Prologue: No more.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: The beeping of a heartbeat monitor filled Peter's ears, his eyes were bloodshot from tears falling down his face, his knuckles cut up and bruised from a beat down that he gave a certain crime lord. He ignored everyone and everything as he only focused on his sleeping aunt. The news he received a few days ago from a doctor made Spiderman's heart stop.

Aunt May might not make it.

When he heard the news, he confronted stark, fought him, and then trapped him (he was amazed that he was able to do it with just his organic webbing) and demanded why Iron Man did nothing to protect her and blamed him.

And then the words that Iron Man told him rung in his head.

"Aunt May is dying because of you."

Peter's hands clenched as he silently seethed at the words ringing in his head. It was his fault? HIS?! All he's ever done in his entire life is try and protect his aunt! He lost his uncle. He would never want to indirectly or directly do something to hurt her! What the hell did stark know?! The man only cared about his ego, being right and acting like he's perfect and had no faults whatsoever!

"Peter." A voice called out, causing Peter to freeze and snap out of his inner thoughts and glance behind him at his lover, Mary Jane Watson, a hand on her slightly bulging stomach as she approached him. "How is she?" She asked.

"Not good." Peter replied, enjoying the feeling and warmth that her hand in his gave him before looking back at his aunt. "Her conditioning is getting worse every day." He continued, his throat feeling dry and fresh tears preparing to fall. "I don't know what to do, MJ." Peter chocked out. "I went to everyone I could, but no one seems to have anything that can help." Spidey said before sucking air through clenched teeth, his anger bubbling to the surface. "Or want to help." He growled out.

"Relax." MJ said, wrapping her arms around Peter. "Take a breath." She instructed. She watched as Peter took a deep breath, then exhaled. "Why don't you go home and get some sleep? I can watch over May." The redhead suggested.

"No." Peter denied. "I need to be here, I have to keep her safe." He said, bringing MJ close to him and holding Aunt May's hand. "I need to protect all of you." He firmly stated, the memory of his aunt May being shot replaying in his mind.

"Peter, look at me." MJ said, and Peter faced her. "I know you're scared about what could happen to us, but you need to take a break." She said. Peter goes to protest, but MJ shushed him by putting a finger to his lips. "If you keep going without getting some sleep, you'll burn yourself out, and you'll end up getting yourself killed. Is that what you want?" She questioned before grabbing his hand and putting it on her stomach. "Do you want our child to live in a world where her father possibly died because he couldn't take care of himself?" She asked once more.

Peter said nothing, merely staring at MJ stomach and idly stroking it. After a few seconds, Peter released a breath and glanced one more time at his aunt before looking back at MJ.

"If something happens or you need anything, you don't hesitate to call me, and I'll come right over to you." Peter instructed, MJ nodded her head and was rewarded with a kiss to her forehead, then her lips. The 2 then break away, and he leans down to her stomach. "Now you be good for your mommy, ok?" He asked, gently stroking her stomach before standing back up. "Remember, call me if anything happens. I love you." Peter said.

"I love you too, Tiger." MJ said lovingly.

Peter left the hospital room and silently shut the door before silently heading to the fire escape and heading to the roof. The wallcrawler then removes his jacket, followed by his shirt, then his shoes and trousers, revealing his black suit. He then reaches into his trouser pocket and pulls out his mask, and puts it on. Peter then grabs his discarded clothing and creates a bag out of webbing and casually tosses them onto the wall before taking a running start and freefalling. Once he was close to the ground, he fired a web and began web swinging home.

Halfway home, Spiderman landed on the side of the daily bugle building, looking off to the side. He realised that he was not far from the cemetery. Maybe it was time to pay a visit to a certain someone.

A few web swings later, and Peter landed in front of the opened gates of cemetery. Ignoring the people who pointed, stared, or took pictures of him, he calmly walked through and passed many graves before stopping in front of a specific one and just staring at the headstone in silence.

The clouds soon began to darken as thunder rumbled, and it wasn't long before rain began to pour down, but the wallcrawler paid it no mind as he removed his mask, revealing the face of a man who was tired, angry and scared of what could possibly happen in the near future.

"Uncle Ben..."Peter began, opening his mouth before closing it and staring at the grave for a few more seconds before speaking again. "It's been a while since I last came to visit you. I don't know where to begin." He said before pausing, as if waiting for a response back, but received none and continued to speak. "MJ and I are doing fine, we uhhh.... we've got a kid on the way. It's only been a few weeks, and we haven't found out the gender yet." The wallcrawler paused again, trying to put his thoughts into words. "We also decided on names and...." Peter stopped himself, his shoulders slumping in resignation. "And I should stop talking about that and talk about why I'm here." Peter then ruffled his hair a little before speaking again. "You know something, Uncle Ben? You always told me there would be days that are hard...."Peter throat became dry. "That will test me...." tears fell freely from his face, the rain covering them. "But.... I don't think I can do this anymore." He sobbed out. "Aunt May is in hospital, and the doctors say she might not make it, and I'm scared that MJ and our child could suffer the same fate." Peter then wiped the tears away. "And I can't lose them, not like I lost you. So tell me or give me a sign, what am I supposed to do?" Peter finally asked, and again, no response was given, and he sighed.


Peter sharply turned his head at the sound of an explosion and saw smoke rising into the sky. A bad feeling overcame him, and he put his mask back on and rushed towards the location.

"No..." He whispered, watching as police cars and firefighters were driving as fast as they could to the danger. "Please don't be where I think it is...." Spidey sped up faster, his bad feeling increasing the closer he got. "No..." He narrowly avoided a helicopter that got in the way of his path before resuming his swinging. "Please, no...." He was almost there. "No." Almost there. "NO." He could almost see it. "NO!" In front of him was - "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

The hospital that MJ and Aunt May were at....

Up in flames and reduced to a pile of rubble.

Spiderman jumped down, onto the wreckage, moving rubble out of the way, hoping for a sign of MJ and aunt May. He searched for hours, and by then, most of the fires were doused, and spidermans hands were cut up and bruised from lifting heavy and sharpened debris. Moving one more pile of rubble, Spiderman gasped.

He found them.

It would seem MJ used her body to shield aunt may from any collapsing debris. Spidey began to remove big chunks of debris, being careful not to move any that could cause more to fall on the 2 women, but eventually, he succeeded, just as he removed the last bit of debris, he looked down at aunt May and MJ....

And he froze.

For a huge jagged steel beam had peirced both of the people that peter held dear in their chests, killing them.

Spiderman's body began to shake, his hands slowly moving to the sides of his head and squeezed, he bit his lower lip, attempting to muffle the scream that attempted to escape him. The wallcrawler then slowly reached out to MJ before pausing at the sound of footsteps approaching. Glancing behind him, he spotted firefighters traversing the rubble, looking for survivors. Peter looked at his loved ones one last time before jumping away from the destroyed hospital, and web swung away as fast as he could.

Eventually, Spiderman landed on a roof and numbingly walked for a few seconds before he collapsed on his knees, not having the strength to stay standing, raising a hand to his masked face, Peter let out a muffled cry....

Then, let out a gut-wrenching scream.

(A few days later)

Peter watched as 2 coffins were gently lowered, his eyes baisicly lifeless. What he feared had come to pass...

He lost Aunt May and MJ.....

And his child....

He had lost the most precious thing to him....

He had lost his family.....

When Pete arrived in time for the funeral, he glanced at the guests that came, spotting JJJ, Bettie Brant, Robbie Robertson, Carol Danvers, Julia Carpenter, Jessica Drew, Susan Storm, Johny Storm, Ben Grimm, Bobbie Drake, Angelica Jones and many more. Peter didn't pay attention to them or what they were saying to him. He just stared aimlessly at the graves, and one by one, the guests left, leaving only him, or so he thought.

Peter heard footsteps approach from his side and paid them no heed. He only reacted when the person stood next to him and turned slightly to see who it was.

It was captain America.

He was incognito, obviously. The civil war was still going on, but it was still surprising to see him.

"Peter." Steve Rogers greeted, but Peter didn't respond, just stared at him before glancing back at the graves. "I'm sorry for your loss, I can not begin to imagine the kind of pain you're going through." He said, also staring at the graves. "They didn't deserve this. Believe me when I say that if I could find a way to have prevented their deaths, I would've." He added, but Peter still did not respond. Captain America sighed and reached into his pocket and pulled out a card with a phone number on it, and held it out in front of Peter. "I know it's not much, but if you ever need someone to talk to, give this number a call, and I'll answer be there." The soldier said.

Peter stared at the card before wordlessly taking the card and putting it in his pocket. Steve looked back at the graves and saluted at them before walking away.

"Cap." Steve paused and turned to see Peter staring at him, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you for coming, I really appreciate it." He said sincerely.

"Of course." Steve said. "Stay safe out there, soldier." And with that, captain America turned around and walked away, leaving Peter alone.

Pete stared at the graves, not moving from his position for a few seconds before wordlessly placing dropping to one knee.

"I'm sorry." Peter said, holding back the tears that threatened to slip. "I'm so, so sorry. I wasn't strong or fast enough to save any of you. I should've stayed." He said. "I should've been better." Pete muttered to himself. "I swear to both of you, I'm gonna find out who attacked that hospital..." He paused, his hands clenched tightly. "And I'm gonna make them pay." He firmly declared.

Pete stood up and, after muttering a small prayer, turned and walked away. However, Peter didn't get too far as his foot was suddenly stuck, and he could not lift it up. Looking down, he froze....

As there were 2 white eyes in what looked like black goo staring back at him.

'Venom?!' Peter mentally exclaimed. Neither made any moves, seemingly surprised at finding each other in a cemetery of all places, each with a question for the other. Venom's wondered why its former host was here and seemed saddened whilst Peter wondered why Venom was here by itself and without a host.

Soon, a tendril from Venom jumped up and latched onto Peter's leg. The wallcrawler prepared to remove it by force but paused at the memories that the Venom symbiote was giving him. Turns out, Venom was by himself because its former host, Eddie Brock, had forcefully removed the symbiote off of his person, rejecting it and even going as far as trying to kill it and Venom wasted no time and escaped. The venom symbiote slithered through the city, looking for a suitable host but any it temporarily latched onto did not last and he forced himself to continue moving but without a host to bond to, it was slowly dying and wondered to the cemetery where it would wither away and perish.

Peter, for the first time in, perhaps forever, felt sympathy for his former enemy and sent his memories to the symbiote of why he was at the cemetery. Venom took all the information it received from its former host, feeling sadness and anger at the loss of Aunt May, MJ, and it's host child before it changed to sympathy and pushed the feeling of comfort to it's previous host which Peter appreciated.

Once the memory exchange was over, the 2 looked at each other, realising something....

They were both alone.

Peter then heard something fly overhead and looked up and scowled, for it was Iron Man, carelessly flying away without a care in the world. Venom, sensing the spike in anger, shared it's on rage at the sight of the armoured avenger. Pete glanced back at the venom symbiote, sensing it's anger with said symbiote, bringing up a certain memory.

More specifically, when they first bonded.

Peter knew what the symbiote was getting at. It wanted to bond back with him. He contemplated the pros and cons of having venom bond with him once more, venom would be rejuvenated and back to full strength and Peter would get an upgrade to his abilities once again, the only glaring downside was control. Eventually, after much thinking, he came to a decision.

"OK, listen to me." Peter began, the symbiote having it's fall attention on the spider hero. "If we do this, I don't want you to try and control me like a dammed puppet, If I find out that you're trying to influence me, you're coming off and I will not hesitate, got it?" Peter asked, the symbiote offered no response, merely staring before the wallcrawler got a mental message saying that the symbiote agreed and sent feelings of comfort, appreciation, and glee. It was going to rejoin it's first host, well, technically second, but it doesn't talk about the other one, once again. "Well, welcome back, Venom." Peter said, a little smile on his face at the positive emotions it was getting from the symbiote.

Peter dropped to one knee and placed his hand on the ground, and venom wasted no time to latch onto it and crawl upwards. The symbiote continued to spread itself, covering every inch of the spider hero, recreating the familiar symbol on his chest before covering Peter's face, and creating the white eye lenses. Peter took a deep breath and then exhaled.

Spiderman was back....

In black......

A/N: Right then, here we go, the prologue of the new story done. There's not much to say, really, except that I've decided I'm going to do one chapter for each story.

The omniversal champion, Spiderman, will be updated on Sundays.


Spiderman Unleahed will be updated on Mondays.

A/N: Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter. Feel free to leave a review and, as always.....PEACE✌️✌️

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