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"Mommy... why is the world so cruel?" a seven year old Peter Stark asked as he sat in the local bomb shelter in his hometown of Queens, New York. His biological mother, Pepper Potts sighed, raking her fingers through the child's chestnut curls.

"Because there are bad people. And that's why daddy saves the world, to get rid of those bad people," she replied. Peter was about to speak but a mighty blast went off, exploding the bomb shelter. Fiery towers loomed in the smoke-blackened sky as distant screams echoed through the barricaded streets.

Peter looked up as ash fell into his hair, his sparkling brown eyes filling with the low light of the orange flames. Pepper screamed along with the others who had thought this bomb shelter would be safe, and urgently picked Peter up, dragging him away from the whole in the ceiling.

But she wasn't fast enough.

Two long, grey arms yanked him from his mother's grip, pulling him out of the (what used to be) underground room, throwing him into the dirt. The grey alien was about to kill the boy when a tall, purple man with rough features held him back.

Peter looked up, fear in his eyes as the purple man bent down, extending a finger.

"Come, little one. And I will show you mercy," he said. Hesitantly, Peter grabbed onto the wide fingers and the purple man guided him towards a space ship. Cries and shouts were heard from behind them, but the purple giant didn't let Peter turn around to look at the commotion.

And as the door to the ship closed behind them, Pepper let out a loud sob, falling to her knees as fire cackled around her. Adults and children surrounding the area comforted the mourning woman who had just lost her only son to a titan, most likely to be never seen again.

Tony was alerted once Pepper's melt down started, quickly using his boosters to fly over to where she was. The ship was nearly out of sight as he landed, a sinking feeling in his stomach surfacing once he didn't see the glowing eyes of his son standing beside his mother.

"P-Pep? Where's Peter?" he asked as he stepped from his Iron Man suit. Pepper pointed up to the faint dot in the sky, and tears left the billionaire's eyes as he embraced his wife.


Eight years had passed since that dreadful day. Peter was documented as deceased, and a city-wide funeral was held for him. Pepper gave birth to a beautiful baby boy- whom they named Harley- four years after the incident, in hopes to fix the tear in her heart.

But what they didn't know was Peter was actually alive, saved by the gods themselves when Thanos took him under his wing, taking him to Titan. The planet was flourishing with crops and goods, a spectacular population spreading around the entirety of the red soiled planet.

A fifteen year old Peter ran throughout the streets of Titan, squealing and laughing as his adopted brothers and sisters chased after him in a game of tag. The Guardians were among this group, since Gamora had reconciled with her father and they were all welcomed back to the planet where she and Quill married in a joyous ceremony.

"Get back here you little brat!" Quill taunted, reaching out to try and grab the back of Peter's cloak. But, the younger boy was easily able to slip out of his grasp, taking a sharp right turn and rushing down the downhill curves of the street.

After minutes of endless chasing and teasing, Quill was finally able to tackle his 'name-twin' to the ground, making them both laugh. Gamora and Nebula stood next to each other, smiles plastered on their contrasting faces.

"Oh! Look at the time!" the fifteen year old boy gasped. "Uncle Thanos wanted us changed and in the dining hall at three-thirty! It's three!"

"We'll come on, then! Lets go," Gamora chuckled. She grabbed both Quill and Peter's hands, Nebula grabbing onto the younger' free hand. Their other siblings followed behind them as they walked back got he palace where they would be meeting their guests.

The adults in the group dropped Peter off at his room where he changed into a long white cloak with black undergarments. He grabbed his white staff and black boots before rushing down to the dining hall, taking his designated seat.

Once everyone was there (besides Thanos himself) the main doors burst open and in cane the titan in all his glory, a group of people dragging behind him. There was- oh, i'd say maybe anywhere from seven to nine of them?- yeah, we'll go with that.

"Everyone, meet the Avengers."


Avengers as in, Earth's mightiest heroes?

Avengers as in Peter's dad and family?

"" Peter whispered softly when he saw the face of his father for the first time in eight years. Tony turned to look towards him, almost collapsing in his shock. His boy, his little boy, was here?

"Peter?" he breathed, arms becoming limp. Tears pooled in Peter's brown eyes.

"Dad!" Peter jumped from his rushing over and catapulting himself into the hero's arms, a strangled sob escaping his pink lips. Tony cling to the fifteen year old tightly, not ever wanting to let go.

"I missed you..." Peter mumbled against the elder's shoulder. Tony breathed in silently.

"I missed you too, bud."



i've been really sick these past couple of days and just haven't been able to focus on writing.

i'll try to get back into the swing of things soon!

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