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Diego sighed as he stood in front of the closed skyscraper MesseTurm, Germany. He and his siblings received news that the president of Germany was assassinated in that building and the image of the suspect's description somehow closely matched Luther, being white-skinned dark blond with blue eyes, at least two metres in height and unnaturally big. It must be him, right? Diego hoped not, Diego hoped that Five is the only assassin in the family. Luther too-damn-polite-to-properly-threaten-Olga-Foroga Hargreeves, an assassin? Impossible!

"He has to be here somewhere," Allison signed.

"Wait, where's Klaus?" Vanya asked, looking around. Diego turned to look around and sure enough, it's only him, Five, Allison, and Vanya. No Klaus.

"They were here a minute ago!"

"Well, they're not now!" Five retorted. "We are looking for a missing person! Their job is just to make sure that we are NOT going to look for TWO missing persons! All they have to do is just stay with us!"

"Five, come on," Vanya interrupted, giving them a threatening look and Five only puckered their lips. "It's more useful if we just look for Klaus instead of complaining about them going missing. Diego and I can go look for Klaus, you and Allison can go look for Luther."

"Damn it!" Five grunts. "No, we DON'T split up. None of us knows shit about Germany except for this Broadway singer here."

"I'm mute and I'm an actress now."

"THIS ACTRESS HERE," Five corrected themself. Somehow, Vanya thinks that it's not 100% genuine. Damn, who can tell that a mentally 64-year-old person can be this angry? "We DON'T split up, ok? It's not safe."

"Maybe you should calm down, old soul-" Diego patted Five's shoulder who immediately shrugged it off.

"You pat me one more time and I'll annihilate you," Five threatened. Diego swallowed his saliva and backed off. "We go straight."

"It'll be faster if we just split up."

"Faster, but unsafe!" Five huffed.

"We have never been 'safe', Five!" Diego fought. "You think trying to stop the first apocalypse was safe? Do you think being stuck in the 1960s was safe? You think fighting an armed robber was safe? You being stuck in a post-apocalyptic future was safe? We have NEVER played anything safe before. We should split up."

"Fine, we all have our phones-" Five sighed. "Stay in touch. Remember the teams Vanya divided?" They all nodded. "Go along with it. Let's go, Allison."

They left to their separate ways, Five and Allison continuing walking the pavement in front and Diego and Vanya to who-knows-where.

"Why does Klaus have to go missing too?" Five moaned. "Is it so damn hard to stay with the group?"

"Klaus is eccentric like that," Allison laughed. "You know them."

"It's not a fucking game!" Five barked. "What if they get hurt or something? Many things can get-"

Five stopped their rant as both they and Allison heard a cry. That cry sounds like... Klaus'? Both of them turned to the alleyway on the left, following the source of the noise. Allison can feel her heart pounding stronger and stronger as the voice grew louder and louder, what if Five is right and Klaus is really in danger? Allison can only hope that that isn't the case right now. Probably Klaus just... hit a wall? Trip over themself? Hopefully.

Sure enough, there stands Klaus with a random person, Klaus being shoved to the wall by the random person. Allison ran closer and started to pull the person away from her brother, putting a lot of force as she uses her robotic hand to land a punch on that person's face. It worked well, the person's cheekbone bled.

"What the hell, girl?!"

"Get out!" Five said in fluent German. "Stay away from our sibling! Allison, let them go."

Allison immediately complied with her sibling and let the person go. The person wiped the part of the shirt Allison touched from non-existent dust before starting to run away.

"Where the hell were you, Klaus?!" Five yelled. "We've been looking for you! We don't need another lost sibling, one is enough! You can't just go off on your own!"

Klaus bit their bottom lip as they turned to face Allison, who only raised a brow. Klaus inwardly cursed, why must she take the unresponsive approach now?!

"I thought that person was talking to Luther here," Klaus answered honestly. "I know it's unsafe to go on our own as we don't even know Germany that well, but when I started wandering on my own I heard that guy on the phone, talking about the assassination of the president. We know Luther is probably the assassin, so why not?"

"Why didn't you tell Diego?!" Five hissed. "Diego is more threatening than you!"

Allison tapped Five's shoulders, the latter turned to face the former. "We should interrogate the person, yes?"

"Good idea, hope that person's not far off yet-" Five nodded. "Allison, text Diego and Vanya about Klaus!"

Five ran to chase the person again, followed by Klaus and Allison. They turned their heads left and right before finding the person adjusting the red fedora they're wearing. Klaus points to the person and the three of them chased the person, Allison being the fastest runner means she's the one who caught and tackled the person down to the ground.

"Get off, girl!" The person hissed, but Allison didn't move. "What do you want?!"

"The assassinator of President Frank-Walter Steinmeier!" Five answered, appearing from behind Allison. "Who?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" The person shook their head, but Five isn't having it and punched this person's head. Five took out a knife and aimed the sharp point at the person's head.

"Who and where is the assassinator?!" Five demanded.

"Somewhere!" They answered. Five only scoffed, this person seemed to be not criminal material. "I'll meet him later at 2 AM!"

"You're coming with us."

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