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Five, Diego, Allison, and this person (her name is Anja) on a taxi together, with Five being in front and Anja stuck in between. The location where she's supposed to meet Luther is Lake Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage. Five played with their fingers, what if Luther is an assassin? Five knew Luther always hated killing anyone and they really could NOT see the human equivalent of a golden retriever willingly murdering anyone at all, let alone a president. This is the man who said they can't kill anyone, no matter how many souls they'll save.

"Stop the taxi," Anja said and the taxi driver hit the brakes.

"How many would that be?"

"Nine euros."

"Allison, I need nine euros." Allison opened her handbag to find her wallet, opening it and giving nine euros to Five. Five gave the money to the taxi driver before getting off, Diego clutching on Anja's arm hard to make sure that she won't escape.

"There he is," Anja points to a huge man sitting on his lonesome. Allison can feel a grin coming to her face, finally, she'll see her brother again after six years! After six years of wondering where the hell is he, six years of thinking that he's dead, six years of insisting that he's still alive, six years of-

"Rückenbrecher! Anja called. Rückenbrecken stood up and made a complete 180° turn before standing straight, no expressions on his face whatsoever. "They are the Hargreeves. Do not attack, we've talked about this."

Allison couldn't believe her eyes, a smile breaking from her lips before she finally grinned fully. There is Luther, all well before her. Two blue eyes, chubby cheeks, shaved hair (she inwardly frowned, Luther hates having his hair shaved and bald head is NOT his style). She can only thank all the powerful deities above that he's here, healthy and well.

Diego contained a cry that's threatening to come. He knew Luther isn't dead! The man's too fucking stubborn to die, his power would make it hard for him to die. He knew it! He misses all their midnight talks together, their silly fights with each other, he even misses how long he takes in the shower.

Unlike their siblings, Five can only frown. Somehow Luther emits a different aura from what he usually radiates. It's Luther Hargreeves, but also it's NOT Luther Hargreeves. He usually radiates the feeling of seriousness with hints of protectiveness and cautious, but today he radiates seriousness with hints of... nothing. That's not right, Five thought. Luther never just emit seriousness without anything else.

"Luther! Let's go home!" Diego called, running to his side already. "Man, you don't know how much we've missed you!"

Spinebreaker didn't move at all, only eyeing this Latino with confusion in his eyes. Spinebreaker breaks eye contact with the man to look at his master, Arachnis, who gave him a nod. "Go with them, obey them. We've talked about this."

"Luther?" Diego shakes Spinebreaker's arm. "Let's go home."

"His name isn't Luther, he won't respond to that," Anja said, her German accent thick and evident. Diego can only frown and look at her, which confuses Spinebreaker even more.

"What do you mean?" Five asked, walking closer with Allison who's only looking at Luther.

"He'll only respond to Rückenbrecher or Spinebreaker," Anja said. "His new name."

Five hissed and pushed Anja's side, forcing her to face them.

"What the FUCK did you do to him?!"

"Spinebreaker is returned in perfect condition-" Anja shrugged. "His mind is just a little bit off." Diego took out a knife from his pocket, directing it at Anja's neck.

"Fix Luther!" Diego demanded. Anja only laughed. "Now!"

"I can't help him," Anja said. "I can do anything. Good luck."

"What do you-" Anja snatched the knife from Diego's hand and used it to stab her neck. Diego widened his eyes as Anja pulled it out, letting the blood drip out her chest. Spinebreaker stood up, his hands crumpled to his side, not exactly doing anything.

"Shit," Diego whispered, wiping the blood from his knife. "What do we do with he-her?"

"Screw her, what do we do with him?!" Five retorts, pointing at an expressionless not-Luther. Five knew that Luther isn't Luther when Anja killed herself and he did nothing, the real Luther would've insisted that they try to save her.

"We heard what she said," Allison signed. "There's nothing we can do but to help him."


No response, Spinebreaker kept standing with his hands crumpled on his side, back to be like a soldier. Allison looked up to Luther's- Spinebreaker's eye level (why is his name Spinebreaker?) Allison touched his arm and ran circles, somehow hoping that it will jog his memory back. Or something. At least something!

"Uhh, Sp-pinebreak-ker, come with us," Diego stuttered, his heart dropping as he crouched to see Lu- Spinebreaker eye-to-eye. "Y-you know that we're your sib-blings, right? Come with us."

"Anja says that you come with us, right?" Five faked a smile at their twin. They're all his siblings, NOT his masters or something like that! He's not a slave! "Do you remember?"

Spinebreaker didn't say anything. "Can you speak English?" Five asked.

"Spinebreaker can speak English," Spinebreaker answered, his usual American accent gone and replaced with a German one. Five sighed, six years of being stuck in Germany with no American associates, of course his American accent dulled away.

Five nods, pointing to the dead body nearby. "What do you call her?"

"Spinebreaker calls her Arachnis."

"Arachnis told you to obey us, remember?" Five faked a smile at their twin, hiding away the sorrow from their voice. Spinebreaker slowly nodded. "I command you to follow us."


"He only knows us as somewhat his new masters, Diego!" Five barked back. "We'll fix it, he'll come back. But right now-" Five sighed and looked back at Spinebreaker. "I command you to come with us."

"Yes, Mr Five."

"It's Mx."

"Yes, Mx Five."

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