I've found you at last, my son.

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Peter had a secret. It wasn't something like a silly school crush or an illegal addiction, but something far more shocking and intriguing.

Peter was the secret son of Thor Odinson and Jane Foster.

Thor and Jane had taken care of Peter, out of sight, until the age of 7. They placed Peter in the care of Richard and May Parker as they were going away for a "while". Eventually, a year passed of them being off the grid and Richard and Mary decided to adopt Peter at the age of 8. By the time Thor had come back to Earth and him and Jane went to pick him up, his son wasn't in the same place as he left him and he had no way of finding him.

Thor and Jane broke up and went their separated ways, heart broken and unable to console each other's incompatible souls.

Then the unexpected happened. Richard and Mary got killed in an airplane crash, leaving Peter in the care of his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Then Uncle Ben and Aunt May passed away, leaving Peter stuck in an existential crisis.


Peter had become pretty close to the Avengers by now at age 15. Thor wasn't to be seen, though. He had hoped he would finally see his father again when he was introduced and was visibly disappointed when he wasn't there. The rest of the team shrugged him off as a young teenager that wanted to meet a god. But it was much more then that.

Peter remembered the joyful moments he had with his mother and father. He remembered tugging on his father's hair, pulling him around Jane's lab to go play with his LEGOs. Peter running around with Mjolnir alongside his father. He remembered how happy Thor was when he found out Peter was worthy. One can imagine how ecstatic he was when he found out Peter inherited his lightning powers from him as well. He had started training Peter from a young age behind Jane's back. Jane wasn't too happy when she found out and it took a toll on their relationship. Although he regretted going against his mother's wishes, he was quite fond of the memories.

He still had the powers as a constant reminder of who he really was.


It was Peter's sixteenth birthday and he missed his parents now more than ever.
He was sitting in his room, early in the morning. Sparks danced on his fingers. It had been a while since he accessed his full power. He didn't have Mjolnir to help him harness it. He sighed and looked up to the ceiling, being a demigod wasn't easy. Ned only knows he's Spider-Man. It's funny how he has two sets of powers. He only uses his spider powers when fighting, though.

Suddenly, the door opened. Peter quickly hid his hands and let the sparks disappear before looking up to see Tony.

"Happy sixteenth, kiddo!" He excitedly said, only now noticing his mood.

"What's wrong?" He asked worried for his favorite kid. After, May, his only living family member passed away, Peter lost the light in his eyes.

"Uh, I just miss my Dad." Peter replied looking down to his lap.

Tony nodded his head and decided not to press further.

"We got birthday pancakes for you downstairs. You ready to go?"

"Yea, I'll be down in a minute."

Peter groaned and got up to quickly change. He did not want to go to school that day. His entire class was going on a field trip to the Avengers compound. He rolled his eyes just thinking about the irony. His class had to go on a field trip to his own house.


He got ready and ran downstairs, smelling the scent of Bucky's birthday cake flavored pancakes. He quickly thanked Bucky right before scarfing down 40 pancakes.

As he ran out the door he heard Tony yell something.

"We have a surprise for your birthday!"

Peter was gone before he could see Thor walk into the room munching on some Pop-tarts.


Thor wasn't in the greatest mood. Today was his long lost son's birthday. He missed him with all of his heart. His son was his only motivation when fighting evil. He had just moved into the Avengers compound, he normally would have been ecstatic because of the endless supply of Pop-tarts, but not today. Definitely not today.


Peter was now getting on the bus to go on the field trip. He sat next to Ned.

He smiled at Ned, but it was clear to anyone he wasn't in a great mood.

It's been 9 years since he last saw his Dad and Mom. Another birthday they would be missing.

He sighed.

"Happy Birthday, Peter!" Ned said in hopes of cheering him up.

'That's not my name.' Peter wanted to say.

"Thanks, Ned." Peter mumbled instead staring out the window.


They had met up with their tour guide, Kenny, who had just finished showing them some of the R&D labs.

"Now, you'll get a peek at the Avengers living room!"


"You might even see some Avengers!"

Everyone whooped and cheered in excitement.

Damn it.

Kenny stopped right in front of a door and turned to look at the class.

"Okay, so I can only let you in for a few minutes and you can't wander anywhere else. The Avengers wouldn't appreciate it."

Everyone nodded their heads as Kenny ushered them into the living room. A glass window that covered an entire wall shined warm light into the room. Ned had pushed Peter and him to the front for a better look.

Peter was talking to Ned when he heard someone whisper, is that Thor's hammer?

Peter widened his eyes mid conversation and looked straight ahead to see Mjolnir, on the ground, right in front of everyone. His eyes glossed over. His father was here? He shook his head. It had to be fake.

"Is it true that no one can lift his hammer?"

"Yes," Kenny said, "no known person can lift the hammer. It is said that only the worthy can." He looked over at the class who was soaking in everything he was saying into great detail. 

But Peter didn't hear any of it. He slowly began to walk over to the hammer, tuning out Kenny's and his teacher's protests. The world around him disappeared as he bent down and picked up the mighty hammer. He couldn't even hear everyone's shocked gasps. He seemed to forget who was watching him. He didn't even notice a certain thunder god walk into the room.

Peter could feel his full power coursing through him as the sky outside turned gray and started to rumble. Peter's eyes shone a bright blue as lightning danced around him, his light blue flannel flapped around him as the wind picked up. Swirls and swirls of blue lightning crackled around his entire body as Peter let out a small gasp in astonishment. Peter smiled. He finally felt free. 

Peter slowly calmed his powers down, he kept his eyes fixated on the hammer as everything around him went back to normal. The sun's rays shown on his face, accentuating his glossy eyes and perfect features. Peter switched the hammer back and forth in his hands and raised it as he stared at it in marvel. 

It's real. 

That means-


Peter widened his eyes and turned around, gasping. 


Thor rushed forward and engulfed his son into a hug. He kissed his forehead and uttered the words that Peter would remember for the rest of his life.

"I've found you at last, my son."


part two???? or a whole ass book on this????? 

if y'all want a book, i'll do it eventually and write a part two in the mean time cuz im busy with school. if u don't, then i'll just write a part two. either way you'll get a part two unless u don't want a part two. ur choice. 

also PLS no one steal this idea, im really really proud of it and i can't believe i came up with it myself please please please im begging you DON'T steal it or i'll find you and i'll beat ur ass. trust me, i will ruin you. *i'm thinking about a certain someone btw*


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