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Luther woke up in an obscenely white room and one thing came to mind: where the hell is he? Blinding white in every corner of the room, not a single speck of other colour existing. As Luther looked down, he notices that he's wearing a short-sleeved knee-length plain white dress, his mutated arms and legs at full display. He can conclude that he's alone in this very white room with nothing else visible to him, he can't even tell where the door is. How did he get in here? He remembers leaving the manor to take fresh air, but he doesn't remember coming back. From what it looks like, it's safe to assume that he doesn't come back.

"Hey!" Luther yelled as he lets himself crash to the nearest wall- he can't even decide if that's where the door is or where exactly did he come from- but there has to be a door somewhere. How can he come here if there isn't?

Luther's arms felt numb, his legs felt like jelly. But he can't give up now, not when he's probably unsafe. The people who captured him may come back and hurt him again (who caught him? Who puts him in this room? How can he even get caught? He has super durability that he needs thrice the dosage of anaesthesia Grace usually gives his other siblings for it to truly take effect on him). Disorientation might be the accurate word to describe what he's feeling right there right now.

"Hey!" Luther yelled again, blindly and aimlessly hitting the wall. "Let me out! Let me out! Where am I?!"

"Good, you've awakened," Luther looked around to search for the source of the noise to realise that a portion of the wall to his left is being rolled up, revealing a thick mirror showing a reflection of himself. He can see how much of an absolute mess he looks as he inspects his face. His face is covered in black and blue and hints of cuts everywhere, his usually tidy blond hair are shaved off, he noticed that his lip is cut.

"Who are you?" Luther manages to muster, asking the room, still inspecting his face. "Where am I? What happened to me?"

"You don't need to know those facts, so don't worry, Rückenbrecher," the voice boomed back. Rückenbrecher? Who the hell is Rückenbrecher? Are the ones who attacked him called Rückenbrecher?

"Who is Rückenbrecher?"

"Well, who else but you?" The robotic voice gave out a chuckle, which he would've laughed at if he hadn't felt so scared and exposed in his life. "In German, you'll be called Rückenbrecher. In English, you'll be called Spinebreaker. I assure you, Rückenbrecher, that we do not wish to hurt you, but we will if you fight us. You will not fight us."

"What are you going to do to me?" Luther turned around as soon as he heard sounds of open-air from behind him, and sure enough, the wall rolls up to reveal four built-up people wearing heavy protective gear and carrying sticks on their side, rolling with them an electric chair. The wall rolls down and two of the four people placed the electric chair in the middle, planting it to the ground.

"What are you-" Luther felt panic in his innards as two or the four people forcibly held each one of his arms, the other two forcibly held each one of his legs and lifted him. Luther tried to fight them off to no avail. Luther tried again and sure enough, he finally succeeded in getting his abnormally big right arm free. "No- get your hands off me! Let me go!"

Luther gave out a cry as one of them- the one who's supposed to hold his right arm- hits him repeatedly with a stick before he felt himself weakening and that person held him again, the four quickly forcing him to sit down the chair and secure him in place- tying the knots and pressing the electrodes on his shaved head. Luther kept trying to fight the bonds to no avail. They still succeed in tying him. The four people eventually backed away, their hands behind their backs.

"Let me go!" Luther begged. One of the guards came close and gave him a rubber he doesn't recognise.

"Open your mouth, Rückenbrecher," the voice commanded. Luther furrowed his brows as he kept looking at the rubber object with distrust. "It's to keep your teeth from shattering. You'll need it."

"What will you do to me?"

"We will run electricity through your body and this process can make you unconsciously shatter your teeth," the voice explained. "Open your mouth to prevent that from ever happening."

Luther complied and accepted the rubber thing in his mouth. After that, the guard backed away again, hands behind their backs.

"Exposing 120 volts to Rückenbrecher."

Luther can only blink as he felt the gentle pain running through his body, whimpering lightly. Since no one is close enough to him, they wouldn't have heard the small whimper. Is he going to be saved? Is someone going to help him? Is this the way he'll spend the rest of his life? Where the hell are his siblings? Why can't they help him right now? Do they notice that he's gone? Will they try and save him? Do they hate him so much that they're not going to look for him?

"Increasing voltage to 130 volts."

Luther's whimper grew louder, but still not loud enough that the guards nor the voice would possibly notice. Is he going to snap a muscle? Is he going to die? Is no one going to help him? Why is no one helping him? Was he too evil that no one would help him? Why aren't his siblings help him? Can't Five just appear in front of him and help him? Can't Vanya unleash the White Violin and kill the other guards and save him?

But no one came.

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