A Day at the Avengers Compound

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oof this is a long one

A/N: in this, Flash is actually nice because I feel like he never is in these stories lol

oh and Wade's seventeen

trigger warnings: lgbtq+, dysphoria, and a transphobic teacher

"Please, Ned. Will you shoot me?" Peter begged his best friend as they sat on the bus. Ned shook his head.

"Peter, you'll be fine! Besides, you get to prove everyone wrong!" he replied. Peter groaned and banged his head against the window.

Ten minutes later the bus filled with snotty-nose teenagers pulled up to Avengers Compound, making everyone ooh and ahhh.

"Come on, children! Hurry up and get inside so we can do roll!" the teacher, Mr. Hann, announced. The students quickly complied, all jumping off the bus and running inside, well besides Peter, Ned, Flash, and MJ who calmly walked.

Once everyone was in a line, Mr. Hann started attendance. "Flash, Cindy, Abraham, Liz, Tarra, Ellie, Jack, Manny, Max, Tobey, Andrew, Zachary, Isabella, Pablo, Ned, Michelle and, Kathleen," he said, glaring in Peter's direction. The boy shrunk back and dropped his head to his chest.

Peter was transgender, and many people knew about it- and so many of them teased him for it. Especially Mr. Hann; he was obviously transphobic. Luckily, Peter was saved from any more taunting from the teacher when the tour guide walked in.

"Hi, I'm Paige, and I'll be your tour guide for today!" she greeted with a wide smile. "First, I'm going to go through some rules with you all. One: Do not touch anything without permission from either me or someone of higher ranking. Two: Do not try to steal anything as we pass- you will be escorted out of the building and the cops will be called. Three: bullying and fighting will not be tolerated; you will be forced to give up your access badge and will be escorted out of the building. Four: Do not wander off unless given permission to do so. And five: Listen closely and follow directions."

Paige's eyes scanned the crowd and her grin became wider when they landed on Peter and his friends. She quickly averted her gaze though back to the bin in her hands. "I will come and hand you your badges- stay in your place." Paige handed out the badges as she went down the line, and when she got to the group of four she extended her hand to Peter.

"Mr. Parker, what a pleasure to see you," she said. Peter gave a sheepish smile and shook her outstretched hand quickly. Paige turned to the others. "Hello Flash, Ned, and MJ, lovely to see you three as well. You four have your personal badges, correct?"

"Yes ma'am!" Ned laughed. Paige giggled and nodded.

"Good. Get them out." Paige walked back to the front of the group as the four teens fished their badges out, clipping them to their shirts like everyone else.

"Alright!" Paige exclaimed, clasping her hands together. "You all- besides a select few- have level one badges. They will expire once you leave the compound at exactly eight p.m tonight. You may only access tour-based labs and public restrooms with these level one passes. I will have to help you with the rest."

Peter's breath caught in his throat as the group of students began to walk towards the scanners. "Guys, Mr. Hann is going to fucking freak out," he whispered. Flash rolled his eyes.

"You'll be fine, Peter. After all, if he gets caught he transphobic, they'll kick him out of the compound," he assured. Peter bit his lip, worrying anyways.

"Dean Hann, level one clearance," FRIDAY's voice rang out, startling everyone besides the group of four. "Cindy Loo, level on clearance."

"Michelle Jones, level eight access. Welcome back, MJ," the A.I greeted. Michelle smiled smugly in her classmates direction.

"Hey FRI," she laughed before walking out of the scanner. Then it was Ned and Flash's turn, who each had the same access level.

"Peter Parker, level ten clearance. Welcome back, Peter. Boss wants you to meet him in his office, and you may bring your friends along with you," FRIDAY said. Mr. Hann's face was red.

"Excuse me, miss Paige, but that's Kathleen, not Peter. She's a girl!" the teacher nearly shrieked. Paige raised a perfectly trimmed eyebrow.

"Excuse me, Mr. Hann, but how would you like it if I misgendered you? Shall I proceed to call you Miss Hann?" she shot back. Mr. Hann fell silent, but everyone knew that he wasn't going to for long.

"Miss Paige, why do they have higher clearance?" Max asked curiously. Paige smiled in his direction.

"Well, Peter is Mr. Stark's personal intern, and Ned helps in the computer lab. Michelle is the personal assistant of Miss Potts, and Flash helps out in the R&D labs, and sometimes with Mr. Stark," she explained. The student nodded before whispering to his classmate.

"Peter, Ned, MJ, Flash; you heard her, Stark's office," Paige instructed. The four mock saluted before rushing off, leaving a fuming teacher and confused classmates behind.

"I wonder what he wants?" Ned wondered aloud once they were all in the elevator. Peter shrugged, leaning back against the glass walls.

"I don't know, maybe he wants us to work on some shit," he mumbled before the doors opened to sub-level 14. The group of four walked out of the elevators and into the tech-based hallway before swiping their cards at the entrance to Tony Stark's office which was really his personal lab.

"Dad? What did you need?" Peter called out once they were all inside. Tony spun around in his big red chair, his right leg cross over his left and his hands folded on his lap.

"When were you going to tell me, Peter?" the billionaire asked, getting straight to the point. Peter tilted his head.

"What? What do you mean?" he asked, his brown doe eyes shining in the low-light. Tony sighed.

"About your teacher misgendering you?" he replied. Peter hung his head in shame, crossing his arms over his chest.

"He's been doing it since ninth grade, when he saw Peter's birth certificate," MJ informed the philanthropist. "He keeps dead-naming him and gives him the girls restroom pass."

Tony's eyes softened when he saw the look on Peter face when he saw his son look up- he looked like a kicked puppy.

"I-I'm sorry," the teen whispered, his voice cracking. Tony motioned for him to come over, Peter gladly complying and curling up next to his father in the chair.

"MJ, Ted, Dash, you three can either go rejoin your group or go do your jobs. Heard the coding team's struggling," Tony told the remaining three quietly as he ran his fingers through his son's chestnut curls.

The three nodded and walked out, but just score MJ exited, Tony called out to her. "MJ? Tell Wade to come here, please."

"Aye, Aye, Captain," she snickered before leaving. Minutes passed by, Tony attempting to calm Peter down but it didn't work. It had been around seven full minutes before the door burst open, revealing Wade in all his glory.

"Baby boy!" he chirped. Peter snapped his head up and quickly hopped off his father and ran to his boyfriend, colliding into his chest. "Woah there, honey muffin, are you okay?"

Peter sniffles in response and Wade sighs, looking over to Tony. "You two can do whatever. Just make sure he at least heads back to the tour soon," the billionaire said. Wade nodded before picking Peter up panda-style and carrying him back down the hall and into the elevator.

"What happened, baby?" Wade asked softly, resting his chin atop Peter's chestnut curls. The younger teen sniffed.

"Just my teacher. He's transphobic," he explained quietly. Peter nuzzled his face closer to his boyfriend's chest, breathing in his scent. (which was mostly a mixture of gunpowder and smoke, but held the tiniest hint of vanilla.) A soft growl emitted from Wade's throat, but he quickly covered it with a cough.

"You know what, baby-boy? Lets go back to your room, get you changed, and lets go show that teacher some sass," he said as he walked out of the elevator on the ground level. Peter nodded against Wade's red and black suit and tucked himself closer to his chest.

Once they were in Peter's room, Wade set his boyfriend on the bed and ran to the walk-in closet and started to sift through the amass of clothes. Finally, the mercenary decided on black skinny jeans with rips in the knees, a plain NIKE t-shirt and a grey camo jean jacket, paired with white vans and a grey beanie. He dropped the entirety of the outfit on the bed.

"Here you go, baby-boy!" Wade chirped happily. Peter laughed at the outfit choice but changed anyway, making Wade stand in the corner with his head against the wall. (but only God knows he stared at his baby's fine ass)

"You actually did a good job," Peter said, fixating the beanie on his head. He ruffled out some of his chestnut curls and looked over to his boyfriend, who was slack-jawed at the sight of him. "Wade," he giggled. "You're staring again."

"Sorry, it's just your so damn cute!" the anti-hero responded. Peter smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips before they grabbed hands and ran down the halls, the rude ass teacher seemingly forgotten.

"Hey FRIDAY, where's Ned, MJ and Flash?" Peter asked the A.I when they stopped in the common room.

"Your friends are all gathered in Miss Potts' office. Do you need their assistance?" FRIDAY responses immediately. Peter shook his head.

"Nope," he said, popping the 'p.' "Just tell them to go wherever the class is at."

"Of course, Mr. Parker. And if you didn't already know, your class is in the training room."

Wade and Peter rode the elevator up to the third floor, where all the training rooms were located. They spotted the group of three waiting for them. MJ whistled, making Peter blush profusely.

"You good, dude?" Ned asked. Peter nodded before looking towards the door.

"Yeah. We should probably go in," he stated. Wade held the door for the four and walked in after, the now group of five making the room fall silent.

"Miss Jones, Mr. Leeds, Mr. Thompson, Miss Parker... where in the world have you four been?!" Mr. Hann scolded. MJ was about to respond when Wade butted in.

"Excuse you?!" he yelled, pointing at the teacher. "What did you just call Peter?!" Mr. Hann wiped beads of sweat from his forehead.

"You m-mean Kathleen? Because I'm pretty sure on her birth certificate-"

"SHUT UP ASSHOLE! WHO GIVES A SHIT WHAT'S ON HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE?! IF PETER SAYS HE'S A BOY THEN HE'S A FUCKING BOY!" Wade screamed. He was about to unsheathe his katanas but Peter stepped in between him and
the teacher, his hands out.

"Wade babe, calm down," he pleaded, his brown doe eyes shining with unshed tears. Wade growled at the teacher before taking his hand off the katana handle and taking a few steps back.

"The only reason i'm not slicing your head clean off is because I love him," he hissed before backing out of the room, but not before flipping the teacher off. Mr. Hann shuddered but sent a glare in Peter's direction.

"Alrighty, as I was saying before you four came back, was that this is the Avengers' main training room," Paige said, steering the class' attention back to her. "Peter, MJ, would you two like go demonstrate?"

Peter looked to MJ, swallowing thickly. "I-I guess..." he stuttered. The two walked over to the wall, each removing their shoes and socks before wrapping their wrists, palms, and feet, covering each of chalk before walking out to the center of the mat.

"Don't hold back, Peter," MJ warned. The boy was known to hold back most of his strength while fighting, afraid he'd kill someone with a single punch.

"Whatever you say, Michelle." he responded. The class watched in silence as the two readied their positions. Mr. Hann snickered to himself. "Wow... two girls fighting. This will be a great thing to make Kathleen cry!" he thought.

"Go!" Paige yelled with a laugh. MJ immediately went to lunch Peter in the gut, but the teenage boy easily dodged and swung at her, nailing MJ right in the face. MJ glared and ran at him, but Peter easily flipped over her and tripped her, making MJ fall to the ground.

MJ swept Peter's feet out from under him. The teenage boy fell to the ground but quickly somersaulted backwards getting onto his feet. MJ popped up and swung at him once more, but Peter fell into a hand stand, kicking her in the jaw.

He tackled MJ to the ground, pinning his knees around her arms and holding his wrists at her throat. MJ tapped out and they both stood.

"Good job, guys!" Paige congratulated, giving them each a pat on the back. Peter smiled sheepishly before unwrapping his wrists and palms, MJ doing the same. After they grabbed their shoes they went back to the group.

"Alrighty guys! Since you all will be staying for dinner and a Q&A, and it's already six thirty, it's time for dinner! It's being served on the ground floor, but more specifically in the dining hall!" Paige exclaimed. "Now if you'd just follow me..."

As the class walked towards the elevators, Peter, Flash, Ned and MJ all fell into step about five feet behind everyone else. Peter kept his head down and fiddled with the hem of his jeans, something he did when he was extremely nervous.

"You okay, Peter?" Flash asked. The boy nodded.

"Yeah it's just, I'm tired and I need to go to bed soon anyways..."

"Is Wade staying the night?" she asked. Peter blushed profusely at the comment and shined away.

"M-Maybe..." he stuttered our. Flash smirked.

"Use condoms, Stark," he joked. Peter chuckled nervously.

Finally, they all arrived in the dining room, all the students oohing and ahhhing, even the teacher. "All you have to do is go to that counter over there and tell them what you want, along with your name!" Paige explained, pointing in the direction of the cooks. The students immediately rushed over, telling the cooks their meal requests.

Peter, Ned, MJ and Flash all hovered back, waiting for everyone to finish. Without warning, Mr. Hann came over, an evil glint in his eyes.

"Miss Parker, you are in big trouble, young lady. I might have to send you home!" he hissed, gripping onto Peter's shoulder. The teenage boy winced, but remained quiet. "You've embarrassed me repeatedly in front of our lovely tour guide; you're such a disgrace! Now listen here you little shit. Two more chances or you're heading home!" With that, the teacher left, leaving a shaking Peter and his friends to comfort him.

"Peter, he's just trying to annoy you," Ned consoled. Peter shook his head.

"Maybe he's right... I am a disgrace..." he mumbled, looking at the ground. Flash placed a hand on Peter's back.

"No you're not, dude. If that idiot of a teacher can't get over his ego, then he's just tying to bring you down." he said. MJ nodded in agreement.

"Why don't we go get out food and then chill in your room? I'm sure Paige will be fine with it," she suggested. Peter gave a slight nod and the four walked over, placed their orders, (all the while getting smiles from the chefs) and soon got their food.

"Hey, Paige?" Ned asked, walking over to the tour guide. "You think we could eat in Peter's room?" Paige smiled.

"Of course you can. Just be out and ready for the Q&A," she replied. Ned grinned at her and the group of four friends branched off from the overall group and walked down the hall, retreating into Peter's bedroom. MJ locked the door behind them and sat down against the wall.

"I will never get over how good the food is here," Flash gushed, shoving a forkful of spaghetti into his mouth. Ned hummed in agreement, chewing his own meal: chicken tenders.

MJ had gotten a chicken sand which while Peter had only gotten a salad with balsamic dressing. He pushed the lettuce around with his fork and sighed inaudibly.

"You feeling okay, Peter?" MJ asked, seeing how he hadn't eaten anything. Peter pursed his lips together.

"Yeah... just dysphoria is all..." he muttered.

"You need anything? Or anyone?" Flash suggested. Peter bit his lip.

"No... I-I'll be okay. Thanks though," he replied before tediously eating a piece of tomato. Flash sighed but went back to eating his meal.

Forty minutes later, (which was filled with tears and eating) it was time for the Q&A. Peter, Ned, MJ and Flash all came back just in time to see the Avengers sitting on the couch, their classmates crowded around them on the floor. When Tony saw them walk in, his eyes brightened but he frowned when saw the dried tear tracks on his son's face.

"Um... ask away, I guess..." he said, his eyes still trained on the sad boy. Hands shot up, and Clint called on Ellie.

"What's it like being an Avenger?" she asked, her eyes filled with wonder and admiration. Clint smiled at her.

"It's crazy. But we don't really do that much besides mess around and every-so-often go on missions. Nothing too big," he replied nonchalantly. Next, Natasha called on Andrew.

"Hi, I'm Andrew Garfield, and I wanted to know why Flash Thompson, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds and Peter Parker all work here? I was told you have to be in college or older." he said.

A small smile broke out onto Natasha's face. "Well, those four are quite remarkable teens, if I say so myself. They just stood out," the ex-assassin replied. Steve then called on Tobey.

"Did Peter tell you he's transgender?" he asked, stars in his eyes. Steve raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, so what? Peter's a boy, so why should it
concern you?" he questioned. Tobey's face grew hot,

"I-I was told to a-ask!" Tobey blurted.

"By who, if I may ask?" Steve responded.

"U-Uh Mr. Hann!"

Steve turned towards the teacher, who was red-faced with anger and was glaring at Peter. "Why does it matter if Peter's transgender?"

Mr. Hann snapped to attention. "You mean Kathleen, Mr. Rogers? After all, if she doesn't have the body of a man, then why should she be called one? You're from the forties, right? Then you would surely understand-"

Mr. Hann was cut off by someone slapping him across the face. "I swear if your ever even look at my son, or simply talk about him, your sorry ass is going to regret you ever knew Peter," Tony growled, his hands clenched into fists.

Mr. Hann gently touched his cheek, where a red mark was beginning to form. "A-Alright, Mr. Stark. I-I understand," he whimpered. Tony nodded curtly before turning to the class.

"Sorry kids but your teacher just ended this meeting early. Your bus is waiting outside. Dash, Ted, MJ- you all are staying here tonight. Movies and popcorn on me."

MJ, Ned, Flash, and Peter grinned. "Yes sir!"

3248 words

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