Guardians: Part 5

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(Btw MJ knows about Spidey in this one.
Recap: The Guardians of the Galaxy are hanging out with the Avengers until an alien attack happens. Meanwhile, Peter has to go to school, according to Tony...)

"Peter!" Ned waved frantically above the crowd of students. MJ took a less obvious approach and nodded her greeting. I grinned at the sight of my two best - and only - friends. Just wait until they hear about the Guardians. Fortunately, my first class was the same as theirs, so I could explain everything.

We sat down, choosing three seats in the back of the classroom very carefully. Luckily, it was one of those catch up days, where if you have any missing/late work you could get them turned in, then do whatever. As three of the nerdiest kids in school, which I had no problem admitting (I mean, Tony was a nerd), we didn't have anything to work on.

"So I'm staying with the Avengers this week," I said casually. Ned's mouth fell open and MJ closed her book.

"Why haven't you invited us over yet?" Ned whined.

I grinned and beckoned them closer. "There's a team of alien superheroes living in the guest rooms, that's why."

MJ snorted. "Yeah, right."

"No, seriously!" I assured her. "They said there was going to be an attack on Earth, so now they're just sitting around waiting for it while Rhodes - I mean War Machine - alerts the militaries."

"No way," Ned's eyes shined with curiosity. "That is awesome. What are they like?"

"Wait," MJ has her calculating look on. "Aliens are going to invade Earth? Why? Or, better question, when?"

I really wished she wouldn't have jinxed the planet with those words.

Not a second after they had left her mouth, we heard an explosion outside. It made the building shake and the electricity flicker. The teacher trailed off, hand still up on the white board holding a marker. Everyone in the classroom went quiet. The whole school was silent. Maybe even the city.

It seemed like all of New York was holding its breath.

Another explosion, this one much closer, made the building sway. The lights went flickered and died, the cloudy grey sky outside now their only way to see each other. Students all at once started screaming and panicking. Most stood up, papers went everywhere and the teacher tried to calm them down vainly. Chairs, desks and backpacks were thrown to the side.

I mostly remained calm, being in situations like this before. My friends did too, but mostly for my sake. Ned's pale, scared expression and MJ's gritted teeth said other wise. But they kept up the act for me. I love my friends.

"I gotta go," I told them, grabbing the strap of my backpack as everyone either crowded by the window or hid under their desks.

"Peter!" MJ grabbed my wrist as I opened a side window. I looked back at her serious face.

"Don't die," she told me grimly.

I gave her a lopsided grin that I normally reserved for Spidey. "I'll try not to."

I pulled my mask on while everyone was distracted and launched myself out the window.


Ugh, I hate rain, I thought, costume already soaked.

I had to swing all the way to Avenger's tower, clearing people out of burning buildings and telling pedestrians to head below ground. A ship easily bigger then the Tower appeared from the clouds.  If I had thought the Guardians' ship was big, this thing was Hulk-massive. XXXXXXXXL in ship size. Nothing had come out of it yet, but it had already started its attack. The military had been clearing the city out since it had begun, learning from their mistakes from Loki's invasion.

I reached the Tower, hoping that our alien visitors had a game plan in place, because from the looks of that mothership, we're screwed otherwise.

I spotted Tony, Sam and Rhodey flying around from building to building, helping the evacuation along, but none of the other heroes, Avengers or otherwise, seemed to be doing anything. The pouring rain probably wasn't helping.

I swung into the Avengers floor of the Tower to find it, not surprisingly, empty.

"FRIDAY, where is everyone?" I shouted.

"Boss's main office. They have requested for you to join them."

"Thanks!" I jumped back outside, not bothering to use the elevator, and climbed to the top floor. The team - minus the three outside - was huddled around a glowing outline of the invading ship. I tapped on the window to get someone's attention. Bucky hurriedly opened it for me when he caught a sight of a freezing teenager hanging on the building.

Other Peter continued with the plan, as if I had never entered.

"–they're careful, defense first. After the last disaster, they won't take as many risks. Their first attack will be soft, to see how Earth will react. Then they'll send down soldiers.

"They may look intimidating, but they are actual built like cat-sized snails. Their machine/exoskeleton things are what we should be afraid of. But, if we can shut down all their fancy suits, they'll run. They can't do anything without them."

Other Peter zoomed in on something in the blueprints and pointed at it. It was strange to see him so serious.

"This is the only weakness we were able to find in their ship. It acts like an air vent and runs straight to the hallway of the mothership, which one from our teams can follow to the core–" he changes the perspective to the inside where we can all see a big glowing, almost alive, energy source. "–and blow it to hell."

Natasha furrowed her brows, seeing the flaws in the plan instantly. "Won't the ship just fall and crush the city?"

"Nope," Other Peter grinned. "That's the best part. The power cores for the ship and the exos are completely different. The ship will just stay suspended there until we chuck it back out to space."

"That would take a lot of power," Dr. Banner observed.

Nebula raised an eyebrow - or rather, a piece of metal. "I thought you were the planet's Mightiest? Surely you could muster the power to move that thing."

Wanda stepped forward determinedly. "I could do it."

"Wanda, you could die in the process." Vision put a hand on her arm, looking concerned.

She met his eyes solidly. "What other choice is there?"

I was about ready to clap for her when Clint brought up another problem.

"It's too small. Even I wouldn't be able to fit through that opening."

"Maybe not you," I stepped up to him, barley aware of what I was saying. "I could, though."

"No," Steve put a hand on my shoulder and smiled jokingly. "Tony would kill me if anything happened to you, son."

"I think it's a good plan," Gamora interrupted. She reached out and ruffled my hair, the way Nat sometimes did. "But Peter stays behind. He could get hurt."

Starlord smirked. "Aw, Gamora, I didn't think you cared so much."

"Hm?" She looked up at him. "What was that?"

Clint burst out laughing. I smiled, but moved her hand away.

"I have to. I need to help."

Bucky opened his mouth to argue, but Rocket beat him to it.

"Oh, come off it! I'll go with him. So will Groot here," he elbowed the teenage tree. "Won't ya, buddy?"

He nodded distractedly. "I am Groot."

"That was a yes," Rocket assured me.

Steve sighed, obviously overruled. "Okay. But don't take any unnecessary risks, alright? In and out."

"Roger that," I saluted and grinned. The rest of the Avengers groaned.

"That was so bad," Clint told me. I chuckled. It had been so good, he was just jealous.

"We just need one more thing to make this work out perfectly," Rocket stated.

Thor looked at him quizzically. "And what would that be, talking rodent?"

The raccoon jumped up on the hologram table and pointed at Bucky. "That guy's arm."

Bucky looked bewildered. Quill quickly stepped between them.

"No, no, we do not need...that guy's arm," he glared at Rocket.

His teammate chuckled. "No, I really need it for...reasons."

Gamora flicked him in the head. "We don't have time for this. If the plan is going to work, we have to do it before stage three. They're only on stage one now, but it won't be long."

Steve nodded along with her. "You guys know what that means. Suit up and get to work."


This is turning out waaaay longer then expected, but I hope it's okay. Part six will be the last part in the Guardians 'series' or whatever. Sorry, I promise I'll try to wrap it up, for those of you that thinks it's been going on too long.

(Edit: I lied! There are going to be seven parts. I'm sorry if it's too long but whatever.)

- Wanda

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