Bridge Rescue

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It was an early Tuesday morning, and Peter and his classmates were going on a field trip to the city's museum. They had been in the large yellow school bus for about twenty minutes now, and Peter was laying against the seat, eyes closed due to his 'Spidey Senses' going haywire.

It was a constant buzz in the back of neck that had soon traveled to in-between his eyes. Why, you might ask? Peter didn't even know himself, and it was annoying him.

"Dude, you good?" Ned asked, worried for his best friend. Peter huffed in reply, blindly waving his hand.

"N- er... yeah. 'M fine, Ned," he replied with a sigh. Ned raised his eyebrows and was about to protest when the bus suddenly lurched off of it's lane, making everyone scream. The bus driver struggled to fix the direction but ultimately failed, slamming into the railing, breaking through. 

Everything after that was in slow motion for Peter. He jumped from his seat as the bus fell towards the icy water, jamming his elbow through the window and climbing out, using his feet to stick to the metal. He jumped into the air, shooting one web towards the bridge and another onto the bus, successfully connecting both pieces. 

Peter let out a strangled scream as his muscles tensed, balancing the bus with his own weight. Students on the bus stared up in shock and awe. Peter was Spider-Man?

They were all broken from their trances as Peter let out another pained cry, gritting his teeth. Blood dripped from his lip as the three ton bus dragged him down, almost snapping his wrist in half. 

"Karen! C-all Mr. Stark!" Peter commanded to the wrist watch on his right hand. It beeped to life and soon the billionaire's voice was on the other line.

"Kid? We're already on our way. Just hold it as long as you can," Tony said smoothly. Peter could hear the sound of his rocket boosters on the other side of the call.

"O-kay, hurry.."

Flash stared up at his friend, scared for his own life and his. The weight of them was literally tearing the teenage hero apart.

Minutes had passed, and a crowd of onlookers were on the bridge, staring at the boy who was holding the bus and himself up. They realized that this kid was Spider-Man, hence the webs coming from two grey contraptions on his flexed wrists.

Peter felt his tendons in his arm start to rip, and he shrieked in pain. He could hear Tony's boosters nearing him from the distance, and it somehow helped to ease the pain, knowing his father-figure would come and save him.

All of a sudden, the weight from the bus was soon lifted from Peter's arm, relief flooding his body. He looked down to see Tony and Rhodey underneath of the yellow automobile, pushing it up towards the bridge. Peter's web disconnected and he let himself hang there, eyes closed.

The pain was slowly starting to get to him, making his fingers slip from the last web one by one. Soon, he was hanging on with just his web shooter, but unfortunately for the webslinger, it broke, sending Peter tumbling down towards the icy waters below. 

Bystanders, his classmates, and the Avengers screamed as his limp body connected with the clear waves with a large smack, sending bursts of water all around. At first, they thought he was going to resurface and show that he's alive, like he always does. But that didn't happen.

Instead, Peter sunk below the waves, bubbles leaving his open mouth. Tony jumped from the bridge and propelled himself downwards and into the water, using a light to find his son. Once he did, he scooped the boy up in his metal suited arms and shot out of the water, making people cheer.

Tony dropped Peter's body onto the bank and exited his suit, crouching beside the teen. Water mixed with blood seeped out the boy's mouth as he laid there, unmoving. So, Tony started CPR, pounding on Peter's chest with strong yet shaking hands.

After three minutes, Peter lurched into a sitting position, coughing up excess water. He looked up towards his dad like it was all a dream.

"God, Peter..." the billionaire breathed, pulling the boy into his embrace. "You scared me."

"They... know..." the teen choked out, leaning his hand on his father's shoulder. Tony sighed.

"They do. But we'll have a big press conference about you, sound good?"



This is really shitty but oh well

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