A thought

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"Seriously, Dad. Walking would've been fine." Miles said as he sat in the back with Y/N.

"You can walk plenty on Saturday when you peel those stickers off." Jefferson said to his son.

"I don't think the stickers look that bad." Y/N said quietly to himself, but nobody heard him.

"And the two from yesterday on Clinton." Jefferson said. Jefferson stares, shuts down the cheekiness. Miles looks hurt. Jefferson clocks his pained look. It bums Jefferson out. There's an awkwardness between Miles and his dad that's not there with his mom.

They drive by a row of Hipster coffee shops. Jefferson tries to bridge the gap with Miles, more cheerful.

"Soooo... look at that, another new coffee shop... you see that Miles? Y/N, surely you've seen some of these places." Jefferson asked in a cheerful voice.

"Some of them. But that one's news." Y/N said pointing at one.

"Oh ya. I see it. What's that one called?" Jefferson asked.

"Foam Party." Miles said unenthusiastically.

"Foam Party, come on...and everyone is just lining up! You see that, Miles? Y/N?" Jefferson asked them both, cheerfully. "Is that a coffee shop or a disco?" He added.

"I think both?" Y/N said with uncertainty.

"Dad, you're old, man." Miles simply said.

Soon the radio turned on to a News Anchor "There are multiple reports of another mysterious seismic event last night. Sources close to Spider- Man say he is looking into the problem." The News Anchor said.

Jefferson shakes his head, disapproving, turns off the radio. "Spider-Man. I mean this guy swings
in once a day zip zap zop in his little mask and answers to no one, right?"

"Yeah, Dad." Miles said as he really didn't care.

"I don't think he's that bad. He saves lives." Y/N said nervously rubbing his eye patch.

"I get that. But meanwhile my guys are out there, lives on the line." Jefferson began ranting. Some school kids ran alongside the car looking at Miles, who slinks down. They bang on the window, teasing Miles, "you get arrested?!"

"No masks, we show our faces. Accountability." Jefferson continued.

"Oh no! Dad, speed up, I know these kids." Miles said in a panic of embarrassment. Y/N looked over at the kids Miles was talking about.

"You know, with great ability comes great accountability." Jefferson said, getting the saying all wrong.

"That's not even how the saying goes, Dad." Miles said in a panic, as he wanted to avoid getting seen by the kids..

"I do like his cereal though, and that ice cream is pretty good. I'll give him that." Jefferson said. He stops the car. The teens reach Miles' window.

"Yo Miles! You get arrested?" A teenage boy asked. Mike's was modified.

"Oh my gosh. Don't cops run red lights?" Mikes asked as he was hiding his face.

"Some do... but not your Dad!" Jefferson said. "Plus, for Y/N's sake, we shouldn't." Jefferson said as he looked at Y/N with concern.

- - -
The car drives up right under the Brooklyn Bridge, to a school overlooking Manhattan, which loomed across the water,

The car pulls up. Miles sits, not wanting to go in.

"Why can't I go back to Brooklyn Middle?" Miles simply asked. Jefferson raised his eyebrows.

"Miles, your giving it two weeks. We're not having this conversation." Jefferson said. Y/N looked back at Miles.

"I just think that this new school is elitist." Miles said. Y/N had no idea what that word meant.

"Elitist?" Jefferson asked.

"And I would prefer to be at a normal school among the people." Miles said as he was trying to convince his dad.

"The people? These are your people!" Jefferson said as he pointed out to the various students arriving.

"I'm only here 'cause I won that stupid lottery." Miles said in a mix of annoyance and defeat.

"What? No way. You passed the entry test
just like everybody else, ok!" Jefferson said trying to reassure his son. "You have an opportunity here, you wanna blow that, huh? You want to end up like your Uncle?" Jefferson said. Y/N, who had been sitting and listening this entire time. Didn't recall Jefferson ever mentioning his brother till now.

"What's wrong with Uncle Aaron? He's a good guy." Miles mumbled under his breath.

Jefferson flinched, angered. But he reined it in.

"We all make choices in life." Jefferson said, thinking about his brother.

"It doesn't feel like I have a choice right now." Miles said annoyed.

"YOU DON'T!" Jefferson finally caved. Y/N couldn't handle this anymore. The tension was too much and he just couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop fighting! Just stop! Stop please!" Y/N said, not in anger, but in fear and stress. Tension fills the car. They sit in silence for a beat. Miles and Jefferson looked at Y/N in shock and concern.

"Hey? It's ok. We're just having a little disagreement. Nobody's mad at you." Jefferson said trying to keep Y/N calm.

Miles gets out of the car and opened the front door to get out and his bag. Y/N got out as well. Jefferson staring through his rearview mirror.

"I love you, Miles." Jefferson said.

"Yeah, I know, Dad. See you Friday." Mike's said. Miles shuts the door and walks away. Jefferson watches, bummed at the state of the relationship. He lifts his P.A.

"You gotta say I love you back." Jefferson said. Miles turned around in disbelief.

"Dad are you serious?" Miles asked.

"I wanna hear it." Jefferson said.

"You wanna hear me?" Mikes asked.

"I love you, Dad." Jefferson said.

"You're dropping me off at school." Mikes said.

"I love you Dad." Jefferson said.

"Look at this place!" Miles said.

"Dad, I love you." Jefferson said showing no signs of stopping. Finally, Miles gave in.

"Dad, I love you." Miles said reluctantly.

"That's a copy. Tie your shoes please!" Jefferson said.

"Thank you for the ride." Y/N said as he waved goodbye.

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