Chapter 2: Vengeance is served.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: In Avengers Tower, a newspaper slammed onto a table, the headline read "Spiderman, murderer of Osborn and Fisk." 2 pictures showing the faces of Norman Osborn and Wilsom Fisk with an X across them was pasted on the front of the news article.

"So, I believe we can all agree that Spiderman has gone rogue." Hawkeye said to the assembled group. "When do we hunt the bug down?" The archer asked, looking towards the Tony.

The armoured avenger said nothing as he was looking at his holographic screens and typing a few things on his keyboard.

"He's grieving Barton." Spiderwoman spoke up, glaring at the S.H.I.E.L.D agent. "He's just the most important people in his life, and he most likely found out that those 2 bastards-" She then pointed at the pictures on the newspaper. "Are the ones responsible for it and decided to the one thing that felt right for him." She paused for a moment, staring at the pictures of the deceased villains. "Besides, can anyone in this room tell me they wouldn't have done the same thing that peter did if they found out that the people they swore to protect were murdered by their rogues gallery?" She asked anyone who was listening.

"He broke the rules, Jess." Tony Stark decided to speak up. "Once he signed the registration act, he had to follow the rules that came with it." Moving one of the holographic screens out of the way, he continued. "As far as the world and im concerned, he's a criminal." He finished.

"He wouldn't be one if you had done what you promised to him." Julia carpenter retorted, glaring in silent anger at the millionaire who just waved her off.

"I would've done it eventually." The armoured Avenger defended. "Instead of blaming me, the kid should be blaming cap." He turned around to address arachne. "After all, had Steve not decided to start a war, I would've been able to spend some resources to help him." He said.

"You talk as if you don't have millions of said resources stark." Arachne challenged. "Don't bullshit me." She growled out.

"You know, it's that kind of attitude that will not get you the chance to get your daughter back." Iron man said nonchalantly, causing Julia to sharply inhale. "Keep it up, and you probably won't see her at all." He added.

Arachne was about rush Stark, but Ms. Marvel got in front of the Spider Hero and held her arm to stop her. Julia glared at the blonde, anger bubbling to the surface. After a few tense moments, Julia yanked her arm away and walked off, no longer wishing to be in the same room as the millionaire.

"Guess she's worried you'll beat her ass into the ground again." Wonder man commented, attempting to wrap his arm around Carol, who simply moved out of the way, and grabbed the newspaper and walked away. "Hey, where are you going? Want some company?" He asked, smirking at her.

"No." Carol flatly refused, looking at the news article with mixed feelings before looking over to the retreating form of arachne.

When she approached the woman after her chat with Spiderman, Julia was about to explode at her, but Carol quickly managed to mention Spiderman and his plan to reunite her with her daughter. Julia listened to Carol, who repeated what the wallcrawler told her. After the explanation, Julia questioned why she should trust her with her child and why she should even trust her. The only thing Carol said was that she wanted to make amends for what she did to Julia and that Spiderman told her of the plan and no one else and that she was the best chance she had. Julia reluctantly agreed to the plan and said she would wait for the signal before walking away, never saying if she would forgive danvers for her transgressions.

Suddenly, a notification caught iron man's attention, and he brought it up on the screen, quickly reading it. His eyes widened at the information he gained.

"Holy shit." Iron man said, catching everyone's attention, including the leaving Julia carpenter.

"What?" Reed Richards asked, temporarily halting his tinkering with a device to see what had caused Iron man's surprise.

Iron man said nothing but brought up a new screen. It showed the pictures of Normon Osborn with his arms and legs ripped dead in front of the entrance of his company building and a dead Wilson fisk, webbed up in a cocoon with web fluid coming out of his mouth with bits of blood leaking out, his eyes bloodshot and looking up to the ceiling of his cell, both images having the word 'deceased' in front of them. Many cringed of turned away from the sight, but there were some that were undisturbed. Stark then typed a few commands on his terminal, and more images popped up, and everyone became surprised at what they saw.

Electro. Wrapped up in cables with some puncturing his flesh at a powerplant, his body was pale, cracked, and lifeless, the very definition of a husk. His mouth hung open as if he were letting out a silent scream. The word 'deceased' appeared in front of the image.

Hammerhead. Sitting at the back of a limo, his flesh ripped off of his face to reveal his partially metal alloy skull that was mostly fractured and broken with much of the metal skull being spotted on his lap, his brain split in half. The word 'deceased' appeared in front of the image.

Scorpion. The man was in an alleyway, his eyes gauged out, and his tail pierced the back of his mouth and came out the other end. The word 'deceased' appeared in front of the image.

Rhino. The villain was at a construction site, and his horn was removed and shoved into his right eye. Dried cement could be seen trapped in his mouth, his hands on either side of his neck, most likely holding onto his throat as he choked to death. The word 'deceased' appeared in front of the image.

Vulture. The old man was tied up to a spinning bullseye, his metal feathers piercing numerous key parts of his body with others either hitting other parts of the bullseye or inches from hitting their supposed original targets. The word 'deceased' appeared in front of the image.

And lastly, doctor octopus. The scientist was strapped to a medical bed, his four mechanical tentacles were hooked up to a device and had blades coming out of their centres and were firmly plunged into the man's heart, although there were many more puncture wounds all over his body. The word 'deceased' appeared in front of the image.

Everyone wordlessly stared at the image, horror and disgust clearly seen on their faces.

'Is this the sign that you mentioned, Peter?' Carol thought, her mind unable to comprehend the once goofy and friendly neighbourhood Spiderman would kill his enemies so brutally.

A ping broke Iron man out of his stupor, and he opened another screen to show drone footage that showed captain America entering a warehouse, more specifically, the one where he and Spiderman had their scuffle.

"What do you think you're doing cap?" Iron man questioned to himself. Another ping sounded, and Stark brought up another screen to show Spiderman swinging towards the same warehouse that Captain America is at. "We'll ain't that just perfect." The armoured Avenger smirked. "I can kill 2 birds with one stone." Turning to his group, he gave his orders. "Sit tight people, I'll take care of those 2. By the time I'm done, this war will be over in a day." And with that, the armoured avenger went outside and took off to the skies, heading to the coordinates he took from the drone.

(1 hour earlier. - Empire State building.)

Spiderman stood on the side of the empire state building, staring at various news articles covering his recent kills of his rogues gallery.

"You think those kills will attract Stark to hunt us down?" Venom asked its host.

"It will attract his attention, but I doubt it would cause him to come and get us personally." Spiderman replied. "We need something big to force him to come out." He said, thinking of ways to get Iron Man to come out and play.

"Well..."Venom began, catching Spidey's attention. "If only we knew a certain super soldier who was opposed to the superhero registration act and gave us their number to contact him." The symbiote suggested, creating a tendril that went to Peter's phone and went through his contact and scrolled down until it found captain America's number.

Spiderman stared at his phone, contemplating the choice of calling the first avenger. He already had the means to deal with Iron Man and to have the hero's fate in his hands but once he decided that fate, the soldier would bare witness to his decision and could possibly alter how the hero of WW2 would see the spider hero. Thinking about it, Spidey decided that it was for the best. He'll feel bad for using Steve as bait but he'd be getting Iron man right where he wanted him and as an added bonus, give Steve the USB he still had on him and get Julia and Rachel to safety. With that thought in mind, he clicked the call button on Captain America's icon and put the phone to his ear.

"Hey, cap, it's me." Spiderman started. "Do you think we could meet up?" He asked.

(Present time.)

Captain america entered the warehouse, his famed vibranium shield was strapped to his back as he waited for Spiderman to show up. Whatever the wallcrawler wanted to talk about must've been important as Peter sounded resigned when he spoke over the phone.

What he didn't expect was a metal suit owned by Tony Stark to crash through the roof and land opposite of him. Thinking quickly, Cap pulled his shield off of his back and held it out in front of him with Iron Man, aiming his repulsors at his fellow avenger.

"Captain." Iron man greeted. "You seem a little defensive." He commented.

"It has been a long few days, Tony." Captain america replied, not letting his guard down. "How did you find me? I made sure not to be spotted by your drones." He couldn't help but ask.

"Well, it seems you missed one." Stark said, shoulder rockets popping out and aiming at the super soldier. "I'm gonna have to ask you to -"

A red and blue sphere rolled across the ground before stopping in between the 2 avengers before it opened up and with a whirling noise, sent out an electro magnetic pulse that temporarily shut down Iron man's armour. Before Captain America could react, something jumped and attached to his back, and it created a paralysing forcefield on his person, freezing him in place.

"Well..." a voice called out as someone dropped down from the ceiling and walked out of the shadows. "That was a lot easier than I expected." Spiderman stated. He then walked up to cap and crouched down in front of him. "Sorry, cap, I had to use you as bait to draw stark out. Don't worry though, once I'm done, the spider bot on your back will deactivate the forcefield." He said before turning to and approaching Iron Man, walking behind the man and placing a hand on his back to allow the symbiote to create miniature tendrils that slithered and infiltrated the armour and disable and destroy key systems, rendering the suit useless and unable to reactivate, after their work was done, the tendril receded. "And I can't have you trying to escape or have a chance to fight." Spiderman said, walking in front of him.

A S.H.I.E.L.D drone descended through the whole that Iron Man made and hovered next to the wallcrawler.

"You should've really wondered how one of the scout drones managed to find cap and me. The man has been good at hiding himself, and I was aware of every patrol pattern the drones take, which gave me the opportunity to hack one of them." Spiderman mentioned. "Now then..." He reached for the facemask. "Let's get this out of the way, I want to look you in the eyes." Spidey said as he ripped the facemask off and tossed it to the side.

"There, you can see my face. Are you happy now?" Stark asked calmly. "You do know it won't be long until my people find me, and by extension you when they find out the tracker in my suit is disabled right?" Iron man asked, cockily smirking, but that dropped when Spiderman chuckled.

"Oh, I'm counting it." Spiderman said before removing his mask and glaring at the armoured avenger. "But they'll be too late to do anything." He then crouched so that he was at eye level. "You ruined my life stark...." Spidey started. "My entire family is gone because you couldn't go through with your promise." Spiderman paused, taking in a ragged breath, trying to control himself before giving up letting his emotions out. "AND NOW I HAVE NOTHING LEFT!!!!!" He yelled.

"You're still going on about that?" Iron man asked, cutting off Peter's anger as the wallcrawler stared disbelievingly at him. "It's not my fault they died Parker, its yours, and you know it." The Iron Avenger accused. Peter stared at his former colleague before looking off to the side.

"I suppose you're right." Spidey said before slowly facing Iron Man again, his glare intensifying. "It's my fault that I trusted you. It's my fault that I didn't think twice. It's my fault that I believed you would provide what you offered." Peter's hands clenched. "And it's because of those reasons that they are dead but make no mistake stark." He then pointed at the Iron Avenger. "You were the most at fault for their deaths." He then pulled out his phone and tapped on the screen a couple of times, and the S.H.I.E.L.D drone faced him. "And it's time to make you fall." He declared.

The camera on the drone suddenly went live and began broadcasting across the world with the help of Norman Osborn's satellites.

"Hello, everyone." Peter Parker greeted. "For those who don't know me, my name is Peter Parker, and I'm the one and only spiderman." Spiderman paused, taking a breath before continuing. "Many of you know me as the first hero who revealed their identity as a way to show my support for the Registration Act, but you also know me as the man who supposedly killed my rogues gallery. Now, did I do those things? Yes, I did." He confirmed. "Now you're probably wondering why I did those things, and it's because I've lost people close to my heart." Spiderman paused, reigning in his emotions that were about to slip. "And I killed the people responsible for it, all but one." Peter said as he moved to the side, revealing the kneeling Tony Stark in all his powered down glory. "Tony Stark promised my family protection from the people who wouldn't waste an opportunity to go after them to get to me." Peter revealed. "Except he lied, and I paid the price in believing him." A tear slid from his eye, but he quickly wiped it off. "But I'm not the only one he's lied to." Spidey turned to the camera. "Iron Man and the government have claimed that the registration act is the right path to bring order and will not hesitate to force people to sign the act and silence or threaten anyone who goes against them." He said before a snort Stark cut him off.

"Oh please, we'd never do such a thing, Parker. Stop spreading false claims and give up before things get ugly for you." Iron Man threatened, but Peter was not phased.

"Oh really?" Spiderman asked before tapping on a file icon on his phone and sending the info worldwide. "Ladies and gentlemen, I just uploaded classified information from Stark's very own servers. In it is information of people of interest, the bribes he and the government have made, people that were arrested on falsified charges, heroes that were threatened and beaten and blackmailed into signing the registration act, and much more." Spiderman said before looking at the horrified look of Iron Man. "You should've removed my access to the server room after our fight, Tony." He said.

Around the world, people wasted no time to go onto the Internet and access all the information that Spiderman uploaded. The reactions were varied but overall negative towards the Iron Man and those who willingly sided with the superhero registration act. The Intel provided showed the lengths they went to get their way and pushed their agenda.

People in New York began to look at the pro registration heroes and villains out on the streets with distrust, anger, and fear, some going as far as to curse at them and throw things at them whilst people around the world talked among themselves and continued to listen in.

Meanwhile, Spiderman just let everything sink in just a little while longer before speaking up once more.

"And now..." Peter began, catching everyone's attention. "It's time to make a choice. I wanted to be the judge, jury, and executioner, but I think I have a better idea." He suddenly smirked as everyone received a voting pole, courtesy of the wallcrawler. "You see, Tony, you and the government claim to listen and serve the people, so why not let them decide your fate?" He questioned as he then turned to the camera. "You all will decide the fate of Iron Man, will you allow him to be spared, or you will you have him killed for the atrocities and violations he committed during this super hero civil war? You decide." He said.

Everything went quiet as people sent their responses to the voting pole, and Spiderman took the opportunity to message Carol and asked if she had Julia and Rachel with her. After receiving an affirmative, he told her to come to where he was with the 2 of them and sent her the coordinates. After some time, the voting pole closed, and the results were in.

"Well, it's time to see what got the most votes." Spiderman said. "And the winner is...." He paused for dramatic effect before turning his phone around to reveal the word 'kill' showing up on his screen with the votes being 92%. Peter then turned around and showed Iron Man who paled. "The people have spoken." He firmly said.

"That's a lie. You must have manipulated the votes!" The armoured Avenger shouted, but Peter scoffed at the accusation.

"Unlike you stark, I've spent my whole superhero career serving the community, saving as many people as I can, using my great power with great responsibility and being a friendly neighbourhood Spiderman." Parker said firmly. "I would never manipulate anything, especially when it comes to the voice of the people I defend." He said.

Peter then cut the video of the broadcast but left the sound on. Venom then created four tendrils from spidermans back much to captain America and Iron man's shock, not realising that the black suit he wore was actually the symbiote. The tendrils then wrapped around the armoured avenger and lifted him off of the ground, crushing the suit slowly as Iron man grunted in pain, soon the tendrils extended, slowly covering the millionaire from head to toe. The only thing that the viewers could hear was the muffled screams of Tony Stark as his suit was being crushed with him in it.

"Goodbye stark, I would say it was nice knowing you but I'd be lying." Peter said and with a mental command that Venom sensed, the symbiote increased the pressure as the screams of stark intensified before it suddenly stopped when a squelching sound was heard. Venom then retracted the tendrils and in place of iron man was a squashed suit with blood and broken bones leaking and poking out of it.

Spiderman had done it....

Tony Stark was dead.

Spiderman then looked at the drone once he allowed the video to come back up. "It's done, and to those who support the registration act, come and get me." Peter challenged before he ended the broadcast and then crushed the drone.

Not even a minute later and carol danvers descends into the warehouse, carrying Julia and Rachel. Upon seeing the mangled corpse. Julia turned Rachel's head away so she wouldn't see the grotesque sight.

"Nice work Carol." Spiderman said, approaching the trio. Carol said nothing and stared at the corpse of iron man before she forcefully turned her head away.

"I guess you got what you wanted huh?" Carol said, her tone neutral.

"Yeah." Spiderman said. "But I've got one more thing to do." He said before walking towards the still paralysed captain America who could only stare at his approaching form with restrained anger. "I am sorry Steve. I didn't want to use you as bait but it was the only way to get Tony's attention." He said remorseful. "I'm also sorry that you had to see me kill him, as much as you 2 hated eachother and fought over many things, he was still your teammate and friend." Spiderman then lifted his right hand and Venom brought out the USB and Peter then held it out in front of Steve. "This contains all the classified info I released as well as the locations of your teammates and the location of a special prison built in the quantum realm and a way to get to it. Use this to help you gain an advantage." He said and sent the command to the spider bot to release captain America from his paralysis. The bot jumped off and scurried away and cap rolled his shoulders and neck to release the stiffness before looking at the USB in spiderman's hand. Looking suspiciously at the wallcrawler then at Ms Marvel, he cautiously reached out to it by spiderman pulled it back slightly. "I also have a request." Spidedman said before motioning to Julia and her daughter. "Take those 2 with you and get them somewhere safe. Their lives have already been ruined by this war and with the registration act losing a key figure and their dirty laundry being aired out, this war is going to get rough." Peter requested.

Captain america looked at Julia and her daughter, watching as the female spider was whispering comforting words in her daughters ear before he sighed.

"Alright, I will. You have my word." Steve Rogers said and spiderman handed him the USB.

"Thank you." Peter said and turned to Julia who was now whispering something to Carol which was then followed by Rachel doing the same thing. Whatever was said seemed to make the blonde let out a sigh of, from what he could assume was, relief before nodding her head.

Julia and Rachel then approached Spiderman and both pulled the wallcrawler into an embrace.

"Thank you Peter, for bringing my little girl back to me." Arachne said sincerely as Spiderman returned the hug.

"You're welcome." Peter said. "You 2 take care of yourselves ok?" He asked.

"I should be telling you that." Julia said pulling back from the hug but Rachel was still holding on.

"Come on Rach, you need to go with your mother." Peter said gently. Rachel said nothing but looked up.

"Will you be ok?" Rachel asked, earning a hair ruffle from the wallcrawler.

"Don't worry, I'll be ok." Peter said. "Now go on and take care of your mother." He said as Rachel broke away from the hug and went to her mother's side and the 2 followed captain America as he led them to the exit of the warehouse and to the path of his base of operations.

Now it was just Peter and Carol. Spiderman looked at powerful blonde who was staring at him silently for a moment before said silence was broken.

"How did you manage to stop the others from getting to this place?" Danvers couldn't help but ask.

"I bounced the broadcast signal all over so that they would have a hard time finding me, though now with the drone destroyed, they'll be here very soon." Spiderman said, motioning to the destroyed remains of the drone he used.

"Was what you revealed to the world really true?" Carol asked. Spiderman only nodded as his answer. Ms marvel sighed in dismay. "All this time, I thought I was fighting for a worthy cause, and now that I know this, I feel like I don't know what I'm supposed to do now." She confessed.

"You're a fighter Carol." Peter said, getting her attention. "You always find a way to get back on your feet and be the hero I know you can be." He said. "As for me...." Parker began, his spisey sense tingling. "My time as a hero is up." He said.

Soon many pro registration heroes and villains as well as S.H.I.E.L.D agents descended and surrounded spiderman who did not flinch in fear at their arrival.

"Spiderman, you are ordered to stand down immediately! Comply and no harm will come to you." Someone shouted but Spiderman did not care to identify who it was. He walked up to Carol who did not move from her position as everyone tensed, getting ready for a fight.

"We can't believe we're doing this." The venom symbiote muttered in Peter's mind. The wallcrawler chose to ignore it and stood in front of Ms marvel.

"I give up." Peter said, raising his hands in front of him.

Carol stared into the eyes of the spider unsure of what to do and feel but seeing spiderman nod his head to her, she took a breath and spoke the words she never thought she would say to the friendly neighbourhood hero.

"Peter Parker...."Carol danvers began. "By the order of the government, S.H.I.E.L.D and for breaking the law of the superhero registration act, you are hereby under arrest."

And with that, Spiderman was placed in cuffs and taken to a parked quinjet where he would be locked up.

But this wasn't the end....

Spiderman still had work to do....

He will bring down the superhero registration act....

And he will succeed.

A/N: boom, another chapter out. Not much to say other than hoped you liker it.

A/N: anyways, thanks for reading this chapter, feel free to leave a review and as always.....PEACE✌️✌️

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