Chapter 8

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When we arrived at my school, just like yesterday, my body was as cold as a corpse, even when we entered to school. I had my arms wrapped around Tessa who was still wrapped up in my coat.

"y-you okay i-in there" I say looking down at Tessa, still shaking from the weather.

She looks up at me and barks her happy bark, I can even feel her tail wagging.

I unzip my coat letting Tessa jump out. She then starts stretching her legs.

I laugh "I guess that wasn't the best way to bring you here" she barks at me as if saying 'you think'. I then take off my backpack to grab her leash.

Once I have the leash I throw my backpack back on and attach it to Tessa's collar.

"come on lets go, don't want to be late" I say, Tessa then barks in agreement and like the loyal pup she is, she follows.

We make our way to my locker where.....of course.

I see waiting by my locker, Ned and Michelle, talking.

I simile seeing my best friend and girlfriend, waiting for me. Tessa barks softly getting their attention, then pulls me towards them. I can see the smile on their face's as I'm pulled to them.

"well what do we got here" Michelle says smirking and bending down as Tessa jumps up on her legs, greeting her. 

"dude you brought Tessa" Ned says happily, petting Tessa on the head.

I've brought Tessa to school a few times before, so that's how Michelle and Ned know who she is. They also have met her when they've come over to my house sometimes. 

And yes they know why I have her.

I watch as Michelle picks her up, petting her as Tessa licks every inch of her face. Michelle giggles her adorable giggle at this.

"I swear you get cuter every time I see yeah Tessa" Michelle says placing Tessa back on the ground, rubbing her head a little before coming back up. Tessa barks happily at this comment.

"wow" I say stretching the word out "I can't believe my own dog gets more affection from my girlfriend then me" I say joking, not expecting what can next.

To hands grab the sides of my shoulders pushing me up against my own locker. I open my eyes that I apparently closed, to see Michelle inches away from my face smirking.

"Jealous?" she says still smirking, then kisses me. The Kiss last a few seconds with Michelle's hands on the lockers beside both sides of my face as she kisses me deeply. She pulls away and smirks again "what did you say about your dog getting more affection then you, hmm?" she says smugly. 

By this time my face is pure red, Ned is laughing his ass off, and Tessa has her paws over her eyes.

"you guys are fucking adorable haha" Ned says still laughing, by now Tessa has removed her paws from her eyes and barks in agreement at Ned's comment.

Michelle moves back from me "come on you guys we are going to be late for class" Michelle says grabbing my other hand while other hand holds Tessa's leash. I quickly put my stuff away and We make our way to the class and hope that the school day will end being that it is Friday, and everybody wants to go home.


Surprisingly the day went by fast and easy. Flash apparently was out sick today so I didn't have to worry about him and we didn't have any homework over the weekend.

But now comes the hard part....

When we all have are things we make our way outside. We all stop and don't say anything for a while.

I finally speak "can you guys take Tessa home for me, it would make it easier for me to go on patrol from here" I say a bit sad.

They stare at me for a while, then when Michelle was about to say something Ned cut her off "can't you just take a break, I mean it's Friday" Ned says sadly.

I look down then back up "crime doesn't stop when I do guys, I have to" I say.


"it also helps me know what" I say cutting Ned off.

We are all silent for a while before Michelle finally speaks "we'll take Tessa home for you" She says.

"thank you" I say handing her the leash and kissing her bye.

I hug Ned before turning to leave but of course Tessa tried to follow or at least tried to stop me.

She whimpers and cries for me.

I pet her head, telling her I'll be fine and not to worry.

But considering what I came home as last night, I say she had something to worry about. She calms down and I soon leave after that.

This is one of most hardest parts of my job. 

Saying I can't to my family.

........Good fucking job Peter.


I had only been out on patrol for about an hour and a half before-


Yep, a roar came behind me while I was sitting on the top of a building. I turn behind to see what it was, only to find the Avengers behind me looking more pissed then before, but not only were the Avengers there, no.

But standing right in front of me was the Hulk.

....oh shit

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter, more to come soon.

And just like the end of this chapter you can only imagine that's what the next chapter is going to be about.

so yeah, hope you enjoyed, peace.


905 words      


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