VM: Two states - Part 4

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Vicky was foul mouthing and cursing the shopkeeper.

V: Idiot!Stupid!Useless guy how dare he say that to us?Only couples visit these shops?If you had not stopped me,I would have whacked the pulp out of him!😤

M: What would you gain by that?He wouldn't have said so if he knew about us right?It is night time,a decent looking guy and girl patronising his shop,how else is he supposed to perceive us?

V: We could also be brother and sister...huh...uh...no we don't look like that...

M: Right!We look like grand father and grand daughter.

V: Wth!You're saying I'm old?See now...

He sped.

M: Vicky pls...pls...slow down...I'm scared...

V: No way!

Meenakshi braced her back  against the seat and grabbed the handle tightly for support.

V: This is only a teaser.If this was Australia I...

His voice trailed off when he saw her squeezing her eyes in fear.He slowed down.She relaxed herself and slowly opened her eyes.

V: How was grandfather's speed?

He asked wiggling his brows at her.

M: Bad!

V: Bad? Ok here we go again...

M: No no no pls pls ok I take my words back you're not grandfather.

V: Hahahaha that's Vicky talents!


Priya was getting her feet decorated with mehendi when she got a call from one of her close friend.

P: Hi da...Where are you?

"Sorry Priya...I'm still in Vizag.I called to say I won't be attending your wedding."

P: What happened you sound so depressed...any problem?

"My husband is my problem.He cheated on me that too with my best friend.It was I who introduced her to him for a job in his company and apparently that culminated into an affair.Once I returned early from work and caught them romancing on my bed.I was shattered.I came back to mom's house and have applied for divorce."

P: It's really shocking!Yours was a love marriage and how he could do this to you?😰

"Love or arranged,in this matter all men are the same.If the girl is beautiful,no man will leave a chance.Priya,my advise to you,be careful.Don't blindly trust your man like how I did."

P: I'm so sorry da.Be strong.I will speak to you later.Take care.

She ended the call.Priya recalled her conversation with Vicky when they went for a drive the other day.

V: Meenakshi seems to be a very nice girl.She's beautiful,smart and humble.Overall,she's a complete package.Lucky is the man who is going to marry her.

P: What if he has fallen for her?Did I do a mistake of sending them together?

Unwanted thoughts flooded her mind.

She called Vicky to ask their whereabouts.Incidentally,his phone was on silent and it had dropped from his pocket inside the car so he didn't realise it was ringing.


Meenakshi had nodded off.Vicky saw someone waving at the car.He slowed down to a halt and lowered the window.The stranger looked like a poor farmer.Meenakshi woke up.

"Ayya,my wife is in labour...could you pls assist to take her to the hospital."

Without any thought,both of them got down and hurried behind the man.Meenakshi followed him inside his hut while Vicky waited outside.His wife was screaming in pain and her old mother was beside calming her.After examining her,Meenakshi came out.

M: Vicky,I don't think she can wait until we get to the hospital.Priya's medical kit will be in the boot,can you pls get that for me?

V: Ok...huh...uh...but you're an eye doctor right how will you deliver a baby?

M: I know the basics and thankfully it's not a complicated pregnancy.I can manage.Go fast...

She said confidently.He rushed to the car and returned with the medical kit.She placed her duppatta on his shoulder and gave her bangles and rings for him to hold.When she turned to go,

V: Ms.Fish!Ms.Fish!...All the best!

He showed her thumbs up sign.She thanked him and went in.The farmer came out and Meenakshi closed the door.

Vicky stood like an actress's personal assistant with her duppatta on his shoulder and her accessories on both his hands.

V: Ayya,don't worry...she is a doctor.Your wife and child will be safe.

He comforted the anxious farmer.Vicky began pacing up and down feeling more nervous than the father.Soon the baby's wails were heard.

Meenakshi came out cradling the baby in her arms and handed it to the father.

M: Nothing to worry.Mother and child are both fine.It's a baby girl!

The delighted father cooed to his daughter.Vicky stood gaping at the father-daughter bonding scene with a dumb grin plastered across his face.

M: Can I have those back?

He was too involved in the scene that he failed to hear her.She tapped his shoulder and asked for her duppatta and accessories.

The elated father handed the baby to Meenakshi and joining his palms thanked her umpteen times revering her as a goddess who came to save them.She modestly told him it was all god's greatness.He also thanked Vicky for stopping to help them when vehicles went past despite seeing him waving at them for help.

"Amma,Ayya...you only have to name my daughter."

M: No,no I am not such a great person ayya...

However the farmer insisted.Meenakshi looked at Vicky as no name came to her mind.He took the baby from Meenakshi and looked at her lovingly,

V: Anushka...😍

In his royal baritone he christened the baby.

M: Anushka?😳

V: Yeah...named her after my idol,Anushka Shetty...😎

Vicky felt shy as he thought about her.

M: Naming a child after an actress...mmm...I don't think that's good....

V: Hey no!You don't know about my puppy ma...she may be an actress but above that she's a wonderful human being and I want this angel to grow up to be an angel like her that's why.

The father too was satisfied with the name.

"She'll grow up to be strong like Jejjamma...😃"

He looked proudly at his daughter who twitched her lips as if agreeing.Seeing that Meenakshi giggled.

M: Aaawww so cute...

V: Anu ma,you should study well and become a doctor like her(pointing to M).Ok??

M: ☺️☺️

V: Ms.Fish,let's go...

He walked ahead with the baby cocooned in his strong arms.The father and Meenakshi both wore a shocked look on their faces.

M: Vicky!That's their baby...😳

She reminded him.

V: Huh...uh...mmm...sorry I forgot...you made her...congratulations...hihihi...

Reluctantly he gave the baby back to the father.Vicky took out his wallet and whatever cash he had,he gave it to the baby.

"Don't want ayya...your love is enough..."

V: No no pls don't refuse.You have to accept this pls...

He looked at Meenakshi and recalled the incident of her enlightening him about giving kids what they require instead of money.

V: Sorry Ms.Fish,I don't have soft toys or baby food to give her this is what I have...pls adjust...

M: Lol...its absolutely fine.Today I'm going to follow your way.

She removed her gold ring and gave it to the baby as her gift and caressed her soft cheek.The baby smiled at her as if thanking her for bringing her safely into this world.

They heard loud cracks of thunder and bolts of lightening.

"Amma,Ayya looks like it is going to rain soon...you have to cross this place before it starts to pour else you won't be able to drive through because thunderstorms are likely here."

Meenakshi checked on the mother and she was fine.They both kissed the baby and left.

In the car,

V: Ms.Fish,you're great!You saved not one but two lives!!😃

M: It's because you stopped to help him.😊

V: Still,you deserve all the praise!They are fine and happy because of you!

M: This is the best part of being a doctor.Seeing the joy on people's faces and knowing I am the reason behind it gives me so much peace and satisfaction which nothing in the world can give.

V: Very true.The baby was so small,so cute...I would have taken her along if you hadn't stopped me.Hihihi...

M: You love babies?

V: Who doesn't?I am going to have many babies with my Priya!! And you'll be the doctor who delivers all our babies...😁

M: Of course...I'll be glad to!😁

It started pouring heavily and they could barely see the road.The place was pitch dark and other than the headlights there was no other source of brightness.It was just a long stretch of road that didn't seem to end.

Meenakshi was so scared but didn't show it to Vicky as to not stress him.She silently prayed in her heart that they reached home safely.

As fate would have it,the car ran over something and both of them were propelled forward due to the force.Vicky found it difficult to steer the car and pulled over.

M: What happened Vicky?

V: Let me check,you be here don't come out.

He got down and checked the car then came in completely drenched.

V: Sh*t!It's a flat tire!We are doomed!!

He was stressed out and banged on the steering wheel.

V: Was this all necessary?If we hadn't left home we wouldn't be facing this situation now!She and her stupid bangles!😤😡

M: Calm down Vicky.There is no point in getting worked up.Let's think what we can do now...

V: Tyre has to be changed.There is a spare in the boot but no way I can do it in this darkness and downpour.

M: In that case call home and inform them maybe they could send help...

He searched for his phone which he found beneath his seat.Battery was 1% before he could proceed the phone switched off.

V: Shucks!My phone died!Can I have yours?

M: Err...Vicky,in the rush I left mine at home.

V: Very good.So now there is no chance of informing our people also.Have to be prepared to face their wrath.

Tossing his phone on the deck,he crossed his arms and reclined on his seat.She leaned her head against the window and remained silent as to not ruffle his feathers.


Priya stood with hands crossed in front keeping a sorry face.She was getting grilled by her dad.

P's dad: Don't you have any sense??He is the groom!How could you send him??Had you told me I would have arranged for someone else if it was so necessary for you??Don't you have any responsibility??What if something untoward happened??

P: Nanna pls nanna...I am already tensed pls don't stress me further.I just want them both to return safely.

V's mom: Anna,pls don't scold her. Even she wouldn't have expected this.We'll wait for sometime.Is he answering the call ??

She asked her husband who was trying to contact Vicky.

V's dad: I'm trying but he's not picking seems like phone is switched off...

V's mom: Why don't you go and search for them?

V's dad: Where do you want us to go and search in this downpour and when we are clueless about their whereabouts?I guess we'll have to wait for them to contact us.

P's dad: What if they are in some danger?

V's dad: Vicky is there,he can handle but even then I'm worried...

V's mom: Oh god!!Pls protect the kids!!If they return home safely,I'll come to your shrine and do milk abhishegam tomorrow.

P's dad: It's all because of you!With so much difficulty I'm trying to get you married off but you don't have any seriousness.Are you a small child?

Priya was in tears.Unable to take his taunts,she ran upstairs.She stopped in her tracks when she heard the banters of some old aunties.

"Morning is the wedding and look at those two who went roaming without any shame.."

"I had a doubt that day itself, when they were both sitting so close rubbing shoulders and laughing but never knew they would be this fast..."

"Me too.It was obvious he had an eye on her.She's perfect for his height,beautiful and a good figure what else does a man need??He won a lottery!"

"She is no less.How she used to make coffee and give him whenever he asked,as if she is his wife."

"Right.Take my word,he would have booked a room in some hotel to enjoy his pre-wedding nuptial night with her."

"Exactly!Poor Priya she's so gullible to trust those sinners completely."

They continued gossiping unaware of Priya who stood there eavesdropping.As it is her mind was more corrupt after talking with her friend above that all these loose talks stirred her further.Sobbing,she went to her room.


Meenakshi heard him shiver.She took off her duppatta and offered it to him.

V: No it's alright I am fine..bbbrrrr...brrr...

M: Pls wipe your hair atleast or else you will catch a cold.You need to be alive to take me back home safely.

He snorted a laugh and took her duppatta,wiping his hair,arms and face.

V: Would you mind if I used this to wrap myself??

She shook her head no and he wrapped himself.

Feeling bored,he crooned his favourite song.

V: Sarooojaaaaa.... saroooojaaaa...egiri pothe entha baaguntundi....🎵

Meenakshi shot him a look.

V: What?You don't like this song ??I'll sing something else then mmm...Nee pattasu nu tappasu neeke vothhasu...naa vayasu lo sogassu pettey tirakasu...🎵

M: Why are you singing all those sleazy songs now??

V: Night...chilly weather...inside a cosy car with a beautiful girl by my side....I'm in the mood.Masala mirchi pilla majja chestham vasthava....🎵

M mv: Oh dear,I trusted him and came along does he have any hidden agenda??😰

She swallowed hard and crossed her arms at her chest sticking close to the door like a lizard.

V: Bommali...bommali...ninnu vodala vodala vodala bommali...🎶

She pressed her palms on her ears.

M: Pls stop!!!!😰

V: Baboi!!!What happened??😥

M: Huh..uh...nothing...can you pls don't sing these songs now..I'm sca...I mean I am having a headache...

V: Oops...ok...but I'm feeling bored..either I sing or we talk.

M: Hmm we'll talk.(mv:Anything so long as you don't sing those midnight masala songs🙄)

V: Ok.What shall we talk about?Haan...who is your favourite actor?

M: In tamil I like Thalaivar.In telugu I like Darling.

V: Darling?

M: Darling Prabhas...

V: Prabhas...that monkey ah?? Chi bad choice.For your range I thought you would say Mahesh Babu.You disappointed me by telling that joker's name.Priya also is a fan of him.What does he have that all girls go gaga over him?🤔

M: He's got a physique of a man and face of a child oozing innocence.How cute!😍

V: You should be very careful with such kind of men.A survey says more innocent the face,the more notorious and baby makers they will be you know.

M: Baby maker...lol...I don't mind.If he proposes me,I'll say yes immediately!😍

V: Hmm...all the best.😏Hey jokes apart,are you seeing anyone right now?

M: Nope.

V: Why so?I'm sure quite a lot of men must be after you...

T: Yeah that is there...I've got proposals from school,college even at the hospital I work now but I didn't show interest.

V: You plan to stay single all your life??

M: Not like that.I too have dreams of marriage and family like every other...

V: Sounds interesting,tell tell tell...let me hear...

He propped his chin on his fist keeping an attentive face.

M: First I have to like him...then we have to be friends...love and then marriage.

V: In short you want a love marriage like me and Priya?

She nodded bashfully.

M: That was my initial idea but since I've not come across a person to my liking till now,I've given the rights to my parents to choose my groom.😊

V: Cool.For your good nature you will definitely get a life partner with all the qualities you expect and you will lead a happy life.Take it from this love guru!😇

He blessed her and joining her hands,she bowed her head pretending to receive his blessings.

M: Thank you guruji.But it's not going to be easy as it sounds.I have an ambition and that is to build an eye hospital for the less privileged.As you know such a big project requires a lot of money.My dad sold a property which he kept for me on my insistence and with that money,my savings and pawning my jewellery,I've managed to buy a land in Delhi.For now,I'm doing free treatment for the needy in the open ground but that is not done.I've to build the hospital so I work hard and return home at odd hours.I won't be able to fulfill the expectations of a husband until I complete this.My partner should be someone who understands this.

V: You're really great Ms.Fish!I am trying to get a contract.If I do and I start my own business in future,I will definitely do my bit by contributing to your noble cause.May you reach great heights in your career!

M: So nice of you Vicky.Thank you so much.I also wish you all success.Oww!😖

V: What happened??

M: My legs are cramped.I've been in this position for quite sometime.

He looked outside.It was still raining but something caught his eyes.

V: Ms.Fish,look there...

He pointed at a distance and she saw a hut.

V: I see light there.We can go and request them to give us shelter for the night.What say?

M: Sounds fine with me.

They got down and ran towards the hut.Both were drenched completely.Vicky knocked on the door hoping someone would open but to his surprise it was not locked and he could push the door.He glanced inside there was no one except stacks of hay,corn and wood logs used for fire stored there.

V: Ms.Fish,if it's fine with you we can adjust here for the night.

M: No choice.This is better than staying in the car at least there is space to stretch here.

She removed her slippers and he kicked his shoes off to a corner.Her duppatta was still wrapped around him.

V: I'm very sorry this also got wet.

M: It's ok I'll dry it here..

She took it and hung it on the cloth line across the room.It was then that she realized the wet chudithar stuck to her body accentuating her curves and since it was white colour,her inner wear was visible.She became conscious and stood aside covering her front with her arms.Vicky noticed her awkwardness.Averting his gaze,he removed his shirt and passed it to her.

V: You can wear this...

She took and wore it over her chudithar.He had worn a vest beneath.

She sat on the floor leaning against the wall drawing her knees to her chest.Maintaining a distance from her he lied down,his arm bent and kept beneath his head to serve as a pillow.He saw her playing with the hem of her chudithar.

V: Not sleeping?

She shook her head in denial.

M: I can't sleep here.

V: Why??There is enough place to stretch and sleep,weather is cool and the fire is keeping us warm and cosy.Still can't sleep?

M: You won't understand leave it.

V: I'll try to.Tell me I'll see if I can help.

M: I can't get sleep in a enclosed place with a guy by my side don't get me wrong it is not that I don't trust you but deep down there is a lingering fear,it's a woman thing.

V: You have a point actually I don't trust myself either.In my sleep I might roll over and come to your boundary or I might pull you to my side so we have to take precautions hmm what shall we... haan I got an idea!Can you pull out a few hay straws from that bundle??

M: How would that help??

V: Do as I say...

She pulled out some straws and went to him.He joined his wrists.

V: Now tie my hands.

M: No no don't want Vicky it is inhumane to do this! You will feel uncomfortable too..

V: Aiyoo Ms.Fish,my comfort is not important than your safety...Pls do it!

She did accordingly and returned to her place.Feeling at peace,she shut her eyes.

V: Ms.Fish...

M: Mmm...

V: When you see those corn what comes to your mind??

M: I'd want to toast them over fire,sprinkle some spicy masala mix and dig in.😋

V: You know what I get reminded of?That song 'evaro ravaali' in that the loose fella,your favourite hero and Trisha do corn romance hihihi...so hot na?🔥

M: Can't you think of anything decent ??🙄

V: What to do??I'm a man only such thoughts are coming for me now...if only my Priya was here... hayeeee...it would have surely been corn romance for us...😍

M: Yucks!How can you even think of such things??

V: Baahhh...you're still a kid,that's why you don't know all these.It's ok you will learn when you get married.Goodnight.Evarooo ravaali....🎶

Facing away from him,she slept.Late into the night,

V: Ms.Fish!!Ms.Fish!!😥

He called her.She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him.

V: I...can...you...can you pls remove this knot...I can't control anymore...I need a release...It won't take long...less then ten minutes only...pls understand...it's a man thing...

Meenakshi panicked and scooted backwards crossing her arms diagonally at her front to protect her dignity.

V: Amma...mahatalli!!Why is it that all women assume the same about men as if that's the thing we think about 24/7??I need to piss!

M: Oohh oops I'm sorry....

She untied the knot and he dashed outside.Once he came back,

V: Ok now you can tie me back...

M: No don't want,it's alright.You sleep.

There was a sudden earth-shattering crack of thunder.Timid Meenakshi shrieked and went into his arms and he wrapped his hands around her.


M: How will we face Priya now?

V: We didn't do it on purpose.

M: Even then.She had so much trust on us but we have betrayed her.

V: We can't undo what has been done.

M: Can I suggest something?

V: What is that ?

M: Please marry Priya.She loves you alot.Just so this happened between us,don't abandon her.

V: What about you?

M: I don't know...

V: No.I won't forsake you.I'm going to tell everything and stop my marriage with Priya.We'll get married!

To be continued...

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