Mr. Mercenary

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"Let me get this straight. You want to enlist my help in defeating your threat?"

The room was silent, everyone daring each other to speak.

"Well? I'm waiting?"

"That's... yeah, basically. But you need to understand, this threat is way above any of our leagues."

Peter giggled manically, doubling over where he stood. His body shook with uncontrollable laughter, his chest heaving as he tried to control his breathing. He clutched his abdomen, his face turning red.

"This is absolute gold," he wheezed out, chuckling loudly. "You, the fucking Avengers, want me to do your job!"

"Come on kid, is it a yes or no?" Steve said, rolling his eyes.

"What's in it for me?" Peter asked, finally calming himself down. "Even though I'd usually do this out of the goodness of my heart, I don't feel like it today."

"We'll exempt you from arrest," Natasha offered. "You've been evading SHIELD officers left and right for your previous crimes, so if you help us, we'll tell them to lay off of you."

"Natasha, are you serious?" Steve asked, appalled. "He's a mercenary who's killed more people than we can count, and you're just going to let him off simply for helping us?"

"I'd say that's a fair deal," Clint interrupted, "y'know, if he's going to help us win the battle, he shouldn't be arrested straight after."

"I see that you're forgetting that I kill criminals, Captain," Peter said after a few seconds of silence. "It's not like I go around shooting innocents."

"But you're still a murderer. Those people that you've killed could be locked up. Small bank robbers only deserve ten years maximum in prison over death, don't you think?"

"You think I kill bank robbers?" Peter gasped, lips turning into a frown. "I murder rapists, abusers, and serial killers; completely different category."

"You're a serial killer, so why don't you kill yourself?" Steve argued.

Peter scoffed. "You think I haven't tried that yet?" he laughed. "I overdosed at sixteen and i'm still here, so i'm pretty sure the gods don't want me dead yet."

He was met with silence once again.

"Even though I don't particularly like Mr. Ice-Age, I guess I'll help you. But you need to keep your end of the deal, you feel me?" he continued.

"Deal. You have two hours to prepare, and then we head out," Natasha replied.

Peter smirked. "Whatever you say, Miss Romanov."


Two hours later Peter walked into the Compound's launch pad, a black backpack slung over his shoulder. His outfit was entirely black, made up of: military pants, a skintight tee, ammo straps, a belt, and a filtered mask that covered his mouth and nose. Two guns sat snugly on his belt and sleek katanas mounted his back.

"Lets get this show on the road," he said after walking up to the Avengers, his voice muffled by his mask. "You need to tell me about your threat."

"Follow me," Wanda replied, motioning for him to follow her onto the jet.

Once the two were seated, she began to explain.

"There is a man by the name of Thanos who's coming to get the mind stone from Vision," she explained. "We need you to kill him before he can get the stone, or else he'll wipe out have of the universe."

"I see," Peter said, mostly to himself. "I'm assuming he has minions?"

"Correct; there'll be a lot of fighting," Wanda replied with a sigh. "Too much fighting."

"How many stones does he have?"

"From what we know, he has two, but he could have gotten more by now," Wanda answered.

"I'll need you to clear the way for me. You think you can?" Peter asked, leaning against the wall.

Wanda nodded and smiled. "Your wish is my command."


Peter stood anxiously next to King T'Challa, gazing out beyond the barrier. Thousands of creatures flung themselves at the force-field, murdering themselves in the process. He looked over at the Wakandan soldiers, biting his lip nervously.

"Sister, on my command, open the gate."

His eyes flickered back to the king before retreating to the creatures; he was a mercenary, yet he was still afraid. He knew there was a good chance he wasn't going to survive.

"Are you ready, young one?" Okoye asked, looking at the mercenary beside her.

"Hell no," Peter laughed, breathing in through his nose. "But I don't have much of a choice here."

Peter watched silently as T'Challa and Steve walked forward. Before anyone knew it, they were sprinting towards the barrier.

"Wakanda forever!" T'Challa cried out, earning a large chant from the soldiers.

Everyone began running in the direction of the Outriders, ready to face the battle in front of them. Peter sprinted towards the creatures, unsheathing his katanas in preparation. The barrier opened, and Outriders flooded inside, running at them.

Peter was quick to flip over an Outrider, chopping their head off cleanly. He swept his arms around, killing off five more of them, watching mercilessly as their bodies dropped to the ground.

"I'm going for the fat one," he growled into his comm, eyeing Cull Obsidian.

"You sure you can take them on your own?" That was definitely Natasha.


Peter began sprinting towards the alien, momentarily sheathing his katanas and whipping out his guns, rapid firing at the Outriders around him. Strange liquid splattered onto his clothes and any shown skin, turning the pale skin to a sickening dark blue.

"Fucking bitches, ruining my outfit," Peter mumbled angrily, butting another outrider in the face with the end of his gun. "Stop," a shot rang out, "bleeding," another, "on," another, "my," another, "shit!"

"That kid has skills," Sam said through the comms making Peter chuckle darkly.

"You should see me ripping out someone's intestines then, birdie," he growled.

Peter sprinted toward Cull Obsidian, shooting three bullets in his direction. They hit him dead on, making the alien stumble back. He pulled out his weapon and flung towards Peter, who skillfully side-stepped, the weapon missing him completely.

"Come here you fatass," he laughed, reloading his gun. "Such a shame you didn't apply for My 600 Pound Life before you died."

"Mruahhhhg," Cull Obsidian growled. The alien started running at the mercenary.

"Oh no you fucking don't," Peter said, taking out one of his katanas.

Just as Cull Obsidian was about to strangle him, the young mercenary chopped his head clean off his body, watching as it rolled to the side. His body dropped like a poor mockingbird that was shot mid-flight, plummeting towards the hard earth.

"Fatty McBaddie is down," Peter said into the comms, a manic laugh escaping his lips. "This is fun—something Id do in my free time."

"There is something seriously wrong with this kid," Steve sighed.

Peter decided to ignore that comment, running back into the action. He executed Outriders left and right, watching as their bodies fell helplessly to the soil. Every one of his movements was graceful and planned, and it almost seemed like he was performing a dance; it was art.

"He's here, he's here!" Steve called out worriedly. "He's got the mind stone!"

Peter turned towards the woods to see a towering purple figure emerging from the trees, a golden gauntlet on his hand. It glistened with six colors, making the mercenary deflate.

"You're kidding me," he groaned.

"We need to—shit!" Steve got cut off as he was thrown mercilessly across the field by an unknown force.

Peter's muscles stiffened as the titan advanced closer. He looked at the blue colored blood dripping off of his swords and back at Thanos, a murderous glint in his eyes. But just as he was about to run toward the alien, a blinding rainbow beam shot down from the sky, leaving behind Thor, a tiny raccoon and a talking tree.

"Bring me Thanos!" Thor called out, leaping into the air and smashing his axe onto the ground, sending out an electrifying shockwave through the earth.

Peter rolled his eyes and ran after the god, slaughtering Outriders on his way there. He glanced behind him to see the Avengers trailing behind him, all with their own weapons.

"You pesky humans," Thanos laughed, waving his gauntlet-encased fist. "Thinking you can defeat I, Thanks, wielder of the infinity stones, savior of the universe.

"You son of a bitch," Natasha growled viciously.

Thor glared daggers at the titan, raising his axe. "You took everyone—everything from me, you bastard," he seethed. "And now you're going to pay."

He drove the axe straight into Thanos' chest, pressing down. The titan gurgled as blood clawed it's way up his throat, spitting out onto his cracked lips, trickling down his chin. Thor gripping his head, pushing the axe in farther.

"You.." the titan wheezed out, coughing up blood. "You should've..."

"Should've what?" Steve fumed, advancing towards him.

"You should've gone... for the head." Thanos
smirked and lifted his fingers, readying them to snap when a slicing down was heard, followed by a painful wail.

Peter stood to the side of the titan, smiling under his mask as he stared at the disembodied limb laying on the ground. The golden gauntlet lay helpless without its owner, and the mercenary kicked it away, laughing.

"You were saying?" he giggled, walking up next to Thor.

He stared into the eyes of the titan, his murderous ones boring into fearful ones. Peter laughed again, tapping the tip of his nose. The mercenary turned towards the god next to him, nodding slightly.

"I'll let you do the honors," he stated, backing away.

Thor returned his nod and turned back to Thanos.

"This is for my brother," he choked out before cutting the titan's head clean off.

It was silent for a few moments, no one daring to speak. Peter kicked at the dismembered head of the titan, lolling it side to side.

"Well Avengers, it looks like my time," Peter removed his mask, "is over. I'll see you all next week after I complete my finals."

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