A Midtown Production of Avengers Infinity War Part 2

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It had been a month since everyone decided Peter should play Spider-Man and they were rehearsing the death scenes this rehearsal. He was pretty nervous about it and had a panic attack the day before just thinking about it. He cried all night and just let all of his feelings out. Peter definitely felt a lot more cleansed and ready to do the scene without breaking down. The only thing bothering him, was that Flash of all people had to play Tony, his mentor turned father. He didn't know if he could work with someone as repulsing as Flash Thompson.

Everyone, the cast, crew, director, were in the theatre for this. They wanted this rehearsal to be perfect, as it was the most emotional. 

Jamey, a tall good-looking junior, who played the part of Doctor Strange spoke his last line before "fading away" (which was depicted with a spotlight turning off).
"There was no other way," he directed at Flash who played Tony Stark.

Flash turned to me, as I began to act out my death scene. The surroundings started to change and it felt a lot like he was back on Titan. Peter stumbled towards Flash, who was starting to look a lot more like Tony, and said that one god-awful line.

"Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good." he put every raw emotion he felt into this line. He could almost feel himself slowly disintegrating again.

"You're alright," Flash assured him, but it wasn't the face of his long time bully Peter was seeing when he said this.

"I-I don't know- I don't know what's happening, I don't-" he cut himself off as he fell into Flash's arms. He held onto Flash just like he did to his father, as if maybe if he clung onto him long enough everything would be fine.

"I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go, sir please please," Peter pleaded, sounding more like a mantra than a desperate cry for help. "I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go." Peter had started to silently cry, his voice was hoarse while begging for help. He knew he was fine at the moment, but he couldn't help but feel as if he were going to die any second now.

At this point everyone in the theatre was feeling a mixture of astonishment, sadness, and disbelief. Everyone was thinking the same thing: when was Peter Parker such a good actor? Ned was proud, he was proud of how his best friend finally overcame this rock in his already hard life. He knew that after he finished this scene, that his friend would have finally let go of this chapter in his life. What Ned didn't know was that he would be bawling his eyes out along with many of the other cast and crew members. If you looked close enough you could see Michelle Jones wiping a tear that threatened to leave her eye. No one thought that Peter Parker was the one to move the cold and distant MJ to tears. Flash was especially moved. He had tears streaming down his face and he couldn't hold back the overwhelming amount of emotion he was feeling. He didn't want Peter Parker to die, even if he wasn't even close to dying at the moment. He now understood how Tony Stark must have felt when Spider-Man died in his arms.

As Flash put Peter down due to his legs that were supposed to be "disintegrating" by then. Peter held a solemn look on his face, he remembered that when this was really happening he had thought of when Dad had told him once 'and if you died, I feel like that's on me'. Peter realized what he had done and uttered the words 'I'm sorry'.

"I'm sorry." Peter uttered before looking away.

He couldn't help but remember the mournful look on his Dad's face, and how he had to look away so the last thing he saw wouldn't be that remorse. He mimicked his memories as if he was reliving them.

The scene ended at that point. There was a silence for a while, everyone was recovering from that heart wrenching scene they had to see. They weren't prepared for the overwhelming amount of emotion they were feeling right now. They weren't ready to see this scene play out a bunch of times before opening night.
Suddenly, a single clap resonated throughout the theatre. A symphony of claps followed immediately after. Peter snapped back to reality and winced at the loud sound. He pretended that he was just acting and gave a small smile to everyone. Flash stood up with tear stains on his face.

"Great job, Parker, you ruined my rep," Flash said with a pained laugh as he was still emotionally distraught. "Everyone's gonna tease me for crying because of your acting."

Peter gave a small laugh as he processed what Flash had said.

"I think you'll be fine." he said as they both looked around at everyone's tear stained faces. Peter's eyes widened as his face caught sight of MJ wiping her tears. He made Michelle freaking Jones cry, what the hell?

One of the play's director, Mr. Russo, walked over with an encouraging smile on his face.

"Peter! My boy, that was some acting," He said. "I thought it was real for a second, like you could literally be Spider-Man right now and we wouldn't have a single clue!"

"Yea yea t-totally, Mr. Russo." Peter nervously stuttered. He couldn't know, could he?

"I'm just kidding, Peter," Mr. Russo let out after a long pause.

Oh thank Jesus, my Lord and savior. He mentally did the sign of cross.

"Oh, I knew that!" Peter gave a small chuckle.

Peter walked off the stage and was swarmed by everyone with compliments.

"That was freaking amazing, Parker."

"Who knew Parker could act!" One wolf whistled.

"Parker, you got some mad skills, for real, like Wiz Khalifa for real for real."

He felt a clap on the back and turned around to see Ned and MJ.

"That was so cool, Peter," Ned started to ramble. "Oh my freaking god, everyone started crying and then I started to cry and even MJ started crying, don't think I didn't see you MJ, you sly dog. Anyways-" Ned was cut off by MJ.

"Some good acting you got there, loser."

From then on, The two Russos always let people know when they were going to be rehearsing the Spider-Man death scene so everyone was prepared with a bunch of tissues and shoulders to cry onto. Flash even went to therapy for a week after to recover as well.


So I know no one reads these, so I'm gonna make it fast.

Sorry this was kinda angsty but like whatever it's fun writing angst so deal with it bitches.

Okay, so I ain't Christian so idk if I got 'that part' right LMFAO someone correct me so I can fix it. I don't wanna offend anyone.

Part 3 is coming soon. It'll be opening night of the play. You'll get to see Tony and the Avenger's reaction. The press will be streaming this too apparently because they caught wind of Tony's son being in the play or something idek.

I'll try to update as soon as possible, but I have a lot of makeup work cuz I missed like a DAY of school cuz I was sick.

:(((( woe is me

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