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just your cliche field trip trope


"Welcome to Stark Industries!"

Peter rolled his eyes, hearing the way-too-happy tour guide greet the first tour group. He all ready regretted going down to the lobby to talk with the receptionists, and it's not even past eight in the morning.

"Excuse me, Grace, but I'm going to head up to my office," he said, pushing himself off of the desk.

"Have a nice day, sir," Grace replied with a thin smile.

Peter turned around and began his walk to the elevators, knowing he'll have to pass by the tour group. He despised tour groups, mainly because they're rowdy and can't keep their hands to themselves.

"Today we'll be following the C tour..."

"You've got to be kidding me," Peter mumbled under his breath, ducking his head down.

C tour was his least favorite tour. Mainly because it involved going into his office even after he told the tour guides to mark it out of their schedules.

"Hey boss, could you come help us real quick?"

Peter turned his head to the side to see Andy, the manager of the R&D labs. He raised an eyebrow, messing with the cuff of his button down.

"What do you need?" the eighteen year old asked, beginning to follow him.

"There's been an accident in the lower R&D lab," Andy explained, walking backwards. "Or of the newer interns hit a switch and caused an explosion."

"How bad is it?" Peter questioned, pressing the button to the elevator.

"Not terrible. It only demolished one of the testing chambers."

True to Andy's words, the explosion wasn't awful. Yeah, one of the testing chambers was blown to hell but besides that, everything was fine.

"Mr. Stark, I-I'm so sorry," a young girl, probably early twenties, said. She had obviously been crying, and something in Peter melted.

"Hey, it's okay. Accidents happen," he replied softly, patting the girl's shoulder. "And please, call me Peter. Mr. Stark feels too formal."

"O-Okay Peter, but am I-I going to lose my internship?" she asked.

"Oh gods no," Peter answered, shaking his head. "If I fired people for blowing something up, I'd have fired myself ages ago."

This brought a watery laugh from the girl, which warmed Peter's heart.

"And here we have the R&D labs. Here we- oh my lord, it looks like there's been an explosion."

"You've got to be kidding me," Peter groaned. "Okay Andy, call Marcus—he'll help you get this cleaned up. "For now, everyone in this lab is issued to a break in the lounge."

"Thanks boss," Andy grinned. Peter smiled.

"No need to thank me."

With that, Peter walked out of the room, eyeing the tour group. He had known his schoolmates were coming for a tour for a month, and honestly wasn't in the mood to be confronted. Even though he had verified their tour, he still despised them.

"Oh! Mr. Stark-" the tour guide began, but was quickly cut off.

"Not right now, Maya," Peter interrupted, waving his hand dismissively. "You're already invading my office later, we don't need to speak."

Yeah, it was kinda rude, but Peter hated Maya anyways.


A few hours later, Peter was responding to some emails in his office while snacking on some crackers. Some calming music was playing in the background to clear his nerves of the inevitable knock on his door.

"Mr. Stark, may we come in?"

"Whatever," Peter sighed, rubbing a hand down his face.

His door opened to reveal Maya and the tour group, who's faces were filled with awe. He muffled a groan with his palm and let out a sigh, sitting back in his chair.

"Welcome to my office," Peter droned out looking up at the faces of his old classmates.

"Wait, Peter?" Ned asked slowly, pointing at his ex-best friend.

"That's my name, don't wear it out," Peter replied, raising his eyebrows. "Now what do you want to know."

"You work here?" Cindy piped up, her eyes wide.


"I thought you internship was fake!"

"It was."

"Wait what?"

Peter sighed dejectedly, propping his feet up on the desk.

"My internship was a simple cover up for my adoption," he explained lamely. "It's none of your business."

A knock on the door caught everyone's attention, and when Flash walked in, everyone was confused.

"Hey boss," he began, flashing a smile at everyone. "I brought you your coffee."

"Ah, thanks Flash," Peter said gratefully, taking the styrofoam cup. He took a sip, smiling at his assistant.

"No problem, dude," Flash replied. "Oh, hey guys."

"I thought you hated each other?" Abe said.

"Eh, more of a publicity stunt. We've been buds since kindergarten," Peter replied, leaning back in his chair once again.

"I've been working for him for about a year," Flash added, leaning against the wall. "Been his assistant for three months."

"So basically, Peter's life has been a lie?"

"Pretty much. Now, get out of my office."


bruh this sucks balls

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