Nightmares: Part Quatro

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(Recap: Dr. Strange and Wong are visiting claiming the 'Earth needs protecting...')

Stephan Strange side-eyed Peter doubtfully.

"Stark, are you sure this boy should be here while we discuss the fate of the universe?" The cloak fluttered in agreement on his back. Peter pursed his lips from the chair he had claimed in the meeting room. He hated it when adults underestimated him so severely.

Tony shrugged. "He can hear whatever we can."

Strange shook his head in distaste. He obviously didn't think the teen could help with the information he had come burdened with. He continued anyways.

It wasn't nearly as horrible as he had earlier portrayed it to be. In Peter's opinion, he had been a bit dramatic with his end-of-the-world statement.

"So, an underground mafia popped up in your city with Vulture tech–" Bucky glanced approvingly at Peter as he said it, proud that their youngest hero had put a stop to any other super weapons getting into the wrong hands. "–And you think that it's so beneath you to take care of it that you decided to call up the Avengers."

"The definition of laziness," Sam muttered spitefully.

Strange shot him a glare. "I don't deal in the non-mystic. You could handle the situation...quicker then me."

Peter noticed how he had chosen his words carefully, making sure the team knew he could handle it he just didn't want to. He wasn't sure how to feel about the doctor at this point. I mean sure - he was awesome. There was no denying that. But he also seemed like a bit of a prick.

"Yeah, whatever wizard, we'll help you take care of your rat problem tomorrow. It's like six o'clock in the morning." Tony stretched and yawned, standing from his office chair as if the matter was closed.

Strange glared from his seat. "Don't just dismiss this, Stark, it's not just me living in that city, hundreds of thousands live there too."

"Yeah, I'm a New Yorker too, Strange," Tony drawled. "What's your point?"

Wong made a sound of impatience. "We must act soon. This group appeared just across the street from the one place I have sworn to protect–"

"Yeah, that you swore to protect," Clint growled in annoyance. "Not us. You should be able to deal with it yourself if you've saved the dimension so many times before."

That broke off into everyone arguing, causing Peter to wince. He really hates his normally helpful senses when the team yelled at each other. Now add two magical wizards and it was going to make his ears bleed.

Tony must have spotted the screwed up look on his face because he shouted sharply for everyone to be quiet. Hope soon joined in, shooting a pointed look in Peter's direction. It didn't take long for the rest of them to cool down.

Bruce rubbed his temples and mumbled something under his breath. Stephan glanced around in confusion, surprised to see how the team hadn't hesitated when it came to the boy. Curious...he thought.

"Fine," he caved. "We will take care of it tomorrow. If I have to watch any criminals bomb New York City in my dreams, it will be your fault."

He was about to storm out of the room in an abruptly pissy manner, but the sight of Tony's pale face stopped him.

The billionaire's eyes were locked on him intensely and his hands were curled into fists. Stephan was half worried that he was going to get punched.

"What was that?" He demanded. "What did you say about dreams? Your dreams come true?"

Stephan furrowed his brows at the strange question. Wong side eyed him but said nothing.

"Of course," Strange shrugged. "A sorcerer on a level such as mine would be bound to see true events through the realm of dreams."

"Huh," Tony bit his lip nervously and put his hands on his hips to hide how they shook. "Anyways, back to bed people, we need strength for tomorrow. Or not since it'll take two seconds. But Pepper'll be on my ass if I over work anyone, so..."

Some argued because Tony never acted like that (Rhodey, Steve, Thor, Hope) some told him to screw off because they weren't their dads (Sam, Scott, Clint) and some took it in calming silence, knowing they would probably do something else anyways (Natasha, Vision, Wanda, Bucky, Bruce). Peter whined a bit but followed his orders because he was actually really tired from staying up all night.

FRIDAY directed Wong and Stephan to their guest rooms and they settled in quickly, waving  magic books to life, weaving spells, watching TV. Stephan didn't get much alone time, though, because he was interrupted in his quarters by a certain worried Irondad.

Strange glanced up from his book irritatingly. "What?"

Tony stood awkwardly in the doorway for a minute. Should he walk in? Or not...? Oh well. Tony shrugged and entered the room, closing the door behind him so no one overheard their conversation.

"What? Spit it out, Stark," Stephan snapped.

Tony rubbed his forehead in indecision. "It was–er–Well, it was about what you said about dreams earlier..."

How come he always got so serious and fidgety when it came to Peter's protection? He had a whole team to protect, but it only happened when it concerned the boy.

"What is it?" Stephan sat up and put his book to the side, suddenly interested. "Have you been have dreams, Stark? Nightmares?"

"Yeah, something like that," Tony sighed and sat down in the armchair of the guest room.

"What about?" Stephan wondered, sitting cross legged on his bed.

"Well, mostly–Peter. Dying."

The magician raised his eyebrows at the billionaire's sober expression. "You care about this boy a lot."

Tony sighed through his nose. "Yeah, I guess he grew on me."

Stephan snorted, but didn't have to put much thought into it. "Dreams can be strange things. I often get visions repeating themselves, warning me of certain futures that are likely."

Tony took a sharp inhale of breath and told him how he had been seeing similar things every time he closed his eyes.

"Yes, well," he looked at him skeptically. "Perhaps people with mystical abilities such as myself get visions and glimpses of the future, but I would not worry to much about any of yours coming true."

"Why is that?" Tony looked up from his hands.

"Because you have slim to none magical talents, even less then the average man."

Tony snorted. "Thanks."

"It is possible, of course, that this is one future that some being is trying to warn you about so that you can avoid it, but that is also highly doubtful, considering you yourself would not believe them without my aid."

He rolled his eyes again at the magicians arrogance, but let him continue. "So what, wizard? He's safe and I'm overreacting?"

"Yes, most likely," Strange glanced at him, a bit of sympathy seeping into his expression. "Every parent has nightmares about their children getting hurt, Stark. You're not so special."

"Great, are you in on it too?" Tony scoffed at being called a parent. "Yeah, I'm leaving. Thanks anyways, wizard."

"It's nothing, Tony," Stephan soothed. "It's just your head running through worst case scenarios."

"Right," he grumbled and swung the door open. "I'll try to keep that in mind next time the kid throws himself in front of a gun to save someone."

By the time Tony got to the end of the hall, he had decided. Peter wouldn't be going on this next mission.


The team was getting ready in the front room, Clint already working on fueling up the quinjet early the next day. Peter had just stumbled in with his spidey suit on, strapping his web shooters over his wrists, when Tony broke the news.

"What?" The teenage hero cried in dismay. "But, Mr. Stark, I can take care of myself–"

"I know that," Tony snapped, crossing his arms as the suited up Avengers stood in the living room, preparing to leave. "But don't you think the Avengers can take care of a bunch of lowlifes without you putting yourself in danger?"

Peter's face went red. "I won't be in danger–"

"You're always in danger, Pete!" Tony threw his hands up and everyone else stared as he increased his volume. "This time you would be unnecessarily in danger! You're not going."

"Mr. Stark–"

Tony needed to end this before he pulled out the puppy eyes.

"Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, remember?" Tony poked him in the chest, glad to be the taller for once. "You live in Queens, not New York."

"It's practically the same th–" he tried desperately.

"No. You're staying here. I can't trust you to not get yourself killed. I don't want to have to babysit you! None of my team need you as a burden out there."

Peter opened his mouth to argue again, taken aback by his mentor's new dementor. His eyes moistened, but Tony pretended not to notice.

"Go," he pointed down the hall. "Room. Now. And FRIDAY will notify me if you leave the compound while we're gone, so don't even think about it."

"Wha–I–But–Mr. Stark!" Peter clutched his mask tightly. "I don't need a babysitter! And I'm sorry, I thought I was part of your team. Obviously I'm too stupid to remember since I'm such a useless kid!"

He stormed out with tears in his eyes, and a clenched jaw, trying to keep it together in front of his heroes. No one tried to stop him. They all silently agreed that they wanted to keep him out of danger, but not by doing that.

"What the hell, Tony?" Natasha stepped forward and hissed quietly, aware of the teen's super hearing. "Why did you do that to him?"

"We all want to protect him," Bucky growled. "But you didn't have to yell at him like that."

Even Vision was against him. "I have to agree with James."

Tony shook his head in dismissal. He was protecting Peter. That's all he ever wanted to do. If this was the only way to keep him out of it, then so be it.

Scott glanced back worriedly, holding his helmet in his hands. "Should we go after him?"

"Give him some space," Hope shook her head sadly.

"Yes," Wanda agreed, glaring at the billionaire. "The one person he looks up to the most just told him he was too weak to be a part of this team."

Tony scoffed, hiding his guilt. "I did not–"

"Which is a complete lie," Clint leaned against the doorway and gave Tony a disapproving look.

The entire team nodded and looked at Tony with expressions ranging from sadness to anger to confusion. Stephan looked at his non-existent watch and sighed loudly, announcing that they should get going.

As they moved to the quinjet, Steve mumbled under his breath, the whole team hearing what he said.

"He's stronger then any of us."


Okay, a pinch of angst, check. Next one's the last part, then I'll start writing requests.

And, hey, for anyone who is in PPPS or PBOP then, here is the official chat on discord that has been going for a while. If you join, you gotta have a marvel name, so...

(No link you lazy people you're gonna have to copy and paste it. Ha.)

- Wanda

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