Guardians: Part 3

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(^That pictures so cute omg
Recap: the guardians of the galaxy appeared on earth, claiming its in danger and have gone to the tower to sort everything out with the team...)

"That was awesome!" I exclaimed as I flopped down on the living room couch.

"Yes, I agree," Thor grinned and sat at the bar. Sam, on the other hand, looked like he was going to be sick.

"Was that last loop really necessary?"

Quill smirked as he and the rest of the self proclaimed Guardians of the Galaxy pushed out of the elevator. "Yes."

Steve stood from the couch where the non-flyers had been playing Texas Hold 'Em while they waited for the others to get back.

"Tony, care to fill us in?" He asked, never taking his eyes off the new comers.

Tony looked at him tiredly as the rest of his suit came off and flew itself downstairs. Rhodey opened the fridge and grabbed a coke. He had bought them in an effort to get Tony to quit, and it had done surprisingly well, seeing as the billionaire had just grabbed one out of the fridge and emptied a can. I was slightly disappointed when he didn't chuck it across the room.

My eyes lit up as Tony gestured for someone else to explain. I stood dramatically and cleared my throat.

"This is Peter Quill, but his code name is Starlord, and he's half human, half god, but he lost his powers because he killed his dad.

"This is Drax the destroyer, he likes to punch things and stuff.

"This is Gamora, she's awesome and like a ninja. Except her planet died, so...

"This is Rocket, he's not a raccoon, he's really cool too and can shoot and stuff.

"This is Groot, he's a tree and he talks, but he can only say three words."

"I am Groot," the teenage tree supplied, not looking up from his game.

"Yep, that," I grinned. "And that's Mantis."

I pointed towards the fragile looking alien with two antennas and a soft smile. Her yellow checks lit up pink as I introduced her and she waved a little.

"She can read emotions and mess with them and stuff. That's Nebula."

The last woman was a blue cyborg of some sort with no hair and always had a pissy expression. When she had stepped out of the shadows of the ship, I had jumped a foot in the air because she was somehow immune to my spidey sense.

"They're sisters," I gestured to the two woman. "All of them are the Guardians of the Galaxy!"

The team smiled at me and my enthusiasm, but didn't comment. Instead they all introduced themselves as well, probably tired of my game show voice, but I didn't really care. The Guardians were so awesome, even though I got the feeling Starlord didn't like me much.

"Anyway," Tony caught everyone's attention, sipping a new coke. "Now that everyone knows each other, can we get back to saving the world."

I had a feeling Tony didn't like the Guardians much, either.

"I agree," Gamora crossed her arms and sat down in the living room. Everyone did the same, even Natasha, who looked at the female warrior with respect.

Steve and Bucky, ever the gentlemen, remained standing when the furniture filled up, Clint perched himself on the table and I sat on the wall on the same level of everyone else. I was pleased to note that my wall crawling abilities slightly unsettled the burly alien, Drax.

"Where's Scott and Hope?" I asked Steve, finally realizing something was off.

He shrugged. "Something about a girl named Ava wanting to be the White Tiger."


"They're out trying to help people," he summarized.

I nodded in understanding. "Ah. Superhero stuff."

"Mhm," Steve answers distractedly as Gamora and Quill began talking.

"So, there's this race called the Chiss, right?" Quill started, ignoring Gamora's eye roll. "Well, they used to be a myth, but apparently they just came out of hiding, and well, I don't really know..."

Gamora continued for him. "The race has been living in isolation for centuries, rarely having any outside contact after their defeat of the Seminals. It taxed their resources too much, I suppose, they've been hidden ever since. So, yes, some say they were myths - a savage species; brilliant masterminds; magical farlpries - no one knew. But since then, the self destruction of their planet forced them away to find somewhere else to settle. Unfortunately, Earth is the closest inhabitable planet."

Rocket the not-raccoon chimed in. "And they don' plan on sharin'."

"I am Groot," the tree alien glanced up for a split second.

Quill looked back at him in annoyance. "Then maybe you should join them."

"I. Am Groot!"

Starlord shook his head. "Ugh."

"Anyway, they were once known as a reckless and violent species before the Seminal war," Gamora added. "We don't expect them to have changed their ways much, so Earth must prepare itself."

"We can take them!" Drax insisted determinedly.

Nebula snapped at him, "Even you can't be this stupid."

"No we can't dumbass," Quill complained.


Starlord gave Steve a weird look, but didn't comment.

"When is this attack going to happen?" Bruce wondered out loud.

"Sometime in the next two Earth weeks," Mantis supplied hesitantly.

Tony scrunched up his nose. "So what, you're just going to hang out here until they decide to show up?"

"Pretty much, yeah," Quill leaned back, kicking his legs up on the table and locking his fingers behind his head.

"Awesome!" I jumped up excitedly. "Mr. Stark, can I please stay in the tower too? Please, please, please?"

"'re still going to have to go to school and get your aunt's approval."

"Yes!" I pumped my fist and Wanda laughed at my reaction. My cheeks tinged a light pink and I sat back down. "Thank you so much Mr. Stark!"

"Why do you call your father Mr?" Drax narrowed his eyes. "Is that a human thing, Quill?"

"What?" Tony ran a hand down his face to hide the flush spreading across it. Peter picked up a pillow and shoved it in his face so that no one saw his grin. "How many of you thought Peter was my kid?"

Tony was silent as he saw the hands go up. Half the team and the entirety of the Guardians put their arms in the air. 


Tony sighed.

"Put your hand down."


Lolololol I'm sorry I had to.
Anyway, the Guardians living with the Avengers next time, it'll be great (a mess).
Could you guys tell I was a totally improvising the alien story? Lmao, see you next time web heads.

- Wanda

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