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A:N: ugh i had so much done and it got deleted again so if swear if this doesn't go up-

trigger warning: IW

The soul world was a vast place, with endless orange sky and an infinite pool of water that the lost wandered in for their days, trapped. After ten days of walking aimlessly through the stone, the group from Titan had found the group from Wakanda, reuniting in a frizz of excitement. The Guardians and the Avengers became quick friends, but since they were all adults, Peter was sadly ignored by them all.

He would wander twenty feet behind them, keeping his thoughts and opinions to himself after what had happened last time.

"How the hell are we gonna get out of here?!" Sam yelled in frustration, rubbing his temples.

"Well maybe if you'd let me think then we would be out already!" Strange responded, glaring at the hero. Sam scoffed.

The two continued to yell and Peter had finally had enough. "Guys! Can you please stop fighting?!" he asked, beginning to stress out.

"Oh shut up, kid! We don't need your damn advice!" Sam scolded, whacking the teen upside the head. Peter immediately shut up and blinked back tears before shrinking away from the two arguing men.

Yeah. He learned to not talk to them after that.

Once again, everyone had gotten caught in their daily arguing, and Peter was going into sensory overdrive. He hunched over onto his knees, the water coming up to his waist as he collapsed onto the ground. His hands flew to his ears as he tried to block out the sounds. Peter squeezed his eyes shut when a tingly sensation spread throughout his body.

He gasped and his eyes flew open, turning an amethyst purple before he fell backwards, passing out.

Peter woke with a start, breathing in a huge breath of air. He sat up and stared in shock at the giant purple man who was sat upon a throne that looked out of the grassy hills. "Hello, child..." Thanos's voice boomed, but it surprisingly held a... gentle (?) tone.

"Wh-What do you want from me?" Peter stuttered, voice small. Thanos looked down at the scared teenager with kind eyes.

"Come sit, young one," he replied, patting a throne next to him. Peter hesitantly stood from his spot on the floor and shuffled his feet over to the golden chair, hoisting himself up and sitting down. He looked to the titan with curious eyes.

"Why did you kill the universe?" Peter asked. Thanos sighed and looked out over the grassy hills that lay before him.

"My child, I had to bring balance to the world. They were populating too quick, not giving the elders enough time to pass into the after life. Men, women, and children alike were dying every day, from starvation, while others were living scrap to scrap." he explained.

"...but couldn't you just use your gauntlet to make more food?" the teenager asked. Thanos shook his head.

"It wouldn't have made a difference. At least now, the work can re-populate at a better rate," the titan replied. "And I'd like to say that I'm sorry, little one. You have a great heart and soul and you didn't deserve that."

Peter looked up at Thanos with sparkling eyes. "I forgive you, Mr. Thanos sir, but what's done is done- I'm still dead," he said. Thanos looked down at Peter and smiled.

"Not anymore, young one. But sadly I can't send you back to Earth, you must stay here. But you have free reign to do anything."

Four years passed before the Avengers found their way to Thanos' new home, and they were ready to fight. Everyone was conflicted- some with loss and some with hatred, but they were all ready.

"Plan A, and then if it doesn't work, we'll do plan B," Tony instructed, looking to his teammates. They all nodded before they quietly made their way towards the large, wooden hut on the hill. The Avengers stopped next to it when they heard voices.

"Uncle Thanos, I think someone's here," an innocent voice rang out. Tony stopped dead in his tracks when he heard it. His little boy was all he heard. Tony peeked his head around the doorframe and almost collapsed when he saw Peter dressed in a long brown robe, sitting cross-legged on a golden throne next to the mad titan himself.

"Peter..." he whispered, tears threatening to fall. Steve lightly pushed passed Tony, accidentally making himself seen.

"Avengers," Thanos' voice boomed when he saw Steve. The rest shuffled out of hiding, getting ok battle stances. When Peter saw Tony, his eyes lit up.

"Mr. Stark!" he chirped, waving to his father-figure. Tony cracked a smile.

"Hey bud," he croaked, his throat becoming dry.

"Uncle Thanos is a really nice person. Did you know that?" the teen, who was now nineteen exclaimed. "He brought me back to life when everyone in the stone were arguing. He even gave me this!"

Peter pulled out a balancing knife, putting his pointer finger under the emerald stone, and let go with his other hand, balancing the knife. "Too much to one side or the other makes it fall, just like the universe." he said, mesmerized by the shining green gem.

"Exactly what I said," Thanos said calmly, surprising the new comers. "Peter is quite extraordinary, Stark. I'm not surprised he sees you as a father- you're just like him. Intelligent, whole-hearted."

"I-Is that so?" the billionaire choked out, blinking back unshed tears. Thanos nodded.

"Can I go home now, Uncle Thanos?" Peter asked, looking up at the titan with his brown doe eyes. The purple villain sighed before ruffling the boy's hair.

"I guess so, child. I will miss you." he said. Peter smiled.

"I'll miss you too."

952 words

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