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Y/N found himself in the company of two intriguing and lively young women – Gwen Stacy and Peni. Over the past few weeks, they had become close friends, bonding over shared interests and a mutual fondness for each other. However, Y/N was still navigating the complexities of their feelings towards him, uncertain about how to handle their unspoken crushes.

As the three of them made their way to the local cinema, laughter and chatter filled the air. Gwen's vibrant personality shone through as she playfully teased Peni about her favorite comic book characters. Peni, in return, blushed and retaliated with good-natured banter. Y/N couldn't help but smile, finding joy in their easy camaraderie.

At the theater, they settled into their seats, the excited buzz of moviegoers surrounding them. As the lights dimmed and the film began, Y/N felt a flutter of nerves, aware that this outing might carry a different kind of weight.

Throughout the movie, Y/N found himself caught between the two girls. They would occasionally glance at him, their eyes shining with warmth and admiration. Y/N tried his best to focus on the movie, enjoying the action and humor, but he couldn't shake the sense of being the center of attention.

During a particularly suspenseful moment, Gwen's hand found its way close to Y/N's, causing a slight blush to color his cheeks. Peni, noticing the subtle interaction, playfully nudged Gwen, and they shared a knowing smile.

After the movie, they walked out of the theater, still discussing the film with animated enthusiasm. Y/N felt grateful for their presence, appreciating the way they effortlessly included him in their conversations. Yet, he also sensed the unspoken tension between them, aware that his presence held significance in ways that went beyond friendship.

As they approached the car where Duke waited, reading a book under the soft glow of the streetlights, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at his butler's familiar presence. Duke had become a constant source of grounding and support during these uncertain times.

"Thanks for coming with us, Y/N," Gwen said with a gentle smile, her eyes sparkling with sincerity.

"Yeah, it was a lot of fun," Peni added, her cheeks still flushed with excitement.

Y/N smiled back, grateful for the chance to spend time with both of them. "I had a great time too. Thanks for inviting me."

As they bid each other farewell, Y/N turned to Duke, who closed his book with a soft smile.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" Duke asked, his eyes filled with genuine interest.

"Yeah, it was good," Y/N replied, his thoughts drifting back to the afternoon's events. "But you know, Duke, it's complicated."

Duke nodded, his understanding gaze encouraging Y/N to share his feelings. "I know it might seem overwhelming, but remember, Y/N, you don't have to figure everything out all at once. Take your time, and trust that the right path will reveal itself in due time."

Y/N took a deep breath, comforted by Duke's wisdom. He knew that the relationships with Gwen and Peni were evolving, and he cherished their friendship deeply. As they drove away from the cinema, Y/N looked back at the evening with a mix of emotions – gratitude for the wonderful memories, uncertainty about the future, and a sense of wonder at the potential for deeper connections that lay ahead.

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