Training Day

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"Peter, you're not going to school today since it's training day," Tony informed his adopted son. Peter nodded and stood from the barstool.

"I'm going to go in the gym then," he replied. Tony nodded and the teen quickly made his was to the Avenger's training area, easily putting a punching bag on the hook. He removed his shirt and tossed it to the side.

He grabbed some wrap and wrapped his hands and wrists before covering them in chalk dust. Peter planted his feet, bender his knees, and began obliterating the punching bag. With each punch, the bag flung backwards until it finally ripped, sending stuffing everywhere.

Peter huffed before removing the bag from the hook and dropping it to the side. He swiped the remains away and rebooked a different bag before starting again. This process went on and on until their were eight ruined punching bags on the ground, and Peter's knuckles were dripping in blood.

"Fuck..." Peter grumbled to himself, shaking his hands back and forth. He wiped the blood onto his athletic shorts before removing the rest of the wrap, dusting his hands off on an old rag.

"Training time!" Steve shouted as he and the Avengers strolled on. Peter smiled when their eyes landed on the amass of broken bags.

"Sorry," was all he said before walking over. "Me against all of you?" he suggested.

The Avengers smirked. "It's so on." Clint stated.

Everyone got into position before Clint shot the first arrow, surprised when Peter caught it. The young teen threw it back at him, the tip sinking into his shoulder. Too bad it was a shock arrow.

Steve went next, catapulting his shield. Peter predicted this, though, and flipped mid air, dodging the red and blue disk coming his way. As it came back, Peter caught the shield before flinging it full force towards the super soldier, knocking him off his feet.

Bucky attempted to punch Peter with his metal arm, and everyone was shocked when the teen caught his fist before bashing him in the face, knocking the other super soldier off his feet.

Then, it was Sam, or Falcon, for that matter. The winged hero flew up into the air, only to fall right back down as Peter jumped and gripped onto his leg, pulling him to the ground. He sucker-punched the man square in the face- Sam immediately tapped out.

Wanda went next, using her scarlet powers to pick objects up and hurl them at the teen. Peter swiftly dodged them all, picking one up and hurling it at his "cousin" making her back down.

Now it was only Natasha. As the two highly skilled offenders circled each other, Peter watched for anything that might give away her first move. Natasha quickly pulled out a knife and flung it at Peter, the cold metal sinking into his shoulder. she winced slightly before yanking it out, biting on his tongue.

He threw the bloodied knife to the side before running and tackling Natasha to the ground, the two rolling until Peter ended up on top, his arms at her throat. Natasha tapped out and Peter immediately got off of her, helping his aunt stand up.

"Sorry about that, Peter," Natasha said, eyeing the bleeding slit in her nephew's shoulder. Peter just shook his head and laughed.

"It's okay, Auntie Nat."


"Welcome, students. For the first part of our tour, we will be heading to the training area!" Emile exclaimed. The class of students from Midtown high nodded eagerly, following behind their guide like puppies.

As they arrived at the training room, there was a big glass wall to look through. They weren't expecting to see Peter (Puny) Parker battling against the Avengers. It went on for another twenty or so minutes until Peter helped the Black Widow up from the mag, his shoulder still bleeding from the knife wound.

"Miss Jones, how about you go check on him," Emile suggested with a wink. MJ rolled her eyes playfully before swiping her all access card and stepping in the room.

When Peter saw his girlfriend his eyes lit up like the New York lights. "Baby!" he laughed before running over and picking MJ up. Peter spun her around before setting her down, planting a soft kiss on her lips. "What are you doing here?"

"We're on a field trip, idiot!" she laughed before hitting his toned chest. Peter's eyes widened in realization.

"This was all a trick!" he whined. "Dad said that I wasn't going to school today because it's training day! He just wanted to embarrass me!" Peter collapsed onto the ground, clutching his chest. "End my suffering, MJ!" he begged.

MJ laughed and shook her head. "I wont, but Flash probably will," she snickered. Peter rolled his eyes and swiftly stood up just as his classmates entered.

"Good day, Peter," Emile smiled. Peter returned it and grabbed his bottle of water from the ground, taking a long drink.

"What are you even doing here?!" Flash exclaimed. Peter shrugged.

"It's training day. I would've skipped if I had known of this field trip," he shyly said. He slung an arm around his girlfriend's shoulder, kissing her head. "Mind if I join you all for the rest of the tour?"

All eyes fell onto the teacher, Mr. Shoe. "Um, you can. But when we get back you'll be in quite the amount of trouble, M-Mr. Parker-" the teacher was cut off.

"It's Stark now," Peter corrected, earning quite a few gasps. As if on cue, Tony Stark himself walked, holding his hands to his heart.

"You've finally accepted it? Someone pinch me!" the billionaire said happily, going over to his son. He ruffled Peter's hair affectionately, earning a swat at his arms.

"Well, onto the tour! But Peter, put a shirt on."

975 words

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