Conor and Abeke - I Miss You (Part Two)

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Conor and Abeke get ready to part ways. Just when they were about to, Abeke hesitates and wonders if she would ever see her sweet, kind friend that she had always known, especially now with the Wyrm slowly taking him away. After defeating the Wyrm, Abeke longs to see Conor once more, not being able to bear to lose another friend.


Takes place at the beginning of "Immortal Guardians" where they part ways and at the end of "Burning Tide" where they meet again.

- - -

The four friends had walked out the huge gates of Greenhaven and were slowly making their way towards the docks where Tellun's Pride II waited for them. Abeke stopped and faced Conor, the worry reflecting in his eyes.

Abeke took a deep breath, "Conor, promise me one thing and one thing only."

Conor hesitated, knowing where this is going, "Abeke-"

"Please," Abeke pleaded, "Just promise me that no matter what, you're going to try your hardest and fight it. You have to fight it, Conor."

"I-I don't know-" Conor started hesitantly.

"Conor," Abeke interrupted, looking right at him, "I don't want to lose you."

Conor sucked in a breath, hesitated then finally nodded, "I'll...i'll try."

"Don't try," Abeke said, "Do it...just make sure you stay alive."

"I can promise you that i'll stay alive," Conor told her gravely, "but i'm not sure if I can promise you that I can fight it."

Abeke sighed, desperately wishing to see the old Conor, the sweet, kind, and honest boy she used to know. As if reading her thoughts, he gave her a small but warm smile, the smile that showed the only thing left of the old Conor she knew. Without a second thought, she quickly hugged Conor tightly which he hugged her back.

"Don't worry about me," Conor reassured her, "Worry about your journey instead. We'll see each other later, right?"

"Right," Abeke smiled, "See you later."

- - -

As soon as the land was spotted, she had almost been prepared to jump off the ship and swim for the land. The memory of Shane's death was still fresh in her mind. She had lost Shane to the Wyrm and she didn't want to lose more of her friends, mostly Conor since he was infected. As soon as the ship had docked, she had almost jumped off onto the docks and she rapidly searched for their familiar faces.

"Meilin," she exclaimed, her face brightening, "Conor!"

She quickly ran towards him and had knocked him into a hug. She felt Conor stiffen and hesitate before hugging her back.

"I'm so glad you're alive," Abeke said.

"I told you I would, remember?" Conor's voice sounded broken.

She pulled away to actually take a look at him. Like those who were infected, there was a scar where the parasite was. His face looked exhausted and she could still see how shaken he was. He looked down, not being able to meet her eyes but she caught a glimpse of shame in his eyes.

"Conor?" Abeke asked, worriedly.

"I'm sorry," Conor told her weakly, "I didn't try hard enough. I didn't try hard enough to fight the Wyrm and I almost killed the others."

"Conor," Abeke tried to interrupt but he went on.

"Did you know what I did?" Conor said, his voice so broken and filled with shame, "I gathered an army of the Many and actually helped the Wyrm. The others almost died and barely managed to ring the bell. I almost killed them."

"Conor, it wasn't your fault, it was the Wyrm's fault," Abeke told him, "but right now, I don't care about that. The only thing I care about right now is seeing you alive."

Conor sighed, "Sometimes, I wonder how I deserved a friend like you."

"Really?" Abeke exclaimed, "because I sometimes wonder the same thing, only the other way around of course. I mean, you're the only one who trusted me when I had just joined the Greenloaks."

Conor gave her the same warm smile before they separated, only a bit more hesitant. Abeke returned the smile, "Conor, you will always be my friend, no matter what you do because I know the real you, Conor. And that real Conor is my friend who has a good heart."

"Well then, i'm glad to have such an equally kind friend as you."

- - -

I know there's not much Conbeke here and not a single Shanbeke. Though I already have another one-shot in mind and it will have both Conbeke and Shanbeke (though it's mostly Shanbeke).

Please vote and leave a comment on what you guys think. Stay tuned for the next one-shot! (If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments).

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