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ahhhh good old field trips.


Peter sighed as he skimmed through the large stack of papers on his desk. They were all very important documents concerning brand agreements and work being done to the tower. He had a meeting later that day so he had to get through the stack.

"How the hell does mom do this?" he mumbled to himself. Ever since he turned eighteen, he was handed Tony's part of S.I, making him and Pepper the lead bosses. And let me tell you.

It was stressful as fuck.

After some time, a soft knock on his door made Peter bring his attention back to reality. The lock clicked and the door was pushed open, revealing Pepper. She had a plate of brownies in one hand and a glass of milk in the other.

"Hey baby," she cooed to her son as she shut the door with her hip. "Uncle Bucky made you some brownies to calm you down before the meeting."

Pepper placed the plate onto the desk and Peter grinned, shoving one of the brownies into his mouth. They tasted like absolute heaven.

"Mrphhf... delicious..." he said while chewing. Pepper laughed and placed the cup down, heading back to the door.

"Remember, the meeting is in thirty minutes. Get changed and ready to go."

And with that, she walked out.

After eating a few more brownies and downing the milk, Peter stood up, wiping his mouth with the back of his sweatshirt sleeve. He groaned as he stretched his back before moving to his closet, pulling out some clothes. He changed into a black short sleeved button down, some black skinny jeans and a white tie.

"Make sure to stay by the group at all times," Geoff, the tour leader explained as he handed out badges. Students tended to get lost in the massive tower because they ran off to get a drink. "If you'd follow me, we're going to sit in on a meeting."

The students of Midtown Tech all followed closely, chatting up a storm. They were extra excited to be here since they could expose Peter Parker's lies.

Speaking of Parker, where was he?

"Okay students," Geoff said, stopping outside a large door. "I expect you all to be on top notch behavior, and no talking."

The tour guide pushed the glass door open and everyone filed in, taking seats in the back of the conference room. In the middle, an oval shaped table sat with matching plush chairs. Files were stacked in front of each seat, probably for the meeting.

As the students quieted themselves down and got situated, board members attending the meeting were beginning to file into the room. One by one, they took their seats and overlooked the paper stacks, each minding their own business. Recognized people included: President Daniels, Congress members, high-business owners and a few assistants. There was only one seat left, reserved for most likely- Pepper Potts.

The doors opened and every single student lost their breath at the sight of Peter walk in, head held high and files tucked underneath his arm. He looked stunning in his pressed clothing and he had never looked better- or more stressed.

"Good afternoon," Parker greeted as he took a seat. He had noticed his class when he first walked in but he was in a meeting- no time for shenanigans.

"Mr. Parker, what a pleasure to finally meet you," President Daniels said, shaking the younger's hand. Peter smiled.

"As to you, Mister President. Now, let's get to the topic at hand; you want S.I to provide  the government with tech per their request and military weapons incase of a war," he stated, looking at his papers. The vice president- James Richards- nodded.

"Yes sir, that is what we wish," he replied. Peter clicked his tongue.

"You see, I'm all for providing advanced tech to help you guys out, but the weapons part of this contract is making me a little uneasy," he droned. "And may I inform you- S.I doesn't make lethal war-like weapons anymore."

"Mr. Parker, surely you would understand the need-" James began, but Peter cut him straight off.

"Mr. Richards. In the past, S.I weapons that had fallen into the hands of a government agency almost wiped out an entire country. How do I know you won't do the same?" he asked, resting his elbows on the table. His chestnut hair flopped into his face- screw proper.

"I- well you see..." Richards stuttered. He didn't have an answer.

"My point exactly," Peter said, leaning back. "Although you might say you won't use them against each other now, you don't know how fast the tables can turn over a simple disagreement. For example, what if President Daniels over here wished to pass a law that a few of you didn't agree with? Do you call out full war and kill him with lethal S.I weapons?"

The room was silent except for the soft clicks of Peter's pen.

"I think I've said enough. Mister President; I will gladly abide to half of your proposition, but sadly have to decline the other. No one can be trusted with such weaponry," he stated. Daniels nodded in agreement.

"Wise choice, Mr. Parker. You surely know how to run a business- especially at an age like yours," he replied. Peter smiled.

"I've had good parental figures, I guess. Meeting dismissed."

The government and business owners quickly left the room in an organized fashion, leaving Peter and his classmates.

"Hello, Midtown. What an honor it is to be graced by your presence," he sarcastically drawled, smiling. MJ snickered.

"You've still got your sass, Parker. After all these weeks of running S.I, I thought you would have lost it by now," she said. Peter rolled his eyes playfully, spinning around in his chair.

"Hey, you're only eighteen once- or I guess 365 times -but that doesn't matter. How's the tour been? Did you enjoy the meeting?" he asked.

"That meeting, jesus christ. Your authority over these people is amazing," Flash gushed to his friend.

"This was our first stop!" Cindy piped up. Peter thought for a moment.

"Well then. Why don't I lead you the rest of the way?"

hi i'm tyler/ty

they/them please and thanks

bye loves <3

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