Filler 3.

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Months had passed since the defeat of the Kingpin and the triumphant return of the Spider-People to their respective dimensions. Y/N had played a crucial role in bringing down the villain and had found a sense of belonging among the extraordinary heroes he had encountered. Yet, as time moved forward, he couldn't shake the lingering feeling of emptiness.

One afternoon, after another day of patrolling the city as a protector in his own right, Y/N found himself in the company of Duke. The butler had become more than just a support system; he was a confidant and a friend who had always offered sage advice. Y/N had been mulling over his feelings and decided it was time to share them with Duke.

"Duke, can I ask you something personal?" Y/N hesitated before finally voicing his thoughts.

Duke looked up from the book he was reading and offered a gentle smile. "Of course, Master Y/N. You can always confide in me."

Y/N took a deep breath and began to open up. "You know, after everything that happened, I find myself missing Gwen and Peni. They were friends I made during that whole... Spider-People thing. But now, they're back in their own worlds, and I can't help but feel this emptiness."

Duke listened intently, his wise eyes never leaving Y/N's face. "It's only natural to miss the people we've grown close to, especially when they've left a significant impact on our lives."

Y/N nodded, grateful for Duke's understanding. "I guess I'm just not sure what to do with these feelings. It's like they've become a part of me, and I don't know how to fill that void now that they're gone."

Duke placed a reassuring hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Friendships, like any other relationships, can be enriching and profound. When those connections change or are physically distant, it's normal to feel a sense of loss. But remember, Master Y/N, that friendships endure beyond distance and time. You may not be physically together, but the memories and the bond you shared are always with you."

Y/N absorbed Duke's words, finding comfort in his wisdom. "I just wish there was a way to see them again. Even if it's just for a little while."

Duke's smile grew warmer. "Perhaps there is a way to reconnect with them, even if not in person. Have you considered reaching out to Gwen and Peni?"

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. "Do you think that's possible? I mean, they have their own responsibilities and worlds to protect."

"Never underestimate love," Duke said, his voice carrying a hint of conviction.

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