Conor and Abeke - Christmas Special (Part Two)

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Shane was alive and everyone knew that. Even Conor knew that and he wasn't all too sure what to feel about that. What would he do now when Abeke asks him to help and cook something for Shane?

Part two to the Shane and Abeke Christmas special, only it's Conor and Abeke this time!


'There he is.'

The doors opened and there I saw Abeke, walking in with another guy, the same guy I just saw a few minutes ago right outside the door. It was Shane alright, looking exhausted but pretty much alive. His arm was around Abeke's neck, leaning into her for support as she helped him walk. 'What made the guy so exhausted?'

All around me, whispers and mutters started to break. They looked at Shane, some with hostility, but mostly shock and disbelief.

I met Abeke's gaze and she seemed to be asking for some help. I sighed before reluctantly coming over to Shane's other side. Shane glanced at me uncertainly but I took his other arm to help.

"Thanks," he mumbled.

"He needs to rest," Abeke told me.

'I can clearly see that'. "He can use my room," I offered, not knowing why I just did.

"Is that okay?" Abeke asked him but he could only nodded weakly.

The two of us started to help Shane walk through the hallways and towards my room, ignoring the stares the others were giving us. We finally made it towards my room as we set Shane down on my bed as gently as we could. As soon as his head hit the bed, he was already out cold.

"Wow, he really is tired," I commented.

"Yeah," Abeke agreed and we started to walk back to the others, "And thanks for helping."

I shrugged, "Yeah..."

"Well, Shane is really tired and he'll need to get some energy back," Abeke said, "And I can't do this alone so do you mind helping me make some soup?"

I had mixed feelings for the question. I didn't know if I should be glad that she asked me for help or be disappointed that she asked me for help to help Shane.

"I'm...not the best cook," I told her.

"No, it's fine," Abeke said, "I'll do most of the work. I just thought it would be faster with an extra pair of hands."

I then heard what she was trying to say. She needed someone to talk to. I could still tell that she seemed shock about their discovery.

As much as I didn't like Shane much, I sighed then nodded, "Okay."

She smiled softly at me, "Thanks Conor."

"What are friends for?" I managed to croak out, breaking eye contact as I looked down.

Just saying it hurts.

- - -

"How are you so good at this?" I asked, still trying to find that specific ingredient that Abeke asked me.

"I've had helped from my sister," Abeke replied, who was stirring the pot and adding some sort of liquid that I don't know of, "And my mother..."

It grew silent for a few moments. She had told me about her mother a few times but every time she did, she seemed sad. There would be a distant look in her eyes as if she was in another place, seeing another thing. I didn't like seeing her that way.

"Hey," I said, trying to cheer her up, "I bet she's a great cook cause that smell is already making my tummy grumble."

That seemed to have brightened her spirits up a bit. I finally found what I had been looking and gave it to Abeke. I sat down on a stool and watched her to work as she poured it in. She then stopped and let it boil for a while and joined me, sitting on another stool

"Thanks, by the way," Abeke said.

"Thanks? I barely did anything," I exclaimed, "It was mostly you."

"I mean thanks for trying, at least," Abeke said, "You didn't have to help but you did anyways. mustn't be easy for you since Shane isn't really your...favorite person in the world."

'You have no idea'. "No, it's fine," I told her, "I'd help you anytime you need me."

Abeke smiled at me, "I'm quite lucky to have a great friend like you."

I smiled back, "You'd do the same for me."

- - -

"He's asleep," Abeke told me as she quietly closed the door behind her.

"How long would he be staying?" I asked her, not exactly fond of wanting to share the same room with the former Devourer.

She looked at me apologetically, "Sorry but I don't think he'd be strong enough to travel and it wouldn't be the safest to travel at night."

"Right, okay," I mumbled, bracing for a night with Shane.

Abeke seemed to hesitate before speaking, "Well, I do have a spare mattress back in my room that you could use for the night."

I stared at her, not quite believing what she was saying, " want me to sleep in your room?"

Abeke blushed and i'm pretty sure that my cheeks were twice as red, "W-Well, I mean, I figured you wouldn't want to share a room with Shane. Well, Shane wouldn't really want to, I mean, I-I thought you two w-would feel uncomfortable-"

"Abeke," I cut her off, forcing my voice to stay straight, "No, it's fine. I...I can do that."

'I mean, Meilin did stay in my room once', I added to myself.

'That was different', another part of me argued, 'You were sick with that disgusting parasite in your arm!'

'But this is Abeke!'

'What exactly does that mean?'

'Argh, just shut up brain!'

'I'm your con-'


"Uh, Conor?" Abeke jolted me out of my thoughts, "Are you okay?"

"Huh, yeah, just thinking," I reassured her. 'Or more like having a war with my brain.'

'I'm your con-'


"Oh, and one more thing," Abeke said and I looked at her, slightly confused.

Without another word, she leaned in then hugged me tightly, much to my surprise. I then reacted quickly, hugging her back and we stood there, hugging for a few moments. She then pulled away with a smile and I can't help smiling back.

"Merry Christmas, Conor," she said before walking back to where the party was.

I smiled, "Merry Christmas, Abeke."

- - -

I was planning to publish this before Christmas so I could publish the Reilin one ON Christmas. Then when the weekend got busy for me, I planned on publishing this ON Christmas but I had to get SICK!

Anyways, i'll try and get the Reilin one-shot out. Please check out the SA joint account, SpiritAnimalsErdas and help us decide on a vote cover. We're also accepting one more admin!

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