VM: Two states - Part 3

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Helpers were decorating the house with serial lights and flowers.Priya,Meenakshi and Vicky were flying kites on the terrace.Priya's father called her and she went down leaving those two together.

While playing unknowingly they came closer and their shoulders brushed against one another but they were engrossed in manoeuvring their kites that they failed to notice the proximity.

V: Ouch!😖

He pressed his eye.

M: What happened?

V: I can't open my eyes...

M: Relax,let me check...

Standing on her toes,she parted his eyelids carefully to examine.

V: It's burning...

His eyes fluttered and tears trickled from the corner.

She blew into his eyes to clear off particles.As he was too tall for her,she kept losing her balance while on tip toe.Seeing her struggles he bent forward to make it easier for her.

At that time Priya came up.From the angle she stood it seemed as if they were kissing.

P: Meenakshi!!!😡😡😡

Her loud voice startled Meenakshi who distanced herself from him.

P: What's happening here?😡

M: Dust got in his eyes so I was...

P: So?Couldn't you call me?I was just downstairs.

Vicky voiced in Meenakshi's support.

V: Yeah my eyes was burning,I couldn't see and you expect her to call you until then I should be in discomfort.Thanks to her immediate attention,I am feeling better now.

P: You wouldn't have lost your eyesight if you waited for a few minutes!Even if that happened I would be the one taking care of you for life,not others.

V mv: Hmm...she has got content for today's fight.Vicky,just remain calm.

He took it lightly but Priya's tart reply did not go well with her friend.Meenakshi was hurt.

M: Sorry Priya...I'll be downstairs.

Once she was out of sight,Priya dabbed Vicky's eyes with the end of her dupatta.

V: I'm ok.Why did you erupt like that just now?Ms.Fish must be feeling bad...

P: When I came up I saw you both close and it looked as if you were both kissing.

V: What?You serious?She is your friend why would I kiss her?

P: She's tall and beautiful na...😏

V: Someone is getting jealous.

P: Yeah keep it that way.I am jealous if you get close with another woman.

She hooked her arms around his tightly.He gave a sarcastic laugh.

P: What was that for?

V: No I'm wondering if it's the same Priya who helped me to unite with Maggie.

P: That was because you were interested in her then.I did it for your happiness but now you are mine I will never tolerate someone coming in between us be it my friend or anyone.You are mine!

Vicky slid his arm across her shoulder pulling her closer to him.

V: Jaanu,you said it right.I am yours only then why this insecurity?I was playful in the past but now you're the only one for me.No matter how many beautiful girls come,no one can take your place.Do you understand?

She leaned on his chest and he embraced her.

P: I'm not doing it on purpose it's just that I can't bear anyone apart from me getting close to you.😔

V: Priya,suspicion in a relationship is deadly.Never give way for it because if you do,it will not only spoil your peace but it will ruin your life and you will lose people.If you feel I've wronged you,you have the rights to take it out on me but pls never behave this way towards others.Ms.Fish is a soft-hearted person she might not be able to take this behaviour of yours.

P: I understand Vicky.I'm sorry.I'll not behave like this again.


Meenakshi was in the room reading a book.Feeling guilty for her actions,Priya was apprehensive about approaching her friend and stood at the entrance.Meenakshi saw her.

M: Hey pelli koothuru,come...sit...

Meenakshi moved aside giving way for her friend.Priya sat opposite her.

P: I'm sorry Meenakshi.😔

M: For what?

P: For being rude to you just now...

M: You were rude to me?I didn't feel that way.

P: I know you are hurt but you are not showing it.I promise it won't happen like this ever again.🥺

M: Leave that.Ok I wanted to ask you,should I wear a salwar or lehenga for your sangeet?😃

Priya felt at ease that her friend was normal and they chatted.

P's dad: Ma,Vicky is leaving...

P: Coming nanna...Meenakshi come,let's go and send him off.

M: I'm not coming da,you go.

Priya looked at her asking through eyes the reason.

M: Henceforth it's better if I stay away from him.No hard feelings towards you or Vicky but I feel this is only appropriate.

P: You haven't gotten over the incident just now right?Keeping that in mind only you are doing this...

M: Not that da...Vicky is your fiancé.The connection I have with him is you and I have nothing to do with him beyond that.Let's end this topic here.

Priya went alone to send off Vicky who was waiting for her.

V: Bye Priya...where is Ms.Fish?I'll tell her...

P: Err...she's sleeping.I'll tell her.

After that day Meenakshi avoided Vicky.If he came to Priya's house,she would stay in the room and give some excuse through Priya for not coming to meet him.Deep down she felt bad for doing this to Vicky whom she saw as a good human being and held in high esteem but she did not want to be a cause of their unhappiness so she maintained a distance.

On the other hand,Vicky asked about Meenakshi casually 1-2 times to Priya who diverted the topic and he understood Meenakshi was avoiding him.He knew it was the repercussions of the incident on the terrace so he didn't want to probe further and left it at that.


Meenakshi's parents who were on a lookout for a prospective groom,received Shivakumar's proposal from a distant relative.Initial talks went on between the elders and it clicked.Before finalising the alliance,Meenakshi's parents took hers and Shiva's horoscopes to check their compatibility with an astrologer.

He studied both their horoscopes carefully.

M's dad: Ayya,what does it say?Are they made for each other?

"Both their horoscopes are amazing however your daughter's...mmm..."

He became solemn.

M's mom: Pls tell us whatever it is...

"Amma,God has blessed your daughter with beauty,intellect,good qualities and everything one could wish for however he has failed to give her a long life..."

Her parents were shocked.

"Her horoscope states that she will die young and it will be unexpected.To be precise,after her marriage she may live for one year."

Her parents were shocked and her mother started crying.

M's dad: That is if she is married to this boy right?What if we choose another alliance for her?

"Ayya,the issue is not with the boy's horoscope.If not him,whoever she marries this is her fate."

M's mom: In that case we'll not get her married...no mother will wish for this but I want my daughter to be alive more than anything.

"She will definitely get married whether you wish for it or not.That is also inevitable."

M's dad: Isn't there a remedy for this?

"Yes there are two remedies...one is to get poojas done to Lord Shiva in your daughter's name everyday until one year...the second one is next to impossible..."

M's dad: Still...we would like to know that also...

"To get a boy with a horoscope that has a particular yogam.If your daughter is married off to that boy,through his good luck she might be able to conquer this premature death but as I said this is impossible because such a horoscope is only one in a million.I myself have not come across such a chart in all these years.If god wants your daughter to live,he only should send that boy to her."

M's mom: What sin have we done?We were childless for years and through the Devi's grace a lovely daughter was born to us but that also she wants to snatch from us...how can gods be so cruel?😭

"Amma,pls be strong.These are predictions only.Birth and death is not in our hands.How well versed an astrologer may be,he or she can never predict that exactly.Miracles do take place.Arrange this marriage for your daughter and do the poojas that I mentioned simultaneously.Keep undeterred faith in the Lord.He will protect your daughter."

They went to the temple from there and arranged for prayers to be done in Meenakshi's name.Her parents were on their way home.

M's dad: Let's just keep this between us.Meenakshi,Veni...no one should know.

M's mom: We should discuss this with Shiva's mother atleast.What if they come to know this after marriage?They will lose trust in us for hiding such a big thing and we won't be able to walk with heads high...

M's dad: If we tell this to the boy's side surely they will back off.Call me selfish,but I want my daughter to live well with her husband even if it one year.Let's not tell this to anyone.Give me your word that you will also keep this a secret.

She promised her husband.They kept this secret buried in their hearts and prayed for Meenakshi's well being.


It was the eve of Priya and Vicky's wedding.The lakshmi pooja was conducted for Priya in her house.A Ganesh pooja was to be held for Vicky at his house.Once that was done,the bride and groom were not allowed to leave the place until after the wedding.

The ritual for Vicky was scheduled at a later time as he had to attend an official video conference.The meeting got over and Vicky was going to have shower to get ready for his ritual when he received Priya's call.She requested him to come over to her place and he left without even informing his parents.

Priya was in traditional purple silk saree while Meenakshi wore a heavy gold embroidered white anarkali salwar suit with minimal accessories.Both were waiting for him at the backyard of her house.Vicky entered.He smiled lightly at Meenakshi who returned the same.

V: What happened Priya?You sounded urgent.Any problem?

P: No problem but I need you to run an errand for me.

Thinking someone was in an emergency,

V: You need any medical supplies?

P: No no...just two dozen of bangles...

He gave a baffled look.

V: What?Priya!Are you for real?😳In an hour's time,I have to be ready for Ganesha pooja and you want to send me to get you bangles?It is our wedding in the morning!I hope you are aware of that!😰

She kept a bored face.

P: Of course I do!I overlooked my reception saree when I went for shopping just now when I took out to set them I realised I don't have any bangles of that colour!

V: So what?Reception is in the evening,morning you can send someone to get them or if you want I only will go and buy after the wedding.

P: As if they will allow you to go.We will be busy tomorrow.

He looked at Meenakshi who remained silent.

V: Excuse me Ms.Fish,do you have some pink bangles?

P: Not pink...it's peach...

He frowned at Priya and then looked at Meenakshi.

V: pink or peach...whichever colour she is asking,can you lend that bangles for her for a day?

Before Meenakshi could speak,Priya intervened.

P: Don't I know to ask her?She doesn't have anything in that shade and I've checked with my other friends also.None of them have it.

V: Priya!To get those accessories we have to go to town it will take an hour!What would I tell Amma and nanna?Why don't you send someone else?

P: If there was someone to go why would I ask your favour?If you leave now,you can be back in time for your rituals...I'll handle the elders...pls baby...

She mollified him by stroking his chin.

M: Priya,I agree with Vicky.I don't recommend him leaving this place tonight.You adjust with the gold bangles na...

V: Phew...some sensible suggestion.Priya,see even your friend is against your ideas!

P: Uff!Marriage is once in a lifetime and I want to look the best on my special day.Wearing those coloured bangles in between gold bangles would look so good in photos.You both are making a mountain out of a molehill for nothing!

Vicky and Meenakshi tried to persuade Priya but she was adamant.

P: It's our big day,I'm asking for something simple that you can't get for me?

She asked keeping a puppy face.Vicky melted.

V: Ok I'll go...for your sake...😒

P: Yaayy!!!I love you!!!😘Meenakshi,you go with him...

M: Why me?😳

V: Yeah right why her?I can go alone....

P: Do you know how the shade will be?

V: Huh...err...no...

P: That is why I am sending her with you.Go Meenakshi...

M: No Priya that is not right...I...

P: Pls Meenakshi...I would have gone with him but I'm not supposed to leave home after this pooja...pls da...I promise Vicky and I will run errands for your wedding as repayment for all the trouble you are taking.

V: Again I am the 'bakra'😤🙄

Priya managed to convince her friend.

P: Thank you so much da!Also get some designer bindis and that colour nail polish.

Vicky started his bike but Meenakshi was hesitant to travel on pillion with him.She looked at Priya who understood.

P: Vicky,don't want bike..

V: Bike is faster.I can speed through narrow lanes taking the fastest route.

P: Err...it's ok there is time you go in the car.

She passed him her car keys and he got in.Meenakshi opened the rear door.

P: Meenakshi,you sit infront.I don't want my Vicky to be your driver.

On her friend's behest,Meenakshi sat infront beside Vicky.He was unhappy deep down and had a gut feeling that something untoward was going to happen.He looked at Priya.

P: What?

V: Nothing...I love you...

P: Aww I love you too!Come soon...bye...Meenakshi bye...


Music was playing in the car and there was an awkward silence between the two.

V: Ms.Fish,could you pls pass me the water bottle?

She passed him the water bottle which was on her side.After drinking he was trying screw the cap back on the bottle with one hand.Meenakshi took the bottle and cap from him.He mouthed a thank you without looking at her.

M: Vicky...I'm sorry...

V: Huh?

M: I said sorry...past few days when you came home,I avoided you.That was wrong on my part.😞

V: Oh that...Priya is a kid at times,doesn't know what she is doing.If I were in your shoes probably even I would have reacted the same.Its ok,I did not take it to heart.Chill.😊

They swapped smiles but neither of them spoke after that.They reached town.Most of the shops were shut so they roamed the place and finally found a fancy store that was open.Meenakshi went in first.Hands inside pockets and rolling his tongue inside his mouth,Vicky entered the shop.Looking around,

V: Ladies stuff...so boring...😏

The shopkeeper welcomed them.

V: Do you accept cards?

"Yes annayyaa visa card,master card,credit card,debit card..."

V: ...menu card...

"...yes menu card...huh...uh...that all no annayyaa..."

He said innocently.Vicky slid his arm across his shoulder.

V: I was just joking.I'll make payment with credit card.You have bangles?

"Yes annayyaa!We have a wide range from glass bangles,mirror bangles,plastic bangles,thread bangles..."

Vicky raised his palm.

V: Stop! Just bring everything you have in peach colour and dump it before her!

The guy did as told.Meenakshi was looking for the bangles and Vicky sat on the stool while waiting for her.To not fall asleep,he initiated a convo with the shopkeeper.

V: How is the business here?

"Normal days it good but even better during wedding season."

V: Hmm...what have you studied?

"Up till 8th standard..."

V: 8th standard and you're an established businessman but me an engineer and still sucking up to foreigners.This is why too much education also is not good.I am inspired by you.I will also start up a fancy store like yours someday.Vicky fancy stores.

"Annayyaa,you start anywhere in this world but not in this town..."

V: The shop opposite yours is vacant right?

He teased the shopkeeper.

"Annayyaa...Pls annayya...take pity on me I have a wife and four children who are dependent on me..."

Meenakshi giggled at their banter.She was done with her purchases.While the shopkeeper was packing the items,Meenakshi picked a set of red bangles.

She liked it and wanted to buy but realised she hadn't brought her purse so she kept it back.Vicky noticed that.When she was glancing at other things,he eyed the salesperson to add those bangles she picked as well to the purchases.Vicky then casually asked her,

V: Ms.Fish,do you want anything from here?

M: No.If payment is made we can leave.

V: It's done.This is for you...

He passed her the bangles.

M: Why did you get these?I don't want Vicky...I'm returning this...

However the shopkeeper refused to take it citing no exchange policy but actually it was Vicky who gestured him not to.

V: Oh dear they won't take it back and unfortunately these are not my size else I would have taken them...

He said keeping a serious face and she couldn't stop herself from laughing.

V: Come on Ms.Fish,this is a small thing,how many times you have prepared coffee for me I didn't do anything in return for you pls accept these...

She took it from him.

M: Thank you so much but I'll return you the money once we reach home.

Vicky shook his head.

V: You are impossible...

"Vadina,you are very lucky!Annayya is so loving and caring towards you...I was observing from the time you both came in...at this late hour,he brought you to fancy store...he was patient not showing any sign of irritation while you shopped...he got what you wanted even without you asking and surprised you..."

That unwarranted remarks didn't go well with either of them.

V: Hello,hello...pls stop there!How do we look like to you ha?

"Like Ramayya and Seethamma."replied the guy.
"Vadina,yours is definitely a love marriage am I right?"he asked her.

Vicky lost it and was about to grab that fella's collar but was held back by Meenakshi.

M: You are mistaken.We are not husband and wife.Vicky,it's getting late let's leave.

She said firmly to that guy and went ahead.Vicky glared at the shopkeeper.

V: I will open a shop just opposite yours and turn all your customers towards me!Wait and see...😡

He cautioned the guy who stood blinking cluelessly.

To be continued...

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