Chapter 1: The Hunt.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: Spiderman walked through Avengers tower, going past various heroes and villains that had joined Iron Man's side and signed the superhero registration act. The spider ignored the various conversations that were taking place, the glances, and whispers about him and his decision in wearing the black suit instead of the Iron spider suit.

"Why waste time pretending to still be on their side, Parker?" Venom questioned in the spider's head. "We can just strike out on our own and find the one responsible." The symbiote added.

"Because if I stay on their side for a little while longer, I can use Stark's toys to get the information I need quicker." Spiderman mentally responded. "Plus, the server in the tower is one of the main information hubs that has Intel on the people that are being held prisoner for not signing the registration act and from cap's team." He explained.

As spidey was heading to the server room, he tensed as he felt a metallic hand on his shoulder and sharply turned his head to see the smiling face of Tony Stark in his Iron man armour. Peter, and by extension venom, had to mentally cringe as the strong smell of alcohol invaded their senses.

"Hey Peter, glad you could make it back to the tower. I hope nothing insane happened." The billionaire said, smiling as he drank his glass of wine in his hand.

"Glad to be back stark." Spiderman gritted out, his left hand twitching.

"So tell me, how's aunt May doing?" The Iron Avenger asked, either ignoring or not noticing Spiderman's sharp inhale. "Or MJ, for that matter, she's not having any issues, right?" He continued to ask.

At this point, Spiderman was so very tempted to just say to hell with it and fight Iron Man right there and then. Venom was tempted to feed and add fuel to the fire, as a way for Peter to just get the anger out of his system and to put stark in his place but remembered what Peter said about using stark's tech to his advantage to find the one responsible for the hospital explosion so he reluctantly held spiderman back from commiting a necessary violent act.

"Focus Parker, or else we'll never do what we came here to do." The symbiote warned. Spiderman heard Venom and, with great restraint, forced himself to calm down.

"They're fine. Both of them are just sleeping right now." Spiderman forced out before continuing. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere i need to be." Spidey said before moving away from the armoured avenger but was held back when the hand on his shoulder tightened, holding him in place.

"Come on, Pete, what's the rush?" Stark asked, pulling Spiderman into a side hug. "Relax, enjoy yourself, have a drink, mingle with our pals, we're celebrating another win against cap!" Iron man proclaimed loudly, getting some cheers and claps from the pro registration heroes and villains.

Spiderman, his anger almost reaching its boiling point, was about to grab iron man's arm and crush it, but he never got the chance as he was suddenly yanked away from the playboy by none other than Carol danvers A.K.A Ms marvel.

"What's going on here, boys?" The blonde asked, a smirk gracing her face, a beer bottle in hand. "Hope you aren't causing any troubles for my spider, Tony." Carol Danvers said, pulling the wallcrawler into a sidehug.

"What me?" Iron man asked, pointing at himself before letting out a snort. "Not in the slightest." He said before walking away. "Enjoy the drinks, you 2. Oh, and spidey, I forgive you for starting that little sucffle we had!" Iron man called out before being swallowed up by the crowd.

'Like I need your goddamn forgiveness.' Peter angrily thought, a growl escaping him, causing Ms marvel to side eye her fellow hero before dragging him to the bar where the 2 sat down.

"What was that about?" Danvers asked, taking a sip of her beer.

"I don't want to talk about it, Carol." Parker replied, not in the mood to explain that particular incident and certainly not in the tower. Ms. Marvel figured it was a touchy subject and decided to drop it. "How's everything with you, Carol?" He asked.

"Yeah, good, everything is...." Carol trailed off before sighing and staring down at her beer. Spidey glanced at her. He could see she wanted to say something by the way her mouth opened and closed before taking the plunge and saying what was on her mind. "I heard about MJ and aunt May." She revealed, watching as Spiderman froze before slumping in resignation. "I'm so sorry about what happened to them, I wanted to come to the funeral, but -" she got cut off.

"Why didn't you?" Spiderman asked, his voice choked up. He didn't want to think about MJ, his unborn child, and Aunt May being buried six feet under, but it seemed that word got around, and people were probably gonna start asking questions or give false condolences. Since Carol brought it up, he decided to ask a question of his own. The answer he received was Ms. Marvel looked to one of the couches where Julia Carpenter was talking to Jessica Drew but paused slightly after feeling someone watching her and turned to see it was Ms Marvel. A hate filled glare was sent her way before she turned back to Jessica and continued her conversation whilst Carol sighed and downed what was left of her beer. "Oh." Peter simply said.

"Yeah." Carol said, swirling her empty beer bottle. "I wanted to come to the funeral, but when I found out Julia was there, I figured it'd be best I stayed away. It probably would've been civil, but I didn't want to run the risk of her getting angry at seeing me there and possibly exploding at me." Ms. Marvel said, her finger idly tapping against the table. "Besides, between me and her, I think it's best that she went instead of me, I mean, she practically knew you longer than I did." Carol said, looking off to the side at the end of her explanation before feeling a hand enveloping her own and turning to see Spiderman holding it.

"Thanks, Carol, for at least having the thought to come to it." Spiderman said, grateful that she had wanted to calm but stayed away in favour of not creating a possible tense and awkward atmosphere with his fellow spider.

Ms. Marvel smiled before jumping over the bar and grabbing 2 glasses and some wine before pouring it into each glass. Sealing the bottle, Carol grabbed her glass and held it up towards Spiderman.

"To MJ and May Parker." Danvers said. "May they rest in peace." She added as Spiderman removed his mask and placed it on the table before grabbing his own glass.

"And to the people we've lost along the way." Peter added, clinking his glass with hers before the 2 avengers drank their glass of wine, respectively. Once the glass was empty, Peter grabbed his mask and put it back on. "I have to get going Carol, thanks for the drink." Spiderman then walked to his previous destination. "I'll see you around." He added.

"See you around, Pete." Carol whispered as she watched him go.

"Hey baby~~" a voice called out, and Ms. Marvel turned to see Wonder man leaning on the table staring flirtatiously at her.

'Oh boy, here we go.' Ms Marvel couldn't help but think as she prepared to be flirted with for however long it was gonna be.

Meanwhile, with Spiderman, the spider hero had just left the party and was walking through the hallway. Once he reached the door to the server room, Spiderman typed in his pass code, and the door was opened.

"Perks of being stark's second in command, huh?" Venom asked.

"That, and also being the first hero and face of the superhero registration act." Spiderman mentally added, walking into the room as the door closed behind him.

Logging onto the terminal, Spiderman immediately accessed the nationwide security systems. Spiderman remembered that after the first encounter with Captain America's group, Iron Man and Maria Hill got to work on creating and deploying aerial scout drones that could also hack into anything with a camera that would allow them to find their targets quicker. Spiderman was silently against this as this was an invasion of privacy and had the possibility of being used by villains, but he was just one voice against many others who were all for it.

'Can't believe I'm using this system to find the killer.' Peter thought. Eventually, after jumping over a few hurdles, he was looking at the scout drone network and accessed the video archive, and looked for the cameras at the hospital before it was burnt.

When he did find it, he played the recordings, putting multiple camera angles on the screen. Both Spiderman and Venom watched the screen intently, looking for anyone suspicious. It was venom that caught it first.

"Parker, top right." Venom advised, causing Peter to look in the direction the symbiote advised, and the wallcrawler enlarged the screen and saw what venom was looking at.

On the recording, there was a hooded man moving to certain rooms and planting something on each floor. Unfortunately, he couldn't see the man's face nor what he planted, so he typed a few commands in, the screen switched to a different angle and spiderman was able to get a better view and reversed the footage by a few seconds before resuming it. The host and symbiote watched the recording in silence, but when they saw what was being planted, Peter's anger returned anew.

For what he saw being planted was a highly modified pumpkin bomb.

"Osborn." Spiderman seethed. "I should've known..." He muttered before slamming his fist on the keyboard. "I SHOULD'VE GODDAMMED KNOWN!!!!" He yelled.

"He needs to die, Parker." Venom growled in his ear. "No more seconds chances, no more getting away, no more back up..." Venom began. "No more -"

"Goblin." Spiderman uttered. The thought of Norman Osborn dead no longer scared him. Had he been the previous jokester and friendly neighbourhood hero that everyone knew, he'd be against it, but he's lost so much, and he's just lost the last 3 people in his life that made him happy. There was no chance of going back to the way he was.

It was time to put a stop to this game with him and goblin, permanently.

A beeping noise broke Spiderman from his thoughts as he looked up at the screen to see the letter M blinking repeatedly. Curiosity getting the better of him, Spiderman clicked on it.

And gasped at what he saw.

"Oh my god." Spiderman whispered, on the screen, were plans, designs, locations, people of interest. The wallcrawler skimmed through the information, getting both horrified and angry as he continued to read, Spiderman then typed in Julia's daughter's name and her image popped up with information, her location and her current status, showing she was still in S.H.I.E.L.D custody, typing a few other commands, spiderman saw the blueprints of a prison that was built to hold people who didnt agree with the registration act in the quantum realm, a prison, from what peter could see, wouldn't last after looking at the designs. The more Spiderman searched, the more his emotions began to boil. "Stark you bastard..." He silently seethed. He needed to copy all of this info, and he needed to do it now.

Sensing his intentions, Venom spotted a USB and created a tendril from Spiderman's back and grabbed the memory device before dangling it in front of Peter, who stared at it before gently taking it from the tendril.

"Thanks." Peter said to the venom symbiote.

"Yeah, whatever, just hurry up before we get spotted." The venom symbiote said dismissively. It felt awkward being told thanks by his former enemy, don't get it wrong, it liked being appreciated, but there were still years of bad blood between them and they've only recently bonded to eachother again so it would definitely take a while for both of them to get used to having the other back in their lives.

Spiderman plugged the USB into a port and began copying and uploading the data whilst also making sure not to trigger any kind of firewall or security alarm. After a few gruelling minutes, the information had been copied and uploaded. Pulling the USB out, Venom then grabbed it and absorbed it into themselves as Spiderman logged off and walked out of the server room.

As he was walking to the elevator to go to the balcony, he spotted a very tired Ms Marvel walking his way. She looked mentally drained, from what was anyone mystery.

The wallcrawler paused, a thought popping into his head. Danvers had felt remorse with how things went down between her and Julia. From what Peter understood and what he was told, Wonder Man had tried to get Julia to sign, but when she refused, the 2 fought, and soon Ms. Marvel stepped in, and it escalated even further. At the end of the day, Julia was forced to sign, and her daughter was taken from her.

If she did really feel bad, then it's time to see if she wanted to make amends.

"Carol!" Spiderman called out, getting her attention.

"Oh hey -" Ms. Marvel greeted before getting cut off.

"Do you truly feel bad for what you did to Julia?" Spiderman asked seriously, confusing his fellow avenger.

"What are you - of course I do!" Carol answered, a little confused and angered at the thought of Spiderman thinking she didn't feel bad.

"Would you want to make amends, for her stop being mad at you, to be her friend again?" Spiderman asked again, more serious. Danvers didn't answer, feeling more confused but just simply nodding her head. Spiderman then pulled out his Avengers ID card, and a holographic screen popped up, quickly typing a few keys, he sent some information to Ms marvel's ID card with said hero getting hers out and unlocking it to see what was on it and gasped.

"How did you -" the blonde avenger was gonna ask before Spiderman put a hand up to stop her.

"The less you know about it, the better Carol. Trust me, once I'm found out, everyone's gonna be gunning for my head." Spiderman said. He then pointed at her ID card. "I just gave you one Rachel Carpenter's location. Do you want to make amends? Then you get Rachel out of there, bring her to Julia, and then you get both of them to cap." Peter explained.

"Wha- Pete, I can't do that! Rachel is probably heavily guarded, and it'd be going against what the registration act stands for, we're supposed to follow orders, not go out on our own, people get hurt." Carol said, angering Spiderman.

"It doesn't matter if you're for or against the damm act. People will always get hurt, I thought the same as you, Carol. I also thought that if I was all for it, my loved ones would be saved and look what happened." Peter retorted. Carol flinched, realising her poor choice of words. "This damn war has torn people apart, friends families, lovers..." He listed before trailing off. "It has to stop, and you can at least save one family from this madness." Carol looked unsure, staring at her ID card before a hand went under her chin and lifted her head up to meet Spiderman's gaze. "Please, Carol, get Rachel to Julia, don't leave a family split..... don't leave Julia suffering, knowing that her daughter is out of reach and that she'll never see her again." He pleaded.

Ms. Marvel stared into the white eyes of Spiderman before letting out a sigh.

"Alright...... I'll do it." Danvers said, much to spidermans silent joy. "Won't be easy, though." She added.

"Don't worry about it, I'm gonna be doing something that's gonna get everyone coming for me soon, Rachel will practically be unguarded by that point, I'll message you when you can bring them to cap." Spiderman said, worrying Ms marvel.

"Spidey, what are you going to do?" Carol asked but got no response from the wallcrawler. "Rachel's location isn't the only thing you found." She assumed. Again, there was no response, but she had a feeling she was right. "What did you find? She asked once more, but again, there was no response. "Pete -" Danvers was about to ask again before Peter held a hand out to stop her.

"Don't Carol." Peter advised. "Like I said, the less you know, the better." He said before pausing for a moment before continuing, determination in his tone. "Just know that I've got somewhere to be and that this will probably be the last time we see each other," Spiderman added, worrying Carol more.

Ms. Marvel looked like she wanted to keep pushing, but seeing the steadfast look of Spiderman, she relented, which the wallcrawler was grateful for.

"How will I know when to grab Rachel?" Carol asked.

"Believe me, you'll know it when you see it." Spidey assured before walking past her. "Thanks for doing this, Carol." He added as he walked away.

"Hey." Ms Marvel called out, Spiderman stopped but didn't turn. "I know you won't tell me anymore than you did, but whatever you're gonna do, don't get yourself killed." She pleaded. Spiderman glanced back at Ms Marvel.

"I knew you liked me." Spiderman joked, getting a snort and a smile from Ms Marvel. "I'll try not to die. Take care, Carol." He added before walking away.

"Take care, spider." Carol whispered as she watched the spider hero go.

(Mini timeskip)

On the top floor of Oscorp tower, Norman Osborn, A.K.A, the green goblin, was behind his desk, typing away on his monitor, a self-assured, and smug smile on his face as he looked at the recent increase in sales.

Suddenly, the power in his office flickered before it cut out, leaving only the monitor as the CEO's only source of light. His door was suddenly bashed open as a body crashed through it and smacked against his desk. Norman didn't flinch, but he did chuckle and smile, knowing who was coming for him. In the silence, the echo of footsteps could be heard before the glowing white eyes, and the Spider symbol could be clearly seen.

"Good evening, Peter." Norman greeted, his smile wide, but Spiderman said nothing as he walked up to his desk. "I'm going to assume you were the one who cut the power and attacked my security." He continued as Spiderman stopped at the desk, saying nothing and simply listening. "How do you think this will look on the news? Spiderman, the face of the superhero registration act, unlawfully arresting a businessman?" Osborn asked but still got no response. At this point, Norman stood up from his seat. "If you take me now, know that my lawyers and friends will have me out within the week." He boasted. "All of these "theatrics" would have been a waste of our time." Norman ended with a smirk, confident that he had Spiderman beaten and had gotten away with murdering his family as a bonus and that they would continue their game forever.

What he didn't know is that the goblins time was slowly coming to an end.

Spiderman looked to the side seemingly contemplating something before taking a deep breath before staring at his nemesis in the eyes for the last time.

"'re right." Spiderman agreed. Suddenly, 4 tendrils protruded from his back and lashed out towards Norman, grabbing his arms and legs, much to the man's shock. "Which is why I'm ending this game, permanently." He growled and watched as Venom commanded the tendrils to pull on Norman's arms and legs. Osborn tried to scream, but Spiderman webbed his mouth shut, muffling them.

Spiderman felt nothing as his nemesis screamed....

He felt nothing when both the arms and legs were torn off and blood sprayed everywhere....

He felt nothing when he grabbed the somehow alive and conscious Osborn by the neck and lifted him and threw him through the window and watched him fall....

But when he watched as the man who was known as green goblin splattered against the ground....

He felt something....

He felt like he had avenged the deaths of MJ, his child, and aunt may....

He felt like a weight was taken of his shoulders....

He felt free....

He felt liberated....

He felt.................. UNLEASHED.

"You did it, Parker." Venom said, his tone monotone.

"No, not yet." Spiderman replied back. He then went to Osborn's monitor and uploaded the USB, uploading all the data he collected at Avengers tower onto it and had it secretly uploaded around the world using Oscorp's satellites.

A plan was already in mind....

And he was just getting started.

Unplugging the USB, Venom took it back, and Spiderman swung through the shattered window, ignoring the cries and sirens below.

"I'm just getting started." Spiderman said outloud.

(Mini timeskip)

Wilson fisk, the Kingpin, was scared.

He had received news that May Parker and Mary Jane Watson were killed in an explosion.

And he feared that Spiderman was coming for him.

"Lights out!" A guard yelled as every cell door closed and the lights shut off with the only illumination being the pale moonlight shining through the windows.

Fisk shifted in his bed, his wounds from the beating he got from the wallcrawler still aching. Just as he turned over, he froze.

For Spiderman was standing by the entrance to the cell, holding the gate opened so it couldn't close.

"Hello Kingpin." Spiderman greeted, his tone calm and collected, and this worried Kingpin. "Did you hear the news?" He asked. Fisk didn't speak, still frozen in fear. "I asked if you heard the news?" Spiderman growled out, and this time, fisk nodded furiously, not wanting to anger the hero. Spiderman relaxed, his tone calm once more. "Then you know that aunt may and MJ are dead." Peter said, getting another nod from the crime lord. "I know you didn't cause the explosion." Spidey said. This caused Kingpin to stare suspicion. "I found out who did it and took care of business." Spiderman added.

This caused Kingpin to let out a sigh of relief, glad that Spiderman didn't think he finished the job and got someone else close to him killed.

"But..."Spiderman continued, and Kingpin froze. He didn't like the sound of that. "Aunt IS dead willy." He added, emphasising his point. "And do you remember what I said?" He asked, and Kingpin can remember so very clearly.

"You better hope that Aunt May lives, or I'll come back and finish the job."

"I-i didn't kill her." Kingpin stuttered out, pleading for his life.

"You're right. You didn't." Spiderman agreed. "But it was your hired gun that put a bullet through her." Spiderman added. "It's because of you that my aunt was dying, and it's because of you that she ended up in the hospital where my fiance said she would look after her and it's because of you, that goblin took advantage of my moment of weakness and killed them." Spiderman growled out, with each accusation, Kingpin flinched. "You are guilty. Plain and simple." Spiderman said before approaching Kingpin. "And it's time I went through with what I promised you." Spiderman growled.

Before Kingpin could do anything, Venom created 3 tendrils. One of them binding kingpin's legs together, the other 2 wrapping around his arms. Kingpin clamped his mouth shut, but Spiderman raised his right hand towards the crime lord's mouth, and 2 more tendril came out and forced Wilson fisk's mouth wide opened. Kingpin stared at Spiderman, his wide eyes begging him to stop and spare him, but there was no sympathy for him from the wallcrawler.

"Goodbye, Kingpin." Spiderman uttered.

And with a simple motion, Spiderman fired his webbing down kingpins throat.

The only sound in the quiet prison that could barely be heard was the sound of chocking, followed by gasping and then.....


A/N: Right, another chapter done. There's not much to say, really other than things are getting interesting.

A/N: Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter. Feel free to leave a review and, as always.....PEACE✌️✌️

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