile as she laughs at this "I know you do" she says running her hands through my hair as comfort. 

I pull my face out of her stomach "I wish you were here more, you make me feel safe" I laugh a little at myself "I wonder why that is" I say.

She tilts my head back up to her "sometimes you need to see the face of the person you trust to truly feel safe" she says kissed my head and turning to get her bag "remember that Peter" she says before turning to leave for work.

"wait" I call out to her "don't you want to eat before you go" I ask.

She turns back to me "oh I'll just grab something on the way there" she turns back and opens the door "oh I almost forgot, I left $20 on the counter for you" she says walking out the door "I love you Peter, have a good day" she says " love you to May" I call back to her.

"hey" I hear her say " have fun tonight go out with friends, its Friday you should be having the time of your life" she says. I laugh "yeah, okay whatever you say May" I call back. I hear her giggle before hearing the front door close.

I pick my plate of eggs up and put it on the ground for Tessa.

"here you go girl, I'm not really hungry" I say resting my head on the table.

She stares at the food before pushing it back to me, barking sadly.

I look down at her "I'm not hungry girl, you eat it" she whimpers before pushing the eggs aside and laying next to me.

"so you'll eat my leftovers but not the whole thing" I ask.

She barks as if saying 'yup'.

I smile at her, reaching my hand down rubbing her head.

Fuck it.

I pull out my broken phone and start calling the school. 

When someone on the other end of the phone answers, I explain That I would like to bring my 'service dog' to school for the day cause I'm feeling down today. May told the school if I were ever to need to bring Tessa to school for my depression, that I was allowed to, and the school agreed.

After I'm done with the call I hang up and turn to Tessa. 

"okay girl, I guess you get to come to school with me today" I say smiling as Tessa starts to bark and jump up and down happily.

I pick up my backpack, putting it over my shoulder and moving over to the counter to grab the $20 May left for me.

I walk over to the door, Tessa, of course, following me. I put her black collar on and put her leash in my backpack, then pick her up and wrap her up in my thin crappy coat. She snuggles closer to my chest at this. 

I walk out the door, making sure to lock it on the way out since Tessa was with me, and the neighbor didn't have to watch her.

We then start our long walk to school.

Maybe with Tessa, today will be a little more do able.

Hey hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I worked a bit harder on it.

Also I don't know if the things can happen like Peter taking a "service dog" to school like that but it will be in this fan fiction so go with it.

I also know that there haven't been many 'spider man and avengers' moments like the story says but I promise I'm working the story up to that so just be patient I promise we will get there soon.

Also remember what Aunt May says to peter it will come back to bite him in the ass later in the story.

Well hope you did enjoy more to come soon, peace.


906 words 


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