Guardians: Part 4

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(Recap: The Guardians of the Galaxy are staying with the Avengers - minus Hope and Scott - while they all wait for an alien attack to happen. Oof get ready for some chaos...)

"Hey, Aunt May, can I stay at the Tower this week? I'll still go to school, I swear! But there are some superheroes visiting and it's gonna be awesome, so can I please...?"

My aunt looked at my, eyebrow raised. "Are you sure about this?"

I nodded my head quickly.

She let out a breath. "Okay...but school has to happen."

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" I jumped up from my stool and hugged her tightly. "I love you."

She smiled at me and hugged back. "Love you too. Don't get in too much trouble."


"What does this thing do again?" I asked Rocket as he handed me a gun bigger then him. Thanks to my spider-strength, I could lift it easily.

The short raccoon shrugged. "I dunno. That's why you're tryin' it out for me!"

"Cool," I studied the glowing barrel that my entire head could probably fit in.

"Ah, point it, uh..." he looked around the training room, gaze falling on a large metal wall that was meant for whatever came up. "There."

"Okay..." I hefted the gun and pointed it at the wall. Rocket and a distracted Groot backed up quickly. This better not explode in my face, I thought and pulled the trigger.


The force of the gun shoved me back and off my feet as something shot out of it. I dropped on my butt, gasping as the heavy weapon knocked the wind out of me. I quickly shoved it off and looked up to see what it did.


It had thrown out a single canister that now lay against the wall. It looked like a thermos with a red light blinking on the cap.

I frowned. "Was that supposed to–"


The canister exploded with a large flash. I shut my eyes as a layer of something heavy covered me. It was sticky and thick, smelling surprisingly sweet. I struggled to get it off me, sure it was acid of some sort, but it didn't burn.

I reached up and wiped it away from my eyes. Everything was white. The wall looked as if it had been freshly painted the new color. All the equipment in the room was splattered in it. It covered the ground like snow with a foot of the stuff. Groot was leaning against the wall, looking like a snow man, but not bothering to wash it off. A shape sat up by my side. Rocket rubbed it off his face and stuck a finger in his mouth experimentally.

"Hm," he hummed and licked the white stuff off. "Whipped cream."

"Really?" I scooped up a handful and shoved it in my mouth. It was sweet and the best whipped cream I had ever tasted. "So awesome."

I think I found my new favorite gun.

Tony...not so much.

Him and Rhodey were the only ones in the living room when I stepped out of the elevator with my two alien friends, covered head to toe in mess. I trekked it through the kitchen before I even realized they were there.

"Peter...what the–"

Steve yelled at him from his room. "Language!"

The billionaire glowered at the hallway.

"He has a whip cream gun!" I told Tony excitedly.

"I can–" Tony took a breath. "I can see that. Why don't you go take a shower and clean up, kid?"

"Okay Mr. Stark!" I smiled and brushed some cream off my face.  As I went down to my room, I wondered why Tony was yelling at Rocket in the living room.


After the whipped cream got all cleaned up, Natasha challenged Gamora to sparring duel. The Guardians were all so sure that their teammate was going to win, but the Avengers and I thought the opposite. None of us had seen the other fight. The two women seemed to hold each other in the highest respect, which said a lot to everyone that knew them. Clint, Tony, Drax and Quill had bet on who would come out on top.

It wasn't surprising when everyone on the Avengers floor gathered in the training room an hour later, money in hand and ready to see a fight.

"Kick her ass, Nat!" Clint cheered from the side lines. Steve gave him a look. The archer only shrugged with a guilty grin on his face.

Drax roared that Gamora was the fiercest woman in the galaxy. No one could best her in single combat.

"Except me, perhaps," he corrected humbly.


Both of them rolled their eyes and looked at each other. Men. I grinned, knowing that expression from experience. MJ gave me it all the time.

They got into a defensive stance and Bruce walked in between them nervously. He counted down from three before shouting "Start!" and getting the hell out of there.

Neither of them had weapons, so hand to hand was the only option. The Guardians shouted their approval every time Gamora landed a hit. The Avengers did the same for their Black Widow. The fight lasted an hour. Both teams were shocked because not many people had lasted this long against either of the women. In fact, neither of them won, to Quill's and Tony's great disappointment. Both Gamora and Natasha were covered in sweat and panting for breath when they called it off, knowing they would be there for hours more if they didn't.

They both grasped firearms and showed off real smiles of approval. The teams were astonished.

"Wow, Ms. Gamora, you're really good!" I told her truthfully as they came back to the large group.

She smiled at me. "Thank you, Peter."

Natasha ruffled my hair motherly. "What about me?"

"You were awesome too!" I hurriedly assured her before seeing the joking smile on her face.

She laughed at my reaction and Gamora smiled sadly at us. I feel bad for her. Her entire race was whipped out, she had no family left. I could relate, after my parents and uncle died. But my aunt and the Avengers were my family now, just as the Guardians were her family. I guess having more then one team watching your back would be okay.

Gamora flinched when I surprised her with a hug. I chuckled quietly to myself at her reaction. She hesitantly wrapped her arms around me and smiled again. The Guardians were staring in shock as the warrior's hard outer layer melted off. I didn't notice the Avengers looking on fondly behind me.

(I just love the thought of Aunt Gamora, okay?)


A few hours later Tony reminded me I had school the next day and it was time to get some sleep. I didn't argue, I was already really tired. I had sparred with Drax at his insistence (easily beating him; he was too reckless), argued with other Peter about music tastes ("No one even knows that song anymore."), watched Mantis calm down a frustrated Dr. Banner instantly (no one really wanted to deal with a Hulk out that day), and convinced Nebula to tell me some stories about her missions (most of them were assassinations, but the space rhino one was hilarious).

As I fell asleep, I realized I hadn't been Spiderman all day. I hoped nothing bad had happened.

I also remembered about my chemistry homework. At least I wouldn't have to explain it to my teacher the next day, seeing as I didn't get past second period.


This was a fun chapter, but the next part will have more action. I mean, alien wars have to have some action, amirite?
*evil laughter*

- Wanda

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