Intruders meet Venom

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"What's the answer to number eight?" Miss Asterisk asked the class of chemistry students. "Well? I'm waiting students..."

Reluctantly, Peter raised his hand, earning a warm smile from the teacher. "Uh- it's forty percent to six percent..." (idk what i'm writing don't judge me. yeah i see you over there in that puke green shirt- you leave."

"Good job Peter," Miss Asterisk replied before turning back to the board and using her chalk to write on the black board. Peter winced at the shrieking of the chalk against the chalk paint, only making his migraine get worse.

Class continued on as usual until the bell starting ringing in short spurts, the signal for a code red lock down. "Students! Get away from the doors and windows and huddle together!" the teacher instructed, rushing over and locking the door.

Ned and Peter latched the windows before sliding down into the corner of the room, holding their back packs to their chests. It was dead silent in the room, and anyone could hear the heavy footsteps running down the hall.

"Bro... what's happening?" Ned's quaking voice whispered, staring up at his friend. Peter swallowed roughly, trying to stop his hands from shaking- even though he was already failing to do so.

"I... I don't know..." he replied, panic rising in his chest as they heard the footsteps become closer.

All of a sudden, two loud shots rang out and the door burst open, bullet holes where the locks used to be. Five men dressed in all black marched in, pistols in hand.

They looked around the room, trying to find the perfect person to kidnap. When the main criminal's eyes fell on Peter, he smirked. "José, Liam- grab that boy, in the blue shirt!"

Two men rushed over and roughly jolted Peter to his feet, shoving him towards the head official. "You kid- what's your name?" he sneered, spitting in the teen's face. Peter swallowed.

"P-Peter..." he stuttered. The man smirked once more before slapping the teen harshly across the face when Peter felt three buzzed on his wrist, where his tracker is.

"Three buzzes means five minutes... five minutes? Oh, five minutes till dad gets here..." he thought lazily as the men used him as a human punching bag.

Sobs and whispers echoed throughout the room as students watched their classmate stand there and take every single hit. And that's when the head man brought the gun up to Peter's already bruised and bloody forehead, sliding the safety to off.

"Ready to die, kid?" he laughed menacingly. Peter grunted before spitting blood onto the man's face.

"You're a bitch... you know that?" Peter's words slurred, but everyone could make out the grit and strength in his voice.

Without warning, Peter stepped back and swung at the man, punching him right int he temple, glaring as he fell. The teen turned to the other armed criminals with an evil glint in his eyes.

"You think you can just come in here, kill everyone and get it away with? Well you have another thing coming..." he growled, voice demonic. The men stared slack-jawed in horror when Peter picked up one of them with one hand, chucking him across the room.

"You can't beat me, you insolent fools!" he cackled darkly. "You're all pathetic. Useless, even! You can't even attempt to kill me..."

Black goo began to crawl around Peter's skin, healing his various wounds before disintegrating into thin air, leaving him looking good as new. The offenders were shocked into silence, as well as the class.

"Are you ready to die?" Peter laughed. The intruders quavered in fear and tried to run, but were pulled back and slammed into the wall by the boy who everyone thought was weak. "This is what happens when Peter lets me take over. Great things, isn't it?!"

"W-What are you?" one man asked fearfully. Peter smirked, raising his arms in a fighting motion.

"We are Venom..."

Before anyone knew it, the men were dead and Peter was crouching down, face in hands as he cried. He killed those people -no Venom killed them- but then again it was his body and his hands.

It was just now that Tony and the Avengers ran in, weapons ready. They were not expecting this sight and stood still for a moment. Tony was the first to move, exiting his suit and rushing over to his son, bringing him into a hug.

"I-I didn't mean i-it! I swear!" Peter sobbed, nestling his head in Tony's chest. The billionaire nodded.

"I know, bud. I know."

Tony easily lifted Peter into his arms bridal-style and began carrying him back towards the Tower. On the way, Peter fell asleep to the soft beat of Tony's heart.

802 words


i didn't mean for this to come out this late, but it's that time of the month and i'm dying

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