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"Stay away from me, Spinebreaker! Where do your loyalties lie?"

Five gave Spinebreaker a threatening look. Spinebreaker moved forward but stopped at a vibrate in his pocket, taking out his single-use mobile phone.

Where are you?

Five wasted no time in kicking Spinebreaker's stomach, forcing him to let go of the mobile phone to the air. Five caught it, but just before they manage to read it, he punched them so hard in the face that he sent their twin flying across the room, snatching the phone from their hand.

Rückenbrecher is in an empty room with Mx Five.

Bring them to the living room alive.

Spinebreaker pocketed the phone, just in time as Five forced themself to stand up, holding the back of their head, having just thrown across the room to the point of smashing the wardrobe. Five took out the knife from their pocket and jumped to just before Spinebreaker, about to stab him, but Spinebreaker immediately held Five's left wrist, forcing them to drop the knife.

"Luther!" Five cried as their Spinebreaker found Five's right wrist before holding both wrists away from each other, stopping them from being able to jump.

"Spinebreaker! Let go of me!"

Spinebreaker raised his foot to kick Five in the stomach, forcing them to double in pain. Spinebreaker took this opportunity to suffocate them again, this time positioning himself so Five's left wrist couldn't touch their right one. Five's face turned blue and they kept hitting Spinebreaker weakly and blindly as they kept fighting for oxygen, but Spinebreaker wouldn't loosen his grip on them.

And finally, Five laid limp.

Spinebreaker wasted no time in carrying his (supposedly older) twin sibling out, heading towards the living room. There, he sees twelve of his twenty co-workers staring at him and the unconscious body he carries.

"Put them here," one of the Rote Soldaten members, who Spinebreaker identifies as Bonestealer said as be points the carpet-covered floor in front of him. Spinebreaker complied and dumped Five's body there. Then comes another Rote Soldaten member who Spinebreaker identifies as Staker, holding Diego in gunpoint. After him, another Rote Soldaten member who Spinebreaker identifies as Darkstar comes, holding Allison at gunpoint too.

"Luther?" Allison widened her eyes as she sees her brother, standing amongst the strangers/intruders. "You're with them?"

"Always has been," Bonestealer said, voice thick with a German accent. "It's always his one purpose to hunt you."

"Who is th-that?" Diego asked, widening his eyes as he sees a body slumped face-down on the floor, Staker kicking his knees to force him to kneel on the carpet, same goes to Darkstar to Allison. Moonstar, another member of the Rote Soldaten, rolled Vanya's wheelchair with one hand and another hand holding a gun to Vanya's head.

"That's for us to know and you to find out," Bonestealer answered. "One, two, three, four, five where's one more?"

"Spinebreaker," Vanya whispered and Spinebreaker turned his head around to face her. "Don't do this. Save us."

Spinebreaker didn't respond.

"Get down!" A voice called out, causing Spinebreaker to turn his head towards the voice. There's his co-worker, Catastrophe, kicking Klaus' knees to force them to kneel with his siblings.

"What do you want?" Diego asked, not even bothering to mask the annoyance in his voice. Diego's eyes drift over to Spinebreaker, glaring at him. "You fucking traitor."

"I found a robot and an ape," another co-worker, Aquila said as she's being followed by another two, Void and Vortex, both dump two unmoving bodies. Grace and Pogo.

"Mum!" Diego called as he tried to reach out for her, but Staker hit him with the gun to keep him still.

"We have everyone!" Bonestealer clapped his hands. "Maybe we should start numerically, shouldn't we?"

"What?!" Klaus widened their eyes. "Does that mean-"

A gun fired just behind Spinebreaker's head, but he didn't fall dead. The bullet was suspended mid-air, with Diego's arm outstretched in towards the bullet, before switching the pathways to Bonestealer, embedding itself in Bonestealer's neck. A couple of bullets flew to Diego's direction, but they all suspended in mid-air before switching directions 180° and embed themselves in their shooters' necks.

"No, don't you dare," Catastrophe growled as she directed her gun to Spinebreaker's head, locking him to no place of escape. "I know one of you can bring them back alive. Do that or he's dead."

"I don't think so-" Five appeared behind Catastrophe, holding her head as they land, breaking the neck. Five looked at their siblings, "well, that's an easy kill."

"I don't think it's that simple, Five-" Vanya shook her head. "If they can do that to Luther, who knows how much they can do to us."

"Luther," Five called, looking at their twin with such kindness from their eyes. Spinebreaker turned his head, facing the shorter twin. "Are you sure that everyone here is everyone?"

"Yes, Rote Soldaten is a fairly small community."

"What do they want with us?" Five asked again, pressing Spinebreaker's fingers. "Why were they hunting us?"

"They want to end all enhanced individuals."

"Why didn't they end you?" Klaus asked, only to earn a nudge on the gut from Allison.

"Klaus-" Diego warningly called. "Don't."

"Do you remember us?" Vanya interrupted. "Please say you do. Please say that you remember that you and I were- are best friends."

"And me," Allison added. "We were the best of friends, I'm sorry that I hurt you. But we need you back, please remember us."

"It's been six years, Lu-" Diego held Spinebreaker's shoulders. "I have a shitty way of showing it, but I love you. Please remember that I'm your brother."

"Remember that I'm your sibling, Luther." Klaus stood on their knees in front of Spinebreaker. "Journey to The Space? True Planet?"

"Please remember that I'm your twin-" Five pecked Spinebreaker's knuckles. Spinebreaker looked down to see Five clearly, softening himself. "Whose side are you on?"

"Luther is on the Hargreeves' side."

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