Interview - The Ten Keepers

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Location: Inside Olvan's huge meeting room

Time: After book three (using the alternative ending)

Interviewer - Underlined

Ten Keepers - Italics

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Griffin: I'm here again for another interview but this time *sighs sadly* i'm interviewing all of the Keepers. They are all currently inside Olvan's meeting room.

Jef: Thanks for the introduction.

Griffin: First question. Team Rollan or Team Meilin?

John: What kind of question is that? Of course team Rollan!

George: I agree! He's friendly and funny

Jef: Same!

Ivan: Same!

Zoey: Yeah, me too.

Jef: You just ruined the chain!

Zoey: And I just don't care!

Irene: I'm on team Meilin.

Riley: Same here. I admire her a lot and she's from Zhong.

John: So?

Hope: I'd have to say team Rollan.

Zoron: I'd choose Rollan than Meilin. Just because...

George: Because Hope chose Rollan?

Zoron: No! Cause he's from Amaya! And he's funny.

Eilene: As much as she annoys me, i'd have to go for Team Meilin.

John: I don't get it. Why would you pick Meilin when she annoys you and Rollan hasn't?

Eilene: She doesn't intentionally annoy me but in a fight, i'm betting my money on her.

John: Rollan can be, er, good at fighting...

Riley: Riiight.

John: He is! In a way...

Zoron: Convincing.

John: Oh shut up.

Griffin: *yawns* Alright, that was boring. Next is Team Shanbeke or Team Conbeke?


Ivan: I HIGH FIVE YOU, BROTHER *high fives Jef*

Zoey: I say, single-lady for life! Girl power! Yeah!

Jef and Ivan: . . .

Hope: I don't know Shane much but with the pain Abeke and Conor are dealing with, this is a good time for Conbeke happening

Zoron: I agree.

John: Pffft! Of course you do!

Irene: I'm with Zoey. Single-ladies! *high fives Zoey*

Riley: Er...I dunno...they're both fine, I guess? I mean, Shane's dead so Conbeke maybe?

George: Yeah, Shane's dead. Plus, i'd rather ship Abeke with a loyal person than a offense to Eilene or anyone...

Jef: Oh, but it's okay to ship your BROTHER with the traitor? U-Uh, I-I mean I don't-

Eilene: So it's THE traitor now, huh?

John: Eilene, you're, um. Well, uh, how can I say this without lying and still make you feel better?

Eilene: I'm fine with lies. Quite used to them in fact.

John: Okay *shoots a glare at Jef* I ship Shanbeke. Like seriously, Shane heroically saving Abeke just for forgiveness, even after the whole betrayal?

Eilene: I agree. I had worked with Shane before and he seemed determined to make things right, regretful and a bit ashamed. Just right after the war, he seemed pretty useless when he was accompanying me to Eura. Always complaining and pouring his feelings and regrets and whatnots-

John: And you have no sympathy?

Eilene: Of course I do! But i'm no psychiatrist!

Griffin: Okaaaay, let's jump to the next one! Who cracks the best jokes?

Zoey: I wouldn't exactly call it the best but maybe Jef?

Riley: Er, i'd have to say either John or Ivan...

Ivan: *glares at John* I crack better jokes than John.

John: *scoffs* Really now? You can't even think of a name for your leopard other than Navi!

Riley: Um, boys-

Ivan: I bet you're jokes are so Rusty, you think your own wolf is!

Riley: Boys-

John: At least I have more knowledge to crack up better jokes.

Riley: Boys-

Ivan: I'll crack jokes bigger than your butt crack!

Eilene: I don't crack the best jokes but I sure WILL crack both of your heads if you don't shut up this instant!

John and Ivan: *clamps mouths shut but glares at each other*

Riley: Please teach me how to do that! They've been arguing ever since!

Eilene: *sighs* Really John? You're not much different than Ivan so cut it out and stop blaming him!

John: He gave up and killed Riley's father-

Eilene: You almost choked your brother to death and almost killed us! I betrayed you all! Zoron almost crashed the ship into the rocks!

Zoron: I did not!

Eilene: We all made mistakes so GET OVER IT!

Griffin: Um...I feel really awkward. *clears throat* Hm, favorite color?

Jef: Easy! Yellow.

Ivan: Orange is WAY better!

Jef: No it's not! Yellow is!

Irene: I love green because of the bamboo forest and stuff.

Riley: Orangish-yellowish like the sunset.

Zoey: Purple!

Hope: Darkish blue or turquoise

George: Sea greenish or turquoise

Zoron: Blue

John: Same here!

Eilene: Red...

Griffin: Well, isn't that short. This is more interesting. Confess your love-life.

John: *gulps*

Ivan: *shifts uneasily*

George: Uh oh...

Jef: Why don't we started with the first couple on board? The cheesiest couple, aka, Zoron and Hope!

Zoron: Girls first!

Hope: Right, so I choose to go second!

Zoron: U-Um, w-well, uh. I've... had a few crushes before in our small village. But it's a small village...

John: How interesting.

Zoron: I'm not done. But after meeting Hope-

Eilene: Here it comes.

Zoron: -Something clicked. Not exactly like I felt when I had a crush, you could say a stronger-

George: Attraction?

Zoron: Okay fine! Hope's next.

Hope: The boys in my village are not as kind as Zoron. Not as mature as Zoron. Zoron's also not as annoying as John, which is quite a relief-

John: Excuse me? I take offense for that!

Hope: Sure, George is friendly but you're not exactly my type...

George: Ditto

Hope: And i'm done.

Griffin: You guys get to choose who to go next.

Hope: Oh! Then Ivan.

Ivan: Oh why?!

Zoron: Cause she said so.

Ivan: Um, I never paid attention to this whole love life before. It's always play time with Jef.

Jef: Yes!

Ivan: But after the war...after working together for a while, I guess my actual real crush first developed on...

Eilene: *sarcasm* Oh please, the suspense is all killing us.

Ivan: Riley. I like...Riley.

John: *glares at him suspiciously* Then why give up?

Ivan: I just... *lowers head* I'm sorry, alright?

Riley: Hey, past is past. You weren't in control. It's best we leave it behind.

Ivan: I'm still sorry...

Riley: I know you wouldn't have done that if you weren't infected.

Griffin: Since these two need a moment, let's go to Zoey.

Zoey: I have the most boring love life.

Jef: Actually, I do.

Zoey: Nope, it's more me.

Jef: I have a boring love life!

Zoey: Yeah, and mine's more boring!

George: Can you just answer already?

Zoey: Okay, I MAY have had a tiny crush on George before.

Everyone: *shocked silence*

Zoey: Then maybe a TINY one on Jef.

Everyone: *another shocked silence*

Zoey: But I dismissed it as friendship and i'm going single lady forever! One-F Jef, your up!

Jef: Sounds catchy. Okay, it was a really TINY crush on Zoey but we both dismissed it as friendship! Now let's go to Irene!

Irene: *groans* You may have known that I used to have a crush on Zoron but not anymore.

John: Well duh.

Irene: George was friendly but not my type.

George: Ditto.

Irene: John is very annoying.

John: Feeling the love here.

Irene: And Ivan and Jef are just no.

Eilene: So you like a certain dreamer boy.

Irene: It's a CRUSH!

Hope: And crush turns into like.

Irene: We've been busy so maybe not.

Eilene and John: *exchanges a glance*

John: I can get Ger-

Eilene: Ahem.

John: Ugh fine. Father, to get him to come here.

Irene: Oh no, that's not-

George: Bring in the messenger pigeon!

Irene: Oh never mind. George, you're next.

George: I'm gonna be straight forward and say that I like Haley.

John: It was pretty obvious.

George: I like Eilene but not in that way.

Eilene: Ditto.

George: Hey, you copied me!

Eilene: If you say that, then I could say you've copied using the word 'like'.

George: Fine! John, you're next.

John: Why me? Why not her?

George: Cause I chose you, Pikachu!

Everyone: Wut?

George: Um, dunno where that came from...

John: Okay, i've had a couple of crushes before but really, it's mostly like they had a crush on me.

George: *chokes from laughter*

John: Brother dear, it's okay to feel jealous.

George: Am not!

John: But I just realized... RILEY HASN'T GONE!

George: Oh yeah!

Riley: NOOO WHY?!



George: Sorry Riley.


Eilene: Dang, someone stole my title.

Riley: *sighs* I've had a few crushes but I used to like John.

Ivan: I don't get what you girls see in him.

John: Excuse me?

Jef: Guys, just chill.

Riley: But we talked and we knew we were better of as friends. I started to like Ivan, especially that time when we he stopped me from falling off the wall when climbing Shai Lu Man. I also find it cute how he hates ship rides.

Ivan: Oh, u-um, wow, uh.

John: Cat got your tongue?

Riley: John, you're next.

John: But- dang it. Um, I did like Riley before and I had planned on talking to her more but a certain girl kept on annoying me.

Eilene: Says the guy who tried to convince said girl to choose a sword rather than a staff.

John: Who said I was talking about you?

Eilene: Who said that said girl was me?

John: See? Annoying!

Eilene: Oh son of lord Gaundor, it's okay to feel jealous.

George: *high fives Eilene* Yeah she got my back.

John: George, you betrayed me!

Eilene: George, stop stealing my title.

George: *sighs* I'll just stay quiet.

John: But like Riley said, we were better of as friends. At that time, Eilene kind of just, I don't know, crawled her way into my heart?

Eilene: *gasps in exaggeration* Zoron, what did you do to him?!

John: Since you're last, you may as well begin.

Eilene: Honestly, I never knew that... that dislike would turn into like. You could say that John had grown on me.

John: *surprises her by putting an arm around her* It's okay to feel this way.

Eilene: *rolls eyes and playfully pushes him away*

Griffin: You two seem really comfortable with this.

John: It lessens the drama.

Eilene: That's exactly what I said!

Griffin: So is Zoron and Hope the only ones together?

Hope: I don't know about those two *gestures at John and Eilene* They keep dodging the question.

John: Fine then. Eilene, you and me, later at Major?

Everyone: *shocked silence*

Eilene: *smirks* Sure.

Jef: What's Major?

John: It's called a code.

Zoey: Did John just asked Eilene out?

George: Where is Major?!

Zoey: No idea.

Griffin: Well then, does it mean you're going out now?

Eilene: Well duh. The interview is finishing, isn't it?

Griffin: I'm just gonna end it here before you dodge anymore of my attempts...

John: Smart choice.

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You guys have any more questions for the Keepers? Comment down below!

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