Interview: Riley And Ivan

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Location: Inside Olvan's huge meeting room

Time: After book three (using the alternative ending)

Interviewer - Underlined

Ten Keepers - Italics

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Griffin: *sighs in a bored tone* So we're currently using Olvan's room to interview Riley and Ivan.

Ivan: Why us two specifically?

Griffin: Because we're doing it by ships.

Riley: Wait, what?!

Griffin: Aaaaaaaaaaanyways. Let's start. First question is for Ivan. Why do you hate ships so much?

Ivan: Not just ships! I hate any transportation travelling through the sea. I hate the sea itself! I mean, do you know how many times we almost died from ship battles? Plus, i'm getting sick of riding them, not just sea-sickness. That and I had the most unpleasant memories there like turning into one of those *shudders* creatures.


Griffin: That's tough. Okay so next question is for Riley. How do you feel about Ivan killing your father?

Riley: *expression turns dark and depressed* Terrible! I'm completely torn! My father died because Ivan killed him! But then again, I couldn't blame Ivan when it was really the Wyrm's doing. Then again, he...gave up...

Ivan: *feeling guilty* Riley, i'm really, really sorry. I didn't want to- I didn't mean to- i'm so sorry...

Riley: *takes a shaky breath* Just...don't mention it...


Griffin: Okay, so that's a touchy subject... Next question is directed to both of you. Why did you pick those names for your Spirit Animal?

Ivan: Cause I can't think of a name for Navi so it was my name spelled backwards. Anyways, I thought it was pretty cool.

Riley: I named my fox after my mother...Nadaline...

Griffin: Interesting. Next question is for both of you. What do you think of the other? To be more specific, do you like each other?

Griffin: Hmm... I don't remember writing this one... meh.

Riley and Ivan: *blushes slightly* um.

Griffin: Boys always makes the first move so, go Ivan.

Ivan: *glares at Griffin* Okay...maybe I sort of maybe do like her a bit...?

Griffin: *looks unconvinced*

Ivan: *snaps* Fine! I like her! I think she's... nice and quiet and-

Griffin: *teases* Cute?

Ivan: *doesn't realize* yeah, cute... Wait, what?!

Riley: *blushes* Um... I kinda also like you too... I think I find it cute that you hate ships.

Griffin: Eek. Okay, enough with these confessions. Next question is for you guys again. What do you think of the Ten Keepers, starting with Zoey?

Ivan: She's fine. Has a bit of her brother's personality.

Riley: She's a great friend. She clearly didn't give up...most of the time anyways.

Griffin: What do you think of Irene.

Ivan: Er, there may have been a time where I kinda liked her? She's cool though and we're just friends.

Riley: She's funny in her own way and is one of my closest friends.

Ivan: Cause you're both from Zhong?

Riley: Not just that. She's friendly. It's nice to know that you're not the only one whose country's are getting conquered by Conquerors.

Griffin: Okay, how about Jef?

Ivan: He may be quite annoying and reckless but he's my cousin and my best friend. We've basically done almost everything together.

Riley: I agree with Ivan on him being a bit reckless. But he's fun to be with.

Griffin: Okay, Zoron?

Ivan: I think he's cool. He's a good friend but I hadn't exactly forgiven him for almost ramming the ship into other Conqueror ships back in the Hundred Isles.

Riley: *Rolls her eyes* Of course. Anyways, he's nice and kind but he's too busy hanging out with her girlfriend. He's trustworthy enough.

Griffin: *looks at the camera* Hear that, Zoron?

Griffin: Moving on, what do you think of Hope?

Ivan: She's really kind and hopeful. See what I did there?

Riley: She's a really kind person with a good heart. She cares a lot about her parents and has a lot of hope.

Ivan: Hence the name Hope. I guess that's why she named her Spirit Animal, Faith.

Griffin: Now how about George?

Ivan: He's a great guy! Another close friend! He's really really friendly and is easy to talk to!

Riley: I agree. I've grown much closer to him and John after the war. He's like a brother to me.

Griffin: So what do you think of Eilene?

Ivan: At first, when we met her aunt, I kinda felt sorry for her but when she betrayed us, it's quite hard to forgive her, especially since we had to work with her.

Ivan: But I guess I understand how that feels, knowing I kinda did the same thing with becoming infected.

Riley: I...never really liked Eilene from the start, actually. Even till now, we're somewhere between acquaintances and friends. We don't talk much, you could say.

Griffin: Last one. What do you think of John?

Ivan: He's cool just like his brother. May be rude at times but he's kinda funny when you get to know him.

Riley: *blushes slightly* I used to have a small crush on him when we first met but when we started talking, we ended up becoming super close friends. I'm just wondering how he's super close with Eilene.

Ivan: You call them super close when they argue 24/7?!

Griffin: Okay! Now here's the final question. What do you think of the Four Heroes of Erdas, starting with Abeke?

Ivan: I like her archery skills. Being from Nilo, we're quite proud of her and admired Abeke.

Riley: I've talked to her a couple of times and she seemed friendly.

Ivan: Now I haven't talked much to Conor but he seems nice too. And from the stories i've heard, I admire him. And when he got infected, that's something we both shared so I know that what he's going through must be tough.

Riley: From how he turned from shy to the leader. And his bravery and his willingness to save Erdas, even when he got infected.

Ivan: Meilin is...scary. That's all I could say.

Riley: She can be scary but I admire her fighting skills. Being from Zhong, I kind of looked up to her.

Ivan: Now Rollan is really cool and really funny. I've talked to him a couple of times.

Riley: Yeah, he's cool.

Griffin: Okay guys! Thanks for the answers! Coming up next is Zoey and Jef!

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