Rollan and Meilin - I Miss You (Part One)

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Rollan and Meilin prepare to part ways as Meilin goes underground while Rollan tries to find the other Great Beasts. They say their last words to each other before going their separate ways. After they have defeated the Wyrm, they meet again. What would they say?

Happens in "Immortal Guardians" before they separate and in "Burning Tide" when they meet again. It's going to be a two part story, first part about Reilin and second about Conbeke and a bit of Shanbeke.

- - -

The four friends slowly walked out the gates of Greenhaven and walked towards the docks where Tellun's Pride II was waiting. Abeke and Conor started having a small conversation, leaving Rollan and Meilin out.

Rollan was the first to break the silence, "You'll...You'll be okay?"

Meilin gave him a weak smile, "You know i'll always be. Will you be okay?"

Rollan looked at her right in the eyes and he could actually see genuine worry in her eyes, something he rarely sees from her.

He gave her a reassuring smile, "Of course i'll be okay. If you're doing okay, i'll be doing great. Just...stay safe, yeah?"

"Don't worry about us," Meilin said, "We can take care of an old door. You're the one who needs to stay safe...from Zerif of course."

"We'll be fine," Rollan told her.

"Hey lovebirds," Abeke called to them, "We need to go."

Rollan glanced at Meilin and hesitated, "See you later?"

Meilin smiled, "See you later."

As they part ways, what they didn't expect that later meant a long time.

- - -

After they've defeated the Wyrm

Rollan leaned on the railings of Tellun's Pride II as it sailed towards Eura. Towards Conor and...

Meilin, he thought.

He had been worrying about what had happened to Conor and was really relieved when he heard that he was fine. But he was mostly worried about Meilin, especially what would happen when they meet again.

What would I say? What would I do? What would she do?

"Hey," he turned around to see Abeke walking towards him, a reassuring smile on her face, "You worried?"

"I guess," Rollan mumbled, looking back into the sea.

"They'll be fine," Abeke reassured him.

"That's not what i'm worried about," Rollan told her.

Abeke rolled her eyes, "Don't worry, she misses you too."

"How would you know that?" Rollan asked.

"Because it's obvious you miss her too," Abeke answered, "And if you do, then she would too. I mean, come on it's so obvious."

"What's so obvious?" Rollan asked, confused.

Abeke let out an exaggerated sigh, "Your feelings for each other, duh."

"W-What? F-Feelings?" Rollan squeaked, his face turning red, "How would you know that she felt the same?"

Abeke just shook her head and mumbled, "You two are so oblivious."

- - -

The ship had finally docked and Rollan was so nervous that his palms were getting sweaty. He was that nervous in seeing his friends again. Mostly seeing Meilin again. Abeke was the first to run out the ship with Rollan following nervously behind. Abeke looked around, trying to spot the two when her eyes finally widened.

"Meilin," Abeke exclaimed, then immediately rushed forward, "Conor!"

Rollan's eyes snapped towards where Abeke rushed off to. She had immediately knocked into Conor who hesitantly hugged her back. Rollan kept his eyes down as he slowly made his way towards Meilin. She too had slowly walked towards him and they stopped a few feet away from each other. Awkwardness filled the air between them, neither knowing what to do next.

"Er, hey," Meilin broke the silence.

"Hey..." Rollan's voice trailed off, not knowing how to continue.

"Glad you're still alive," Meilin then started to ramble on about nonsense, "I mean, of course you're going to be alive. I mean, you're right here so you're fine and stuff. I mean, both you and Abeke are fine-"

The next thing that happened took both of them by surprise when Jhi, who was standing right behind her, pushed Meilin into Rollan. Meilin quickly grabbed on to him to regain balance while Rollan grabbed on to her to keep her from falling. It took them a couple of seconds to realize what had happened but neither pulled away. Rollan looked down only to find their faces inches away from each others. 

Rollan hesitated before suddenly wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a tight hug. Meilin reacted quickly as she hugged him back, neither pulling away as they found comfort with each other.

"I missed you," Rollan finally told her but his voice was so quiet that he doubt that she had heard him.

So he was surprised to hear a reply, "I missed you too."

Rollan felt his mouth curve upwards into a smile as they continued to hug.

- - -

Meilin was at the top of the fortress of Greenhaven as she sat at the ledge, looking up at the stars. It was very early in the morning as she waited for the sun to rise. She took a deep breath and sighed, finally feeling relaxed that she could once again see the stars. It had been 3 months since they have defeated the Wyrm. Abeke had gone off to find her Spirit Animal, Uraza, again. Though they offered to go with her, she insisted in going alone.

She turned to hear footsteps approaching and she saw Rollan walking towards her with a small smile, "May I ask what you're doing here this early in the morning?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Meilin replied but failed to hide her smile.

"I saw you go out," Rollan told her, settling himself beside her, "So, out of curiosity, I followed you out. So your reason?"

Meilin shrugged, "Woke up early and decided to come here."

They sat there in comfortable silence as they watched the sun rise in front of them. Rollan let out a tiny chuckle, "It's amazing how much we've been through together."

Meilin let out a smile, "It's amazing that we're still alive after all of that."

Rollan glanced at her, his eyes filled with content and something Meilin has never seen from him before, "Well, i'm glad it all happened. Do you know why?"

"Why?" She asked curiously.

Then Rollan leaned closer and whispered, "Because i'm glad that I got stuck with this team. And i'm especially lucky to have known you."

Meilin looked down, trying to hide her blush as she spoke, "And why is that?"

Rollan placed a finger on her chin and gently pushed it up so that their eyes met, "Because no matter where we are in Erdas, whatever happens between us, no matter how big or small, nothing is going to change the way I feel about you."

Just then, Meilin had leaned forward and their lips instantly met, filled with much more passion and much longer than the last one they had. They pulled away and she smiled at him as he returned it.

"Don't worry, because nothing is going to change the way I feel about you too," then she added playfully, "No matter how annoying you can be."

"You wound me," Rollan said with mock sadness, placing a hand over his heart.

"Well, let me heal that," Meilin smirked before leaning in once again.

- - -

I'm a huge Reilin shipper, yes i'm admitting it (though you may have already guessed that). Stay tuned for part two for those Conbeke shippers and maybe a bit of Shanbeke as well. Please vote and leave a comment on what you guys think. Here's part two incoming!

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