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contains ABSOLUTLY NO endgame spoilers

i'll make sure to put a huge warning at the top if it contains spoilers

pm me if you wanna sob with me

Working as an assassin for the world's most dangerous company wasn't the first thing on Peter Stark's job list. When he was a high schooler, he had dreamed of being a business man or even a scientist. But where was he now?

Killing people for SHIELD.

Yet Nick Fury paid awfully well and compensated the youthful Stark weekly. So maybe it wasn't that bad after all. But with every kill comes repercussions.

Like PTSD from shooting a guy's brains out, many sleepless nights, severe anxiety in crowded places and the slow decaying of emotions throughout the job. Peter with his luck had suffered through all of these many times, and it didn't seem like it was going to end anytime soon. The worst part?

Tony Stark, his dad, didn't even know.

Tony thought Peter went off on a mission for his college for six months, but really he was hidden out at SHIELD headquarters right under his nose. Of course he felt bad for betraying his father, but it had to be done.


"Agent Stark. We need you to take down the rouge Avengers and bring them back to SHIELD," Fury stated from his chair. Peter nodded.

"Yes sir. How long do I have?" he asked. Director Fury glanced at a calendar on the wall.

"Four days. I trust you, Peter. Don't make me regret this," he replied. Peter nodded once more.

"I won't, director."


Peter kept his breaths quiet as he snuck around the base that the rouge Avengers had formed. It was tacky, in his opinion- but very smart. They were hidden in plain sight, and no one near them would suspect a thing.

Bringing a gloved hand up, he skimmed his fingers across the wall, finally pushing a hidden panel in and opening the secret entrance. Keeping low, he snuck down the ramp, heading for the glowing blue lights that sparkled against the eery darkness of the hall. Voices could be heard, belonging to whom he presumed were the rouges.

"You have to listen to me, Rogers."

That voice made Peter stop in his tracks, shivers slowly creeping down his spine. He knew that voice anywhere.

"Tony, you tried to kill us!" That was most definitely Steven Grant Rogers himself.

"No- you tried to kill me! Slamming your shield into my reactor? You wanted me dead in Siberia."

Peter peeked his head around the corner, eyes locking onto the six individuals in the room. Tony caught his eye, though, making him furrow his eyebrows. What was his dad doing here?

"I'' gonna get you cleared of your crimes, guys," Tony stressed, hands in his hair. "I've saved all your asses- and now you need to come back to New York."

"How do we know this isn't a trap, Stark," Sam Wilson asked, crossing his arms. Tony gaped at the man.

"Do you really think I'd bring a bunch of people I didn't trust into my home to endanger my kids and wife?" he asked. Sam took an alarmed step back.

"Kids? Wife? You have a family?" he asked. Tony sighed, the slightest smile ghosting his lips.

"Yeah. Pepper and I got married about seven months ago," he said giddily. "And then there's Peter and Harley- they're adopted- as well as my little girl, Morgan. She's all me and Pep."

"Tones, congratulations," Wanda gushed. "C-Can I meet them?" Tony's smile widened.

"Of course! But Peter's off at college right now, so you'll have to wait for him."

This was his chance. Peter had to take them all down now.

Slipping his hood over his hair and pulling his mask securely around his lips and nose, Peter jumped from his hiding place, holding out a taser gun and a katana.

"Rouges, stand down," he ordered. "You're coming with me back to SHIELD."

The rouges immediately grabbed their weapons, even Tony who raised a charged gauntlet in his direction.

"Back down," the billionaire said, aiming his gauntlet. "We're not going anywhere."

Peter let out a deviant laugh, narrowing his hooded eyes.

"Like I'd let that happen. Give me the rouges and no one gets hurt," he replied, fingers tapping against the hilt of the katana.

"You're not getting us!" Sam shouted. The rouges around him nodded in agreement. All of a sudden, a knife was whizzing towards Peter, sticking into his shoulder. He didn't flinch, didn't even bat an eye.

"I've had a lot worse thrown at me, Miss Romanoff. Go ahead and ask Mr. Barton himself."

Natasha stopped in her tracks.

"What have you done with him?" she asked through gritted teeth. Peter merely shrugged before ripping the knife from his shoulder.

"Nothing, actually. He's with SHIELD at the moment, cleared of house arrest," he answered. He dropped the bloodied knife to the ground, it connecting with the cement with a clang. He paid no attention to the blood beginning to seep through his jacket.

"Who the hell are you?" Wanda asked, her Slovakian accent coming out strong. Peter clicked his tongue disapprovingly.

"And why would I tell you?" he replied. "Unlike you all, I would prefer to keep my identity quiet."

Peter adjusted his grip on his katana before slamming it into the ground, the blade slicing cleanly through the cement.

"I don't want to hurt any of you, but I will not hesitate if you resist any longer. I have strict orders from director Fury," he growled. His hooded eyes seemed to pierce daggers into the six. Tony looked at his ex-teammates, shoulders slumping.

"I don't think we have much of a choice," he finally sighed. Steve nodded solemnly.

"Alright, mystery boy. We'll go," the captain said. Peter nodded strictly, spinning on his heel.

"Let's go then, Avengers."

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