Nightmares: Part Tres

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(Recap: Fluff and a mysterious figure. That's all I'm telling you.)

"WHAT THE HECK!" Peter scrambled back in surprise as the man rose from the couch. "Who are you? How did you get in here? What do you mean, the Earth is going to need protecting? From who? From you? How do you know my name? How did you even know where this place is–"

Peter's spidey sense went off with a hiss in the back of his mind as a rough hand clamped over his mouth. His eyes widened in shock as he met the short Chinese man's dull gaze.

"How do you manage to speak so much in only a few seconds?" He asked with an accent and a blank expression.

Peter was a lot more confused now. His spidey sense wasn't sensing any threat from the man, except to warn him of the incoming hand of silence. He knitted his eyebrows together and backed away from the man, who didn't react. The blanket - Cape? Robe? Thing? - floated up next to him and waved at Peter with the corner of the fabric. What the crap is happening? the teen wondered to himself.

The man sighed in irritation. "Where is Tony Stark?"

Peter snorted. "I'm not telling you!"

"You will," the man stared evenly, though his eyes hardened. "I do not have time for this."

"I won't," Peter clenched his fists and crouched defensively. "So I guess you're just gonna have to make time."

With that Peter rolled up his sleeves and shot a web in the man's eyes. The man stumbled back in surprise before growling in anger and prying fruitlessly at them.

Peter chuckled. "Sorry, buddy. That stuff is strong enough to hold the Hulk for a few minutes."

He didn't notice the blanket flying at him until his spidey sense blared loudly in his head. He rolled to the side as it dove for him at lightning speed. Oh my god that thing is so cool. Where could he get one?

A burst of orange light grabbed the Spider's attention and he glanced over in shock to find the man manipulating his hands expertly and Peter's webbing dissolved off. What the heck? He's like Wanda! Except shorter. And angrier. And more Chinese.

The man brushed a beam of orange power at him and he launched himself onto the ceiling to avoid it. There was a clatter down the hall as the rest of the team heard the battle. Probably because of the lamp exploding behind him.

"Not cool man! Mr. Stark is gonna kill me," Peter groaned and stuck to the wall to dodge another blast.

The Chinese man growled impatiently and the young hero aimed a web at his chest and prepared to pull him off his feet. "Boy–"

He was cut off by a glowing and sparking circle growing from thin air beside him. Peter sputtered in shock as he climbed up and hugged the ceiling. The teen stared. A tall, clean shaven man stepped out of the circle, the blanket - or cloak - immediately adopted him and settled itself on his back.

Peter smooth fell open, hair brushing his face as gravity pulled at it. The new man looked up in boredom at the wall-crawler. Then he glanced back at his battle ready friend with a string of webbing hanging from his chest. He followed it back to Peter and his eyes narrowed in a newfound, threatening way.

Aw, frickiness. He could tell this was not a guy to mess with. Where was the team when he needed them?

Scott's loud snore answered that question pretty well.

The new man reacted without hesitating, bringing his hands up and swinging one in a wide circle. An orange glow encased Peter and the boy fell to the ground with a choke. What was going to happen to him? Was he gonna be paralyzed? Turned into a pig? Loose his powers?

Instead a red material whipped around his arms, pinning them together solidly. The distracting glow disappeared as he snapped to the present.

He sat on the ground and complained, "Well that's not fair! How come I don't get a super cape?"

"Spiderman, I'm assuming?" The tall man rolled his eyes at Peter's pouty expression. The teen let out a bitter humf, just as Tony burst into the room from downstairs with the worlds most pissy expression on his face.

"Strange, tell your dirty cape to get off of my kid!"

Peter internally groaned. He had failed horribly and Mr. Stark was there to see? Ugh. "Mr. Stark, they just appeared and I–"

The cloak abruptly covered his mouth, muffling his defense. The boy groaned in annoyance as the two magicians looked at him with raised eyebrows. The Chinese man more glared then anything. "We do not need to hear you prattle on again."

Tony rubbed a temple as Peter sputtered angrily under the fabric. The rest of the team stumbled in, one by one, a few seconds later, all of them half dressed and stopping like a train wreck at the sight of Peter tied up and glaring helplessly.

Clint snickered and snapped a photo as the rest of the team turned their suspicious gaze on the two men.

The tall man sighed. "He attacked first. I was only defending my man, Wong."

"Partner." Wong raised an eyebrow at him.

The cloak cut off any argument from Peter as he opened his mouth to explain. He was probably in trouble since they all obviously knew each other.

"Let him go," Bucky demanded, heat lining his voice.

Strange rolled his eyes and flicked a wrist at his cape. It loosened and unraveled itself before flying back to the magician's shoulders.

"Thank god," Peter gasped, being able to speak again.

Sam grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet. Natasha stepped past the others calmly, sparing Peter a glance before turning her attention back to the intruders.

"What is it you came here for, Stephan?" She asked, ignoring the disgusted face of Tony as she called him by his first name.

"As I was trying to say–" Wing started hotly, but Strange cut him off with his own words.

"Long story short, as much as I hate to say it," he winced in disgust and he seemed to force his next words out. "I...We need your help."


This one will only have five parts (I'm limiting myself), promise.

Lol you guys were so sure that it was Dr. Strange, but no, it was his awesome partner. Ha.

Anyways, I FINALLY POSTED TEAM ULTIMATE, the sequel to Good and Evil, so if any of you enjoyed that, there you go. Thanks web heads!

- Wanda

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