Filler 2

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As the night draped its velvety curtain over the city, Y/N lay peacefully asleep, nestled in the warmth of his bed. Dreams danced through his mind, weaving tales of distant worlds and the adventures that awaited him. Little did he know that his dreams were about to be gently intertwined with reality.

In the quiet darkness, the door to Y/N's room opened softly. Gwen Stacy tiptoed inside, her heart beating with a mix of trepidation and affection. She had spent the evening with Y/N, laughing and sharing stories, yet her feelings for him seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.

Gwen hesitated for a moment, her thoughts swaying between the desire to respect Y/N's personal space and the yearning to be close to him. The moonlight filtering through the window illuminated his peaceful face, and the soft rise and fall of his chest as he breathed gave her courage.

With a gentle determination, Gwen moved closer to the bed, her heart fluttering with every step. She knew that her feelings were genuine, but she also knew that Y/N was reserved and might be taken aback by her affection.

Finally, she stood at the edge of the bed, her eyes tracing the contours of Y/N's face. He looked so peaceful, so serene in his slumber. Gwen couldn't resist the urge to be closer to him, to feel the warmth of his presence.

Carefully, she slipped under the covers, snuggling up against Y/N. Her heart pounded in her chest as she prayed he wouldn't wake up and reject her actions. She wanted him to feel comforted, to know that she cared for him deeply.

In the intimacy of the moment, Gwen breathed in the scent of Y/N's hair, feeling a rush of emotions she had never experienced before. The closeness was both thrilling and nerve-wracking, and she couldn't help but wonder if she was crossing a line.

But then, as if in response to her thoughts, Y/N stirred slightly, his arm unconsciously finding its way around her shoulders. Gwen's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected gesture, her worries melting away. It was as if he welcomed her presence, even in his sleep.

A sense of peace washed over Gwen as she rested her head on Y/N's shoulder, feeling his steady heartbeat against her cheek. In that moment, she knew that her feelings were reciprocated, even if Y/N hadn't consciously acknowledged them yet.

As the night wore on, Gwen and Y/N slept in each other's embrace, their dreams now interwoven with the reality of their unspoken bond. The night whispered secrets of unspoken love, and in the morning light, their hearts would awaken to the new chapter of their friendship, one that held the promise of a deeper connection and the beauty of two souls finding solace in each other.

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