Guardians: Part 1

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(sOmEOnE dEcIdEd tO bUY the movie And lEt mE wAtch It wIth thEm sO nOw I'm crYIng thAnks.
Anyways, no compound in this one, only the tower.)

I was swinging around Queens, bored with the minuscule amount of criminal activity that day. Or night. It was nearly two o'clock. I guess Aunt May had said she wanted me back by then, so it would be fine if I went to bed now. I just hated the thought that five minutes after I lay down someone needs me and I can't hear them. I would be a pretty crappy superhero then.

I had only just gotten to my apartment window, ready to jump inside and go to bed, when my spidey sense blared uncomfortably. I flinched back from the wall, flailing my arms for a moment before sticking my feet to the bricks.

"What the-," I glanced around trying to find any source of danger. Nothing.


The AI answered immediately. "Yes Peter?"

"Is there any danger in my area?" I asked, scaling the building quickly.

"Well, there does seem to be something breaking the atmosphere above New York."

"What?" I leaped onto the roof gracefully. "Like, aliens?"

"The space craft does not seem to originate from Earth."

"Oh, no." Of course my mind flashed to the Chitari. Then the Vultures alien weapons of mass destruction. You know, I used to like the idea of aliens. They were cool. Not anymore.

Here we go. So much for being home by two. This wasn't going to end well. Stupid Parker luck. "How many are there?"

"There's only one ship."

I jumped off the top of the apartment and swung down the street, Karen giving me a live feed of downtown. Wind whipped papers and trash around while people out recording on phones held their jackets close (why are people on the streets at two in the morning?).

"Why would they attack with just one ship?" I shouted over the wind as I reached the site.

Dirty New York clouds were parting to reveal spotlights mounted on a huge ship. The glare was too bright for me to make out much detail, but it was easily as big as my apartment. I hoped they didn't have an apartment's worth of aliens in there.

"Mr. Stark has arrived," Karen informed me.

I muttered under my breath, "Oh thank god."

People screamed and ran as the ship landed in the middle of a busy street. Of course good ol' New York was awake at night, so the streets were packed with cars. The sound of doors being slammed and car alarms going off echoed off the buildings as people figured they probably should not be there.

I thankfully spotted Tony's glowing armor as I landed on a three story window to get a better view. The glare and dust distorted the ship's figure and Tony's suit, but I could recognize the state-of-the-art technology anywhere. The forms of the Falcon and War Machine were dwarfed as they flew in to land beside Iron Man and the ship.

I let out a breath, feeling more confident about our chances with them here. Vision and Thor soon joined them as well. The dust swirled away, but the lights remained. All the spectators had gone, huddling behind doors and staring out the window to see what would happen next. I wished I could join them, but the sight of a mother trying to escape with her little boy steeled my resolves.

"Kid, what are you doing here,?" The billionaire asked, disbelief in his voice as I swung down beside the powerful heroes.

I shrugged. "I was on patrol."

He seemed about to lecture me and I braced myself for it, but his attention was distracted by the bright spot lights turning off on the ship. The street was once again bathed in the lamp's dim glows. Everyone in the buildings on either side were silent. The present Avengers followed suit.

I glanced over at them, seeing a strange sight. Thor was missing an eye, his hair and his hammer. No cape either, which kind of disappointed me. Falcon was glaring at the ship, as if he could destroy it if he focused hard enough. War Machine stood stock still next to Iron Man's shifting figure while the Vision tilted his head, as if listening to the spacecraft. Wow. These guys were my heroes. And they were right in front of me. Iron Man, of course, was my all time favorite, but they were still awesome. I had dreamed of teaming up with them my entire life. I just wished it didn't have to be aliens.

"There seems to be seven life forms aboard it," the Vision said in a robotic voice.

The android cocked his head in confusion. "Most are...strange."

"They're aliens, of course they're strange," Tony scoffed and prepared his blaster to fire.

"No, one is human. I think."

War Machine's head snapped around. "What?"

The ship hissed as air escaped from a ramp that appeared underneath it. The sound of repulsers powering up and electricity surrounded me as I got in a defensive position, webs at the ready. I expected a 'we come in peace' or 'take me to your leader.' I definitely definitely didn't expect a human voice to yell loudly:



How was the first person POV? Was third person better? Feedback would be great, thank you. Byee

- Wanda

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