New Avenger

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"Alright Avengers," Tony began, a smile on his face. "I would like you all to meet the newest member of our team." The doors opened, and in came a man with short brown hair. "E-"

"Eddie Brock?" Peter cut his dad off. He stared at the man with wide eyes. 'Eddie' stared back at him.

"Peter Parker?" he said.

"Eddie Brock."

"Peter Parker."

"This is crazzyyy!" Peter gasped like a little child. (well, he acted like one anyway so there really was no difference) He jumped from his chair and ran at Eddie, catapulting himself into the elder man's arms.

"Jeez, you've gotten big, kid," Eddie laughed, putting Peter back onto the ground.

The Avengers were utterly flabbergasted.

"Peter? How the hell do you know him?" Steve, completely disregarding his 'No-Bad-Language' rules. 

The teenager laughed, looking back at Eddie. "Eddie's like, my best friend! Even though we fought each other we made up."

Eddie nodded. "Indeed we did, young Spider-Boy."

Peter pouted. "Spider-Man."

"No, Spider-Boy."



"That's enough!" Steve shouted out, silencing the room. "Now, how the fuck did you guys meet? Is he trying to get with you, Peter?" 

Peter scrunched his nose in disgust. "It's revolting that you even assume he is a perverted monster, Mr. Rogers. That is totally unacceptable; you are dismissed from this meeting."

Steve scoffed. "Then answer my question, you little brat."

Now Tony butted in. "Now, now. Stop with this nonsense. Peter, may you please explain to us how you know Mr. Brock?"

Peter clicked his tongue. "Well, dad. Since you asked nicely, I will explain. About two years ago, I was possessed by a symbiote by the name of Venom. One day Venom saw Eddie through my eyes and left me for him. I was heartbroken 'cause Venom was my bestest* friend in the wholeeeeee word. And then he just leaves me!"

Eddie chuckled.

"And thennnn Venom got all mad about some robber and ate his head, and I arrived and said, 'No, Ven'! You can't just eat people!' Then we fought but now we're besties!" 

"Oh.... Well then. What an amazing story..." Natasha said after a few minutes. Eddie smiled.

"Indeed it is. Now, go and run along, Spider-Boy. It's adult time."


This was a prompt I saw and I just.... I'm sorry for this piece of shit.

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