A Midtown Production of Avengers Infinity War Part 1

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Hey all! This is my first one-shot! (can't believe i'm actually writing this bc im a lazy ass bastard) I'm excited for feedback and I hope people actually read this bahahah

Summary: Peter's school theatre decides to make a play about Avengers Infinity War (btw this is an AU where like people know what went down for some reason idek it just moves the plot along jeez) This is a year after infinity war and Peter and his class are 18 in this. Peter still has some panic attacks from being in the soul stone and dying etc but nothing to sever UNTIL... dun dun dun read on to find out!


Peter didn't know why he decided to take theatre this year. When Ned told him he was taking it after hearing from Michelle that it was an easy A, he thought it would be a good idea. Peter definitely needed that GPA boost after missing so many classes last year due to that whole Thanos "ordeal".

In the past year, Peter's been staying most nights at the Avengers Compound after the Rogue Avengers were pardoned for their heroic work in saving the universe. May works late most night anyways. He grew accustomed to treating Tony like his own father and calling him one too. He treated the Avengers like family and called them "aunt, uncle, sister, dad". The feelings were definitely reciprocated.

A month into the school year, the new play had been announced and Peter was pretty shocked. He knew he couldn't do the play and he definitely wouldn't play Spider-Man. It was a little too emotionally scarring for him. Turns out it was a requirement to do something in the play, so Peter ended up helping in the casting department along with Ned and MJ. The three of them cast the roles over the course of a month. Flash was a surprisingly good Tony Stark, Abe was a great Black Panther, Betty was an amazing Pepper Potts, MJ was a great Okoye (she practically embodied the cold nature of the fierce warrior), Liz played a great Gamora, and Ned was ironically playing Spider-Man's friend that caused the distraction for him. The rest of the cast were not one of Peter's classmates. The only role they hadn't cast yet was Spider-Man's. They decided to discuss this with the rest of the cast and crew and the directors.

"Shouldn't we just hold auditions for the role?" Flash stated while rolling his eyes at Peter.

"Done that, Flash, Spider-Man's role has a very emotional death scene and we couldn't find the right person that could play it well." MJ shot back as she narrowed her eyes at Flash.

"Why doesn't Peter just play Spider-Man?" Ned shouted out with a gleeful smile.

Ned clearly thought he was doing Peter a favor. He appreciated the gesture but that was honestly the worst idea in the entire world. Peter silently prayed for anyone to object.

"What? No way, Puny Parker?" Flash exclaimed through a fit of over-exaggerated laughter. Peter never thought he would be this happy to hear Flash and his taunts.

"He never auditioned, how do we know he would play it well?" He continued after calming down.

Shouts of objection to Flash's statement rose. Everyone seemed to think Peter should play Spider-Man. Peter internally groaned.

"We already rejected everyone, Peter's our only choice." MJ blankly pointed out.

"Then it's settled, Peter is our new Spider-Man!" Liz said through a genuine smile.

"Do I even have a choice?" Peter muttered a little too loudly.

"NOPE!" Everyone shouted back and then burst into soft giggles and laughs. Peter covered his ears while shaking his head. I regret my life choices.


I hope y'all liked it, part 2 will come soon! (literally feel like I'm talking to no one cuz no one read this yet lmfao)

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