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A/N to my Indonesian wattpad readers, I post my original story @suhaa_alhasnah it's all in Indonesian. Please read and follow me.

"How long has it been that he's lost?"

Klaus took out his phone and opened the calendar app. He sighed, today is already the 30th of September, 2025.

"Tomorrow would've been exactly the sixth anniversary of him going missing," Diego declared. "We have to keep looking."

Allison, Vanya, Diego, and Five all looked away from each other, hints of guilt in all their hearts. It's been six years since Luther disappeared without a trace on Earth of his whereabouts. It's been six years and they've not gotten a single new clue. Not where he is, not who took him, not who might know who took him, only when did they see him last (first of October, 2019) and where was he seen last (the Umbrella Academy manor).

"How?" Vanya asked. Everyone turned to look down at the paralysed violinist. "Is there a crook in North or South America continents that we haven't looked? How are we even sure that he's still alive?"

"He's still alive," Diego insisted. "He must be. The big man's too damn stubborn to die."

"He's not dead, I can't see him," Klaus confirmed, fingers twirling. "What if he's not in America? Think about it. We haven't even considered the idea. What if he's in another country?"

"I mean, there's the possibility-" Five nodded. "But where? We have to narrow our options and consider which country is he probably in first before we can search it."

"Try Germany, both of you were born there," Allison signed after tapping her robotic finger on the table, calling for attention. Five typed the proper credentials to the computer presented before the group. The computer displayed the number of people recorded in Germany, news from Germany, and recorded crimes in Germany.

"Which should we read first?" Five asked. "If it's kidnapping then I'm sure Luther isn't going to be in the list of people nor list of kidnapped people in Germany."

"Try crimes," Diego suggested. "If we're right and he's kidnapped in Germany, he's bound to show up in the news somehow."

"Shouldn't we try news?" Allison signed. "He's not legally German, I doubt he's on the criminal records."

Vanya shuddered. Even after she got suffocated by him, the idea of him being a criminal doesn't sit right with her. He's their Number One, their gallant leader, their 'older' brother. It's not supposed to even be like this. He's supposed to be the strong one, the powerful one, the almost-invincible one. Yet Vanya knew- they all knew- that almost is never enough.

"I think we should read the list of crime first-" Five nodded as they pressed the proper credentials again, using the facial recognition feature to match Luther's with any pictures of the criminal records in Germany only to find 0 results.

"Maybe try Allison's idea-" Klaus folded his arms. "Try news, it could be."

"Alright, let's try news," Five entered the proper credentials again and pressed a button, letting the computer do its job and match Luther's facial features with the criminal records.

Five stifled a yawn as they can feel their heart pounding faster each second. What if Vanya is somehow right and their twin has been dead this whole time? Damn, Five hopes that that's not the case. Klaus would've told them if he found him, right? So far Klaus hasn't, which means Luther is still alive, right? (Luther can also not wait long and immediately moved onto the next stage after death, Five wouldn't think that. Luther is alive!) Where the hell is that smartarse-but-a-dumbarse?! Five is the oldest of them all, yet they feel that they're going to collapse if that's the case. They barely felt anything when they read about Ben's death in Vanya's book; they don't know what they'll do if they lost Luther for good.

Allison played with her human fingers as she waits and waits. She's not going to lie, she thinks she's going to give up. There's not a single peep of where he might be, it's been six years. She's very grateful that the time for the declaration of legally dead is seven years, or else she's going to see his death declared on the news and she will not be able to handle it. Luther, the one who waited for her as her throat got slit. Luther, the one who gave her CPR as Lila rumoured her not to breathe. Luther, the one who validated her feelings as she vented about her failed marriage and congratulated her on her successful one. No, he has to be alive.

Not even Klaus can muster up any sort of joke to cheer his siblings up, not even he finds the ability to. Luther seemed so strong, so confident, so well-prepared, so brave that Klaus finds it hard to imagine him in any way else. The sight of him crying is foreign to him, he didn't know he can until he sees him after Ben's death. Luther is very far from death, Klaus can make sure of it. But somehow, that doesn't give him any closure. He might be dead, immediately moving on. Where the hell he might be?

Diego can only look down as he folded his arms, feeling more and more anxious as the computer computed the question. Could Luther show up in any news? He hopes so, that'll be one less search. At this point, he's prepared to see anything. News of him breaking the immigration law (the probability is slim, but there), news of him being successful in Germany (even smaller chance than before, but there), news of him committing a crime in Germany (Diego hates to think about it, but the probability is bigger than all above combined), or even news of him being a murder victim (Diego hates this one more and he hopes that it isn't true, but the evidence seems to be against him. You can only wait for so long before you start losing faith).

"Found a match."

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