Chapter 3: The Triskellion.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: Spiderman sat in one of the passenger seats calmy, his hands cuffed. Around him were various heroes and villains sitting in the other seats, watching the wallcrawler like a hunter watching their prey.

"So what exactly was your game plan?" Hawkeye asked Spiderman. "Kill Iron Man and then go into hiding?" He asked once more, but Spiderman only glanced at him before looking away. The archer was not pleased. "I'm talking to you, Parker." He said, but Peter refused to talk to him. Barton grew annoyed and stood up from his seat and approached Spidey. "I said -"

Hawkeye reached out to Spiderman, but the totem quickly stood up from his seat, and before the archer could react, headbutted him in the nose, causing Clint to stumble and fall down holding his nose and everyone in the quinjet aimed their weapons and powers at Spiderman, ready to annihilate him.

Spiderman faced the overwhelming odds of pro registration heroes and villains and merely stared, slightly unnerving them. His spidey sense tingled as he felt the barrel of a gun aimed directly at the back of his head. Turning around, he came face to face with the infamous Natasha Romanoff A.K.A black widow. Her gaze cold as ice.

"I ask that you sit down, Spiderman." Natasha said, her grip on her gun tight and her finger not near the trigger but will go there if things were to escalate.

A tense silence enveloped everyone in the quinjet, but neither black widow nor Spiderman paid the others any attention them and focused on each other. Just when it looked like Spiderman wasn't going to comply and black widow was going to pull the trigger, Peter stepped back before sitting back in his seat, never taking his eyes off of black widow.

The Russian spy lowered her gun and moved towards the downed S.H.I.E.L.D archer without taking her eyes off of the airachnid and yanked him up by the arm.

"Go to the cockpit, Barton." Natasha ordered.

"No." Clint denied. "Not until I-" He paused, feeling a gun under his chin.

"I wasn't asking." Widow coldly retorted. "Go to the cockpit." She ordered once more, and this time, hawkeye complied, but not before giving a glare to Spiderman who did not bother returning it.

Once hawkeye was out of sight, black widow sat opposite of Spiderman, watching him and spidey doing the same with her. Everyone else slowly got back into the seats, keeping an eye on the wallcrawler.


The quinjet gently landed at its destination, and the back doors opened up. Everyone exited with Black Widow, escorting Spiderman. Upon leaving the jet, Spiderman found himself staring at the tall building of the S.H.I.E.L.D triskellion.

"Thought they'd send us to that prison in the quantum realm." Venom voiced its thoughts to its host with Peter mentally agreeing with its symbiotic partner.

The main doors to the triskellion opened, and Mr. Fantastic and Ant man came walking out of the building and towards Spiderman.

"I'd never thought I'd see the day when you would kill someone." The stetchy hero said. "What happened to you, Peter? Your aunt would be very disappointed in what you've become." The leader of the fantastic four said.

"You don't get to bring her up." Spiderman growled. "But since you want to hit sore spots, how's sue?" He asked, noticing how reed's eye twitched. "She must be really pissed at you. Building a thor android, building a prison in the negative zone where the people that don't agree to the registration act are to be locked away and never be able to see the light of day, and let's not forget all the juicy secrets I spilled out to the world, I bet she's equally pissed about that can of worms being spilled out." Spiderman said, taking silent satisfaction in seeing the anger reaching Reed's eyes only to get backhanded by ant man. Spidey didn't stagger, but his head did turn from the hit.

"Keep quiet, Parker." The avenger ordered sternly. "You've caused enough annoyance for everyone, and you will finally be out of the way." The ant controller turned to black widow and Ms Marvel. "Take him to our most secured cell on the triskellion." He ordered.

"Is he not going to the quantum prison?" Black widow asked, curious as to why he was staying at the triskellion.

"He would, but unfortunately, Captain America and his people launched a jailbreak on the prison and freed everyone as well as destroying it." Reed explained. "It will take a while to rebuild it, so for the time being, he's staying here." Mr. Fantastic said.

With that, natasha and Carol took each of spidermans arms and began leading him into the triskellion with everyone else going to do their own thing.

"Cap didn't waste time, it seems." Venom said.

"He must've attacked the prison after getting Julia and Rachel to safety, and he took advantage of everyone coming after me." Spiderman replied. "Normally, I'd hate being used, but considering how I used him as bait, I'd say that it's fair he did the same with me." Spidey reasoned, only getting a hum from the symbiote.

As the trio walked through the halls of the triskellion and entered the prison block. Spidey observed kept an eye out for the cameras and guards patrolling the area, making mental plans for when he would escape.

After some time, the 3 heroes entered a secluded cell block where there was only one cell all the way at the end.

"A cell all for me? You ladies shouldn't have." Spiderman said, getting nothing back from the 2 Avengers.

Eventually, they reach the cell, and after captain Marvel unlocks it, Spiderman walks into the cell and turns to face the 2 avengers. Black widow approaches Spiderman holding a key for his cuffs.

"If I undo your cuffs, Spiderman, will you play nice?" She asked, her eyes narrowed on the wallcrawler.

"I always play nice." Spidey said as he raised his cuffed hands towards the S.H.I.E.L.D spy who, after staring at Spiderman, trying to detect any possible lie, unlocks and removes the cuffs but what neither she, nor captain Marvel realised, was that a small portion of the symbiote latched onto black widow and camouflaged with her suit, ready to be of use when the time came.

Black widow walks out of the cell, and captain Marvel closes the doors. The 2 heroines stare at the wallcrawler, one in sympathy and sadness whilst the other woman in supposed indifference.

"I'm sorry it came to this pete." Carol said, sad that her fellow avenger is considered a criminal to most of the hero community.

"I'm not." Peter said, shrugging. "I knew what I was doing, Carol. I was ready to face the consequences." He said before pausing. "And if I had the chance to go back in time to make the choice of killing stark, I'd do it again." Spidey said. "I'm tired of losing people, Carol. It's time it stopped." Peter firmly declared. "Anyway, i think you should get moving, I don't think people are gonna appreciate you hanging around with me." Pete advised.

Carol opened her mouth to say something before stopping herself and letting out a sigh and then nodded her head.

"Yeah, I guess so." Carol muttered before eyeing Spiderman. "Take care, Peter." She said before slowly walking away from Spiderman's cell but stopped to hear what Spiderman said.

"Stay safe out there, Carol." Peter called out, and Ms. Marvel turned around to give the spider one last smile before walking away, leaving only Spiderman and Black Widow.

"Julia and her child are no longer in S.H.I.E.L.D custody." Natasha spoke up, gazing at Peter. "How did you manage to get them out?" She asked.

"Sorry, widow, trade secret." Peter said, suddenly narrowing his eyes on his fellow spider themed hero. "I hope you're not planning on hunting them down, widow." Spidey growled out, not wanting Rachel nor Julia to be forced to fight a battle they wanted no part in.

"Ha." Black widow chuckled. "No, Spiderman, whilst many of the pro registration want Julia and her child to be retaken, I'm one of the few who's against it." Seeing spidermans scepticism behind his masked face, she frowned. "I'm many things, Spiderman, but I'm not someone who would kidnap a child and use them as a bargaining chip or backup plan." Natasha said and watched as the scepticism left the wallcrawler.

"Good." Peter said softly. "I just don't want them to suffer any longer and possibly lose one another." He said, sighing at the end. "This stupid superhero tantrum has broken a lot of people and killed a lot more than anyone would care to admit." He ended.

"That you feel this way shows that regardless of the recent actions you've taken, you're still the same man who only wanted to do right by the world." Black widow said, approaching the cell door. "I admire that about you." She said.

"Really?" Peter asked. "I always thought you hated me." Spiderman said.

"I tolerate you." Natasha replied, a tiny smile appearing on her face.

The 2 are quiet once more, staring into each others eyes. Staring at Spiderman, Natasha Romanoff couldn't help but remember her time as Nancy Rushman when she couldn't remember that she was black widow and fell in love with Peter Parker. Comparing the man that Nancy loved with the man in the cell, she could still see that peter had not changed. Sure, he had taken a darker path to dealing with issues and for good reason, but she could still see that at the very core of Peter Parker, he was still the same man she remembered, and that caused certain feelings to flare up.

Natasha then averted her eyes from Spiderman, attempting to reign in her emotions. She was not Nancy rushman anymore. She was natasha romanoff, the Black Widow, a former Russian spy, and S.H.I.E.L.D agent, not-

"Nat?" Peter called out, and widow snapped her head to him, hearing the concern in his voice. "Everything ok?" He asked.

Natasha hands twitched, unspoken words wanted to come out of her mouth, but she regained control of herself and let out a breath.

"I'm fine." Black widow said. "Just remembered something." She said. "I must go now, I'll be getting orders from Director Hill soon." She said before walking away from Spiderman's cell before stopping, having a mental debate with herself before coming to a conclusion and glancing behind her, and looking at Spiderman. "If I have free time, I could come and keep you some company. I doubt you can handle being by yourself forever." Black widow offered.

".....I'd like that widow, thank you." After much thought, Peter accepted the offer, glad to have someone visit him from time to time.

And with that black widow walked away, leaving Spiderman all alone in his cell.

"The emotions on that one..." Venom hummed out, feeling the sudden flare of emotions that the avenger felt through the piece of his own symbiote.

"Something I should know?" Peter asked, curious.

"......nah, she'll be fine." Venom answered. "Now, we play the waiting game." The venom symbiote said. "How long are we gonna be here, Parker?" It asked.

"Until we go through the necessary stages and get more people against the registration act." Peter responded, sitting on his bed and then lying down on it. "Ive still got some of the classified data on hand that i can use when i need it and once weve done what we need to, we'll break out and keep going until there's no registration act and the civil war is finally over." Peter said.

With that, both Peter and Venom waited in the prison cell, contemplating and planning.

If there was one thing about being in a cell....

Is that it can give someone plenty of time to reflect and plan out their next move....

And both of them have a lot of free time.

A/N: All right, next chapter out. Merry Christmas everyone, hope it was a fun day for you guys. Not much happened in this chapter, but in the next chapter, we will see a small snippet of how society is currently looking like after Spiderman revealed all that classified info and the current status of the pro and Anti registration teams.

A/N: Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter. Feel free to leave a review and, as always.....PEACE✌️✌️

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