Shane and Abeke - Christmas Special (Part One)

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It's been months since they defeated the Wyrm. It's been months since Shane died. he really dead?

Early Christmas special for ya'll Shanbeke shippers! Another, if Shane didn't die AU. (Just pretend they celebrate Christmas here). And, uh, the Ten Keepers will be here as well.


Knock. Knock.

I dreamed of a woodpecker, knocking its beak into the wood of a tree. I was out in the fields of Nilo, lying down on the dry grass with Uraza stretched up beside me. It was a normal day with clear skies. I sighed, liking the feeling.

Knock. Knock.

I started to feel a cold breeze, making me shiver a bit. I felt confused for the air was usually warm at this time in the year. The breeze began to feel colder.

"Abeke?" I jolted awake, back in my room in Greenhaven. There was no grass, no woodpecker, no Nilo.

"Abeke, are you awake yet?" I recognized Conor's voice, coming from outside the door. 

I sighed, reluctantly got up then opened the door to find Conor with Briggan by his side. They both looked...excited?

"What's the occasion?" I asked, curiously, "You two seem excited."

They exchanged a glance and they both seem to grin, even though Briggan was a wolf.

"Have you forgotten?" Conor exclaimed, "It's Christmas!"

I stared at him for a couple of seconds before realization dawned at me. I looked around towards my bedroom window and gasped. I see snow!

"How could I have forgotten?" I said, mentally face-palming, "I'll go get ready."

"Who's excited now?" Conor said, "The party's at dinner."

"Then i'll go get ready for breakfast," I replied with a grin.

- - -

I walked through the hallways towards the cafeteria with Uraza by my side. I met Conor by the entrance and together, we entered the cafeteria. As I made my way to get the food, I saw two familiar Greencloaks.

"Oh, it's here," John exclaimed, grinning excitedly.

A messenger walked up to them and handed them what looked like a box. John thanked the messenger then opened the box while Eilene looked over his shoulder.

"No way, you actually bought it," Eilene said.

John grinned at her mischievously, "This'll be interesting."

She just shook her head in disbelief.

"I wonder what he's up to, again," Conor, who had also seen it, mumbled.

I sighed, "We'll find out soon enough."

- - -

The rest of the day seemed to go by slowly. I spent the day, training with Conor, Rollan, and Meilin in the training room. After lunch, I began helping with the decorations as well as getting my Christmas presents ready.

It was almost time for the party and I was getting excited. Just then, Conor burst into the room, his face filled with shock.

"Conor, are you alright?" I asked, rushing towards him, "What happened?"

Conor cleared his throat, "Um, I think it's best you go look for yourself. He's outside the entrance..."

I gave him a confused look before deciding to walk out and see it for myself. As I approached the entrance, I saw Lenori and a couple of Greencloaks who seemed to be talking to someone. Lenori turned around and her eyes were filled with shock, just like Conor's.

"What happened here?" I asked them, concerned, confused, and nervous to what I was about to find.

"It appears...that you have a...visitor," Lenori said, seemingly to choose her words carefully.

I shot her another confused glance before I started to walk once more. I could hear what sounded like a commotion coming from outside.

"I need to see her," a really familiar voice made me stop in my tracks.

Was that...? No, it couldn't be...

I quickened my pace and I could hear the voices more clearer as I approached. I finally stepped outside the entrance and stopped in my tracks. The voices faded as they realized I was there. My eyes met those unusual, crocodile-like eyes.

I almost forgot how to breath. I couldn't move a single muscle. My brain was still processing what I was seeing. This...this couldn't...this is...impossible...

I didn't seem to hear the voices all around me. I didn't seem to hear Uraza growl beside me. But I did hear one voice. His voice.

"Abeke..." he whispered.

My my throat felt dry. I didn't know what to say. I didn't even know if I was really seeing him or if my eyes were just playing tricks on me.

I finally croaked out, "'re..."

He then cracked a smile. Pained and small smile, "I'm alive. It's hard to believe it myself but it really is me."

I didn't remember stumbling towards him. I didn't remember tears spilling down my cheeks. I only remembered being engulfed my warm hands. I hugged him back so tightly, making sure that he really was there, that he really was...well, real.

I finally pulled away, looking at him for real this time, "But did you...what-"

He let out a chuckle though it sounded hoarse, "I'm shocked myself. Yumaris did this weird ancient healing on me. I was in a coma for so long I couldn't remember. And when I woke up, I had to stay in my room for another few weeks. I tried to find you but...I didn't know if you'd want to find see me..."

"Of course I wanted to see you," I exclaimed, all my feelings of resentment and anger had already died down along time ago, "You don't know how much I missed you."

"Well, that's a relief," he said, his shoulders drooping in relief, "I didn't think that you know-"

"Shane," I interrupted him, smiling, "I've already forgiven you a long time ago. The past stays in the past."

"Yeah, you're right," he nodded.

"You seem tired," I noted, noticing the droop in his stance and the exhaustion in his eyes.

"I traveled all the way from Stetriol, jumping from ship to ship to get here without getting caught," Shane replied.

"Yep, you're tired," I said, then cast a glance at the Greencloaks who were watching, "Well, it is Christmas today and we're having a party. And it would be really rude just to let you leave when you're already here."

The Greencloaks shuffled nervously, unsure whether to trust the former Devourer or not. Shane noticed as well.

"I don't think i'd be welcome," Shane said.

"Of course you would," I exclaimed, "You've help us save Erdas. You died a heroic death...Or well, we thought you died but you're still considered a hero."

Shane hesitated, "I don't have a Christmas present."

I then grabbed his hand, making him look up to me, "Shane, you being alive is the best Christmas gift I could have right now. You being here is even better. The least I could is invite you in."

Shane then cracked a smile, "Thanks."

"No, thank you," I smiled back, "Thank you for the Christmas gift."

- - -

Christmas is near! Just three more days! Here's your Shanbeke Christmas special. Up next is Conbeke, i'm not sure about the Tarishay/Larik one but we're ending it once again with Reilin!

Guys, please check out the Spirit Animals joint account SpiritAnimalsErdas and help us decide on a cover for our upcoming Spirit Animals fan fiction.

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