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"Eat up, Nummer Eins! You need to build up all that muscle!"

Klaus handed Spinebreaker a plate of scrambled eggs with a spoon, in which Spinebreaker only stared at the plate. Klaus sighed before speaking again, "you need to eat, Spinebreaker."

Spinebreaker did what he was told to, eating the plate of scrambled eggs in front of him. Vanya parked her wheelchair right next to where Allison sits, which is next to Diego, which is next to an empty seat beside Spinebreaker. Five sat down at that very empty seat next to Spinebreaker, holding a plate of peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich.

"You're gonna get sugar hype eating that, Nummer Fünf-" Klaus points at the sandwich. Five rolled their eyes.

"Don't tell me what to eat, junkie."

"Hey! I drink responsibly, now!" Klaus countered. Just then, a smell like rotten eggs filled the room.

"Who the hell farted?" Vanya complained, holding her nose. Diego can only stifle laughter as he immediately held his breath, not needing to suffer as his siblings do. "Luther!"

"It's me, sorry-" Five gave a sideways glare at Klaus who is gagging. "Klaus forced me to drink spoilt milk!"


"I'm sorry!"

Allison stumbled out of the kitchen, Klaus running far from the counter. Diego can only laugh as he held in his breath, Spinebreaker didn't react but it's obvious from his contorted face that he smelled the strong odour.

"Al, don't forget me!" Vanya said as she lifts the brakes from her wheelchair and rolled out, following Allison out.

"It's not even that bad!" Five yelled out as Vanya rolled her wheelchair out. "Hey, I thought I'm your favourite sibling!"

Klaus continued to laugh, hitting the floor a few times. "They all ditched you, sib! Can't believe that!"

"Screw you, my stomach hurts!" Five complained, holding their stomach. "Shit! You poisoned me!"

"You're an ex-assassin, you'll be fine-" Klaus huffed. "You'll be ok."

"That's the time traveller!" Five turned their head to face the arc to the kitchen to see two people, both wearing bulletproof vests and holding machine guns. One of them started firing as Five jumped away to beside Klaus, both hiding behind the counter.

"Luther!" Five called, urgency evident in their voice before Klaus jabs their side. "Spinebreaker!"

"Where's he?"

"Wait-" Five lifts up their body for a moment before hiding down again. "Not there. Where did he go?"

"Jump us away-" Klaus sighed. "Warn the others. Everyone's here so we got a chance."

"Yeah-" Five held Klaus' outstretched hand as they both jumped away, dropping a few centimetres above the floor of Five's room.

"Klaus, lock the door-" Five commanded, rushing to their study and opening the drawer, taking out their phone. Five turned on the phone and start texting the first name they saw in their contact list, which is Allison.

We're under attack.
Where are you?

I'm with Diego and Vanya.
Diego's getting his knives.
Where and who are you with?

My room.
I'm with Klaus.
Have you seen Luther?

Wasn't he with you?

He left when we were attacked.
You saw the attacker?

3 people.

At least there are 5 attackers, then.
I saw 2 other.

What's the plan?

We round them up.
Vanya will kill them.

And Luther?

I'll find him.

"Allison is safe with Diego and Vanya, no Luther-" Five sighed angrily, where the hell is Luther? "We should get out, you get the attackers in one place."

"Damn it, if only Ben's still here," Klaus cussed. Five puts down the phone and went to their wardrobe, where lies their machine gun, a knife, and a handgun, pocketing the knife and giving the handgun to Klaus. "It's not much, but it'll have to do."

"I can't shoot, Five-" Klaus shook their head. "I forgot how to."

"You'll remember later on-" Five huffed. "Find the attackers."

And Five jumped to Luther's room, shit. It's empty. Five slowly opened the door, checking if anyone is on the outside. No, no one's there. He left and checked the room in front of Luther's, which is Diego's. Then Allison's. Then Klaus'. Then Ben's. Then Vanya's. Then the other 35 empty rooms. Then Reginald's room. Then Pogo's room. No, he's not in any of them.

Five's heartbeat fastened as they heard footsteps near them, going to the side with their back facing the wall, turning on the safety switch in their gun. They're going to start firing. Just as Five appeared out with the machine gun fixated, someone bent the nozzle upwards, causing the bullet Five fired to not come out. Five looked up to see Spinebreaker, goodness!

"Spinebreaker!" Five hissed, pulling Spinebreaker's hand closer to them, closing the door of Pogo's empty room. "We're under attack! How many do you think are they?"

"20 people."


"20 people," Spinebreaker clarified.

"Shit-" Five cursed. "How'd you know?"

Spinebreaker didn't answer. Five grunts and starts unlocking the door.

"We need to find the others-" Five felt two large warm arms around their body, pushing the bent machine gun. "Geroff, it's serious!"

Spinebreaker didn't let go, hugging tighter. Five furrowed their brow, why does he hug them now? As the hug gets tighter, Five felt pure panic in their innards as they immediately jumped away. They knew that move very well, the same move very often used on them. The same one that prompted Vanya to cause the apocalypse the first time.

"What the hell?!" Five panted, heart still pounding terribly as they took out their knife from their pocket. "You're a complicit to them, aren't you?" Five glared at Spinebreaker. "Who are they?"

"They are people."

"What organisation are they from?" Five internally cursed. At least Luther still answers to their questions honestly.

"They are from an organisation called 'Rote Soldaten'." Five grunts.

"What do they want?"

"To kill the Umbrella Academy." Five widened their eyes.

"Are the 20 people all the Rote Soldaten?"

"Yes." Five sighed in relief, at least it's only 20.

"Where do your loyalties lie?"

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