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Quick Note- this one shot contains mention of religion and religious figures

Peter Parker stood on stage in his high school gymnasium. For English class, all Junior students had to write a speech on something wrong in the world. Most of them were about pollution and turning vegan to save animals and all that whatnot.

But Peter had actually put time into his, invested his hard work to make it perfect. The principle cued him to go, so the teen took a deep breath before speaking.

"Judgment. It's all around us today. Whether you judge someone on their clothes, their race, their religion, their gender, their sexuality... it's all the same. Who gave you the right to bash the girl who likes other girls? Why is it so wrong?"

Peter looked out across the crowd of seven hundred other teenagers and parents.

"Did the big man in the clouds come down and whisper to you to call that boy a faggot because he was transgender? Because his mind was different than his body? Did the big fiery man in the sky give you permission to hold a gun to that girl's head and pull the trigger, all because she had darker skin and that she was Muslim?"

People were shocked.

"Why is it that because a little boy doesn't have a dad, so his mom has to work twice as hard as she should just to provide for herself and her children, only able to give him a certain item of clothing, making him get bullied? Just because he doesn't have the newest trendy brands doesn't change anything about him, if makes him more unique."

"Why is it that if a girl shows her shoulders on school grounds it's considered slutty and disrespectful, but when a boy shows his shoulders it's a sign of strength and masculinity? The girl that gets bullied everyday for having short hair? She has short hair because she has a disease, and she can't help it."

"Why are men so much superior than women? Is it because the bible says 'Adam was made first and Eve from the bone in his ribs?' Because if that's your basis that you're going off of, you might just deserve to be banished to hell."

"Why does it matter what religion you belong to? Why does it separate us to have different beliefs?"

Peter paused for a brief second, letting his words soak in for everyone. He took a deep breath, clearing his throat.

"Everyday I'm bullied for being gay and asexual. It's the same insults, same words thrown at me time after time, and it's finally getting old. So what if I like boys? So what if I don't want to have sex? Why is it such a bad thing?"

Peter took one final breath before concluding his speech.

"Judgement clouds our minds, letting us subconsciously commit such treacherous crimes before thinking before we speak. Next time you come across a boy who has a boyfriend, instead of going out of your way to make fun of them, just ignore it. Stop judging people based on their looks and sexuality. Learn their personalities.... they might actually be pretty cool people."

Peter backed away from the microphone, and the crowd erupted in cheers and claps. Yet, the teen didn't acknowledge any of it and walked off the stage and back to his seat.

Lets just say he gave speeches more often.


off this is kinda short but oh well

and y'all need to stop bullying me about the shampoo and conditioner thing on the chapter "eyesight"

i mean i'm not a man so how would i know that they come in the same bottle?

lol i don't care

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