Bullies meet an Angry Peter

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Peter Parker-Stark was currently the definition of pissed off. He had woken up to his father's bots going haywire and completely destroying his entire room. Yeah, that was fun to see.

After dealing with the bots, Peter had went to get dressed, only to find his whole closet covered in pink and purple glitter, except for a certain outfit that he absolutely hated with all his heart.

So, he put on the extremely tight black skinny jeans and the maroon sweatshirt that said, 'uwu' before pulling on some all black Converse high tops and lacing them up.

Then he had went to go get breakfast to find Steve sitting at the counter reading that day's newspaper. When the super-solider looked up he choked on his coffee at his nephew's outfit. 

"Um.. Peter, those pants are a little-" he had said but Peter had cut him off.

"Thank Clint for them." he grumbled before grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

Peter had then walked outside to the car and bit into his apple to find it was rotten, so he threw it onto the road with a sigh. Then he had gotten into the car to see Happy's talkative twin, Sad, in the driver's seat. If you thought Peter's rambling was bad, just wait until you meet Sad.

And finally Peter had arrived at the school, overly pissed from the morning's events. He had walked up to his friend group, (Flash, Ned, and MJ) them all sensing this anger.

"Jeez, who pissed in your cereal?" Flash joked. Peter gave him a dark glare. 

"I need to get to class..." he mumbled before strolling off. And this was when it all went downhill.

The school's bully, Eden Walsh shoved the teen up against the lockers, collar gripped in his veiny hands. "What's up Penis?" he taunted, slapping the boy in the face.

Peter rolled his eyes as Eden dropped him to his feet. "Lay off, Eden. I'm not in the mood today." he said. Eden laughed.

"Do I look like a care, you filthy dog?" he replied. Peter tried to walk away but Eden stopped him. "Answer me, you Shag! You homeless, pathetic fuck. Answer me!" he shouted. Peter set his jaw.

"You know what, Eden?" he yelled back, startling the bully. "I'm fucking tired of this shit! Leave me the fuck alone, you moron, and go pick on someone with the same brain size as you- oh wait! No one has such a small brain like you!"

Eden glared at the teen. "Shut the fuck up, Parker! At least my parents love me, and didn't kill themselves to escape!"

That was it.

"Oh you fucking bitch!" Peter shouted before bringing his arm up and swinging at Eden's face. The bully for knocked right in the nose. 


Blood gushed from the now broken nose, already forming dark purple bruised. Eden growled before punching Peter in the lip, making a tiny amount of blood pool from the wound. Peter smiled manically before smacking Eden across the face, making a loud, "THWAP" sound.

Eden backed up, surprised and scared at the strength Peter held in his punches.

"Is that all you got, you big pussy!" Peter growled, spitting blood onto the floor. "I'm the pathetic one?" he stopped to laugh before setting his face straight again. "At least I can stand a slap to the face.

"You're a freak!" Eden squeaked before running off with his goons. Ned, Flash, and MJ all rushed over but Peter pushed them away, walking to his first block class.

A dark, demonic voice whispered in his head.

"Maybe next time, you shouldn't hold back..."

592 words

Okay. this is a weird one

I'm running out of ideas.

But I am making a new book! First chapter should be out tonight. I'll keep you updated!

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