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this is a little short one but i like the concept lol

"God, Peter! Why can't you just be normal!"







The shrill of the fire alarm at Midtown sounded throughout the school, defeating students and teachers. Protocol was being immediately followed as fire trucks and police cars surrounded the school, just in time for the last student to get out.

Or so they thought.

A boy, seventeen, was in the cafeteria, collapsed on his knees. His chestnut hair was matted to his forehead by sweat, the culminating heat finally getting to him. His hands gripped his t-shirt so hard it was beginning to stretch out.

His eyes were lit with whitish light that streamed to every corner of the room. Flames were licking at his heels as he kneeled there, yet they didn't effect him. Well, in a way they did.

They made him stronger.

Getting to his feet, the boy stood broadly. Putting one foot in front of the other, he walked straight through the wall of fire blocking the entrance. And when he came out, he was untouched.

Shouts could be heard a couple of hallways down, and the boy could feel himself slipping back into reality. The white light faded from his eyes, revealing their original honey brown. He looked around wildly, what was going on?

He shrieked in fear as he noticed the flames surrounding him. Orange and yellow radiated heat, making sweat beads gleam as they slid down his face. The shouts got closer, and soon he could see firemen rushing around the corner. Without thinking, the boy ran.

He ran back through the wall of fire and into the cafeteria, not noticing how he was untouched by the flames. He sprinted towards the window, raising his elbow and smashing it, glass shards falling to the ground around him. He hoisted himself up over the window sill and boosted himself out, tumbling onto the green grass.

Stumbling to his feet, the boy ran off, not looking behind him. He had a gut feeling like something was wrong, and that the fire was the main reason.

"Why did you do this to us?"







The city was ablaze in a fiery inferno, dark ash blackening the sky. Soot rained down from the heavens and onto innocents, coating them in the black ash. Sprouts of lava erupted from cracks in the surface, melting fences and buildings to the ground effortlessly.

Screams were heard across the city as the world around them fell apart. One woman in particular sobbed loudly as her arm was burning off her body, her bone deteriorating from the immense heat.

And at the center of it all was the boy, glowing white eyes and all. He was suspended in the air by an unknown force as the wind swirled around him. Small balls of fire sat in his palms as he levitated.

This world had cursed him, and now he would bring it to its demise.

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